Sunday, October 8, 2023

A Reminder of a Link between a Priest Abuser and a Priest in the Arch. of Washington


The #199 episode of The Angry Catholic (the wheat and the tares / AID – the crime committed against the faith / the fix is not in)speaks to a story about a seminarian who was abused by a priest, and how little was done with about a priest in NJ who abused seminarians.  This priest has a link to a priest here in the Archdiocese of Washington, which I had forgotten about.  

You can listen to it here.  It begins at the 29 minute mark.

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Child sex abuse lawsuit filed against Archdiocese


The Archdiocese of Washington is facing a class action lawsuit, now that a new Maryland law has eliminated statutes of limitations on civil claims.

By lifting the statute of limitation, sexual abuse victims can come forward years after an incident occurred. Three anonymous victims say they have suffered physical, emotional and financial harm as a result of child sexual abuse.

Attorney Jonathan Schochor is representing the three victims.

To read the entire article, please go to WMAL.