Thursday, November 6, 2008

Will You Take Pride in Your Vote?

Well, the election is over and the transition begins. So, I would like to pen a couple of thoughts...

The Deacon's Bench talks about the Catholic vote and includes comments from Fr. Thomas Reese, SJ and Fr. Andrew Greeley. Both explained that most Catholics did not listen to their bishops and voted for Obama. Hispanic Catholics, whom Archbishop Wuerl and many others, pin their hopes of the future of the Church on, voted overwhelmingly for Obama. (I hope that this is a wake-up for him.)

So to those who voted for Obama, especially those who work in Catholic chancelleries, rectories, hospitals, schools, etc., when FOCA is passed, will you claim that you had no idea?

Will you take pride in your vote?

Will you say "so what" it does not apply to me because I do not work in that field?

So, will you be proud of your vote?

When there is no exemption for those who refuse to perform abortions because of their faith, will you say, "That's their choice, she/he shouldn't have gone into that profession."

Will you still be proud of your vote?

When Catholic hospitals and other institutions are forced to either perform abortions or pay for it as part of medical benefits or to shut down, will you advocate the selling out of our faith to keep it open?

Will you still be proud of your vote?

When taxes are increased, and used to pay for larger and ineffective social programs, will our Church leaders (bishops, priests, and religious) call upon us to look at it as good and necessary, and then still call upon us to increase our giving to Church charities, such as the CCHD?

Will you still be proud of your vote?

When our Catholic parents cannot afford to send their children to public schools because of higher taxes, and our Catholic schools are forced to close...

Will you take pride in your vote?

When our children are taught that gay marriage is okay and that any parent who protests to that fact are labeled bigots and homophobes and may even face arrest for interference...

Will you take pride in your vote?

When the money is not there, will you tells us, that we should pay higher taxes because it is "patriotic" and still ask us to tithe? (Remember, taxes will be raised only on those who make $250,000 or more. Or is that $200,000? Or is that $150,000? Or is it $42,000?)

Will you take pride in your vote?

When Catholic politicians continue to promote pro-abortion and anti-true marriage initiatives, will you say, we need to sit and talk with them. And after you have talked and they still continue on their merry way, will you put your foot down and refuse them the sacraments or will you follow the Cardinal McCarrick model?

Will you still take pride in your vote?

When gay marriage laws are passed, and there is nothing that we can do to save "true marriage" what will you say? Will you just shrug your shoulders and say we should give in?

Will you take pride in your vote?

For those Catholic priests and religious who have voted for Obama, what will you say when FOCA is passed, and other assaults on the faith take place? Will you just say that we should become more like the Episcopalians, and water down our faith, till the point that our faith changes based on the latest whim in society?

Will you take pride in your vote?

What will we all say when we face the Lord and he asks what did we choose: Did we choose life or did we choose death?

Will you still be as proud of it as you were on November 4, 2008?


Mr Flapatap said...

Great write-up. I think you meant to say "private" in the line quoted below:

When our Catholic parents cannot afford to send their children to public schools because of higher taxes, and our Catholic schools are forced to close...

Anonymous said...


I don't see how those Catholics for Obama can act surprised when all these things come to pass.

Change, change, change.
Oh, we're going to get change alright.

Anonymous said...

Well said. We must not despair. The Lord is with us, even in the most difficult times.

Anonymous said...

On the other hand...

Catholics who voted for Obama are also interested in a more healthy economy, a more diplomacy-based foreign policy, a more health-care focused domestic policy, a chief executive with high intellect, breaking down racial division, etc. And, I believe Obama offers more potential for furthering progress in these areas than McCain would have.

In the 35 years since Roe v. Wade was handed down, no president, liberal OR conservative has had any measurable influence on abortion policy. What makes anyone think that Obama will be any more influential? Ironic, that the conservatives who feel he is so unqualified to be president suddenly worry he's going to affect watershed abortion policy.

We must, as Catholics, continue to fight (and defeat) liberal abortion policy at every turn, but we must also ensure good governance in all aspects of our society.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and yes, I AM proud of my vote for Obama.


Sorry there Anon...but I don't think anyone wants an unhealthy economy. Second, I believe that there is a time for diplomacy and then a time for action.

Diplomacy w/o the willingness to take action, is similiar to a saying I heard recently: "A vision without putting it into action, is just a hallucination."

High intellect? Such a nice backhanded swipe at President Bush. Probably in 40 or 50 years, Bush will be seen as someone who did the right thing. Yes, he is not the greatest of speakers but that does not make him dumb. I know of a number of very intelligent folks (and you probably do to) that have poor social manners, can barely dress themselves or have the hygene of a pig. Yet, that does not make them stupid.

Having watch President Bush, I believe as others do, believe that he is dyslexic. He has worked hard to overcome it and pretty much has but is not quite there.

Oh, and all of those "dumb" things he says, I think Joe Biden makes him look like an amateur in that area.

Racial divide. Again, the biggest race baiters are the members of the Democratic Party. Disagree w/ the all mighty, all knowing Barack, get labeled a racist. If it look like you might be behind in the polls, then throw out a back-handed racist charge, like John Lewis. Name the first African-American as Sec. of State. Nope, not good enough. Name the first African American woman as Sec. of State. Nope still not good enough. Why? Simply because they don't believe in the victimization that is perpetuated by the Democratic Party. And that is just the tip of the iceberg and deep down you know it.

Tell me, how many African-Americans voted for Barack Obama because he was of the same skin color? That question was not asked by any major media outlet. Maybe because they knew the answer already. I like to think of it as white liberal guilt.

Many years ago, I remember the election of David Dinkins as the Mayor of New York City. Many African Americans, when asked why they were voting for him, the answer was not that he was the smartest, the most political savy, a unifyer. Nope, it was bacause it was time for an African American to be the mayor.

Finally, to finish up, the issue really is: Is it my role as an individual to help those less fortunate, or as a co-worker (a good liberal) said to me once upon seeing a homeless person "I wish someone would do something to help her."

I turned to her and said, "It is you and I."

She looked and me and replied "Well, I really meant someone in the government."

That says it it all...

Anonymous said...

It's taken 30+ years to even get a glimmer of Nixon's contributions(and there were some) through an objective lens; it will take at least that long to understand the positive contributions of a president who leaves office with the lowest approval ratings ever.

There is no excuse for starting a war on false pretenses; there is no excuse for having the best healthcare technology in the world out of reach of so many of it's own citizens; and no excuse for the dismal diplomatic reputation we now have througout the world.

I believe we are called, as Catholics, to exert influence on the newly elected leaders (at ALL levels) to affect policies that preserve life, establish peace and ensure personal liberty for all citizens.

Your answer, "It's you and I" is right on (um, but 'me' not 'I') but it applies to government as well, that's where your friend got it wrong.


I think that the jury will be out for many years on whether the war was started on false pretenses or not. That will only take place after many years, when the National Archives releases the papers of the various participants.

Approval ratings are just a snapshot in time. Truman was very much disliked when he left but look at him today -- highly regarded.

Dismal diplomatic standing is really a matter of opinion. Why? It does not matter who is the President. 1. We must do what is in our best interest first and formost. Then, we can look at how it affects others. 2. Many of these same countries who "dislike" us, are the same countries who are more than willing to accept our foreign aid. If they really disliked us as much as they say they do, then reject it. When there is a disaster and we send them help, they are more than willing to accept it. They can say they hate us all they want, but the hand is always out. 3. Even when they say they love us, they are more than willing to go against us in the UN and in other international organizations.

Whether they like us or not, really doesn't matter. Many nations are as fickle as public opinion.