Friday, May 20, 2022

A HUGE Ordination Class for 2022

This year, for the first time in many, many years, the ordination class will be HUGE.  I cannot remember the last time it was this large.

A total of ten (10) will be ordained on June 18th.  They are:

Deacon Gerald Andrews

Deacon Ryan Braam

Deacon Mattia Cortigiani

Deacon Carlos Rodrigo de Gutiérrez

Deacon Peter Mlynarczyk

Deacon James Morgan

Deacon Grzegorz Okulewicz

Deacon Thomas Robertson

Deacon Kyle Vance

Deacon Alexander Wyvill


Wonders if my parish will be assigned one of these young men?

In any event, congratulations to all.  Ad Multos Annos!

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

TLM in Archdiocese of Washington (Update)

Amid rumors that the traditional Latin Mass will soon be banished from every single parish in the Archdiocese of Washington, D.C., about seventy-five parishioners from Saint Francis de Sales Church met for a prayer vigil on May 14 outside the local Synodal Listening Session with Wilton Cardinal Gregory. There, it was hinted, our fate would be decided. Mothers, fathers, and children stood for long hours in a gray drizzle, praying rosaries and singing Latin hymns: especially Veni Creator Spiritus, which we have sung after every Sunday Mass as a votive prayer for our community’s survival since Traditionis Custodes was issued.

 To read more, go to The Lamp Magazine

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Theft at Our Lady of Mercy (Potomac, MD)


It was recently reported in Bethesda Magazine that a theft of money occurred on Monday, April 18th at Our Lady of Mercy in Potomac, MD.

Interesting that this theft was not reported in the parish bulletin.

Monday, May 9, 2022

Latin Mass Update in DC

Fr. Z has a blog posting regarding a TLM announcement at St. Mary Mother of God in Washington, DC.  

Here is the Facebook video link, which Fr. LaRosa spoke of.  You can hear the exact announcement at the 1 hour and 17 min. mark. 

Saturday, May 7, 2022

Will Your Parish Be Attacked on Sunday?


A radical abortion group called “Ruth Sent Us,” named after the former pro-abortion justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, took to Twitter last Tuesday to encourage people across the U.S. to storm their local parish starting on Sunday, May 8 – which is Mother’s Day in the U.S. – as a way to protest a possible overturning of Roe v. Wade by six Supreme Court justices, as was revealed in a leak last Monday.

The protests are anticipated to last all week, from May 8 through 14.

“Whether you’re a ‘Catholic for Choice’, ex-Catholic, of other or no faith, recognize that six extremist Catholics set out to overturn Roe,” the group tweeted. “Stand at or in a local Catholic Church Sunday May 8.”

More at LifeSite News.


Thursday, May 5, 2022

Dorothy's Wizard of OZ dress and CUA


WASHINGTON (CNS) — Dorothy’s refrain, “There’s no place like home,” in “The Wizard of Oz” also could be echoed by her blue and white gingham dress from the 1939 movie.

The dress, which turned up last summer at The Catholic University of America after it was missing for nearly 40 years, is about to get a new home as the university plans to sell it and use the proceeds to help establish the school’s new film acting program.

But now there is a wrinkle in this plan with a lawsuit trying to stop the sale.

For the rest, please go to CNS.