Monday, February 1, 2021

The Deacon Project - Deacon Mark Asselin (Part 25)

Another day, another set of older Tweets from Deacon Mark Asselin of St. Elizabeth's in Rockville, MD.


 Not certain why he supported the new US Senators from Georgia.  They are both pro-abortion, pro-gay marriage and Warnock is a racist and child abuser (from the summer camp he ran).   But then again, maybe this Catholic Deacon, supports pro-abortion, pro-gay, racist and child abusing politicians.  Interesting

And yet, where was Deacon Mark's to condemn when law enforcement was attacked from April through October 2020.  The answer is: nowhere to be found.  He was AWOL. 
This explains so much.  Need I say more.
 Considering his role in the US Federal Government in regards to the hacking of government agencies, he should be the last one asking someone to be expelled.


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