Friday, April 5, 2013

The Chaplain We Know - Supporters of Fr. Greg!

A blog started by students who support Fr. Greg at GWU.

Read the stories, it beats the hate a billion times over.

PS:  And having read a number of articles, it seems that the two homosexual students (or maybe it is the Hatchett) don't quite have their story correct, such as the fact that the Newman Catholic Student Assn. (affiliated with GWU) is different that the one run by Fr. Greg.  Fr. Greg and the building are paid for by the Archdiocese and receives no money from GWU. 


Anonymous said...

Fr. Greg was instrumental in bringing my wife and me into the Catholic Church seven years ago. He has also been a source of encouragement ever since. He has a great love of God, and the students at GWU.

Unknown said...

As a GWU alumnus,('83),I have never seen the Catholic community there as vibrant as it has become since Fr. Gregg Schaffer became Chaplain.

Fr. Gregg and I served as a newly-ordained priest and permanent deacon, respectively, at St. Andrew Apostle Catholic Church in 2006. He has always preached sound church teaching with great energy, passion, and enthusiasm. Over the years, he has inspired young people to the vocations of marriage, priesthood, consecrated and religious life.

He preaches God's truth with compassion and charity, be it on homosexuality, abortion, or any other issue which a culture of death seeped in secular relativism advocates. I am but one of the many of the St. Andrew Apostle faith community who applauds his work at GWU and stand in solidarity with him. May he know the peace of Christ as he continues to evangelize on the GWU campus.