Saturday, October 29, 2011

Catholics Need Not Apply...

The bishops have finally awoken (FINALLY) to the fact that the Obama Administration is one of the most anti-Catholic administrations that we have ever seen. Anyone who opposes their pro-abortion, pro-gay agenda are penalized and and attacked.

But you notice, how Cardinal Wuerl remains silent.

They have the Saul Alinsky method down to a "T".

You can read about it here:

Monday, October 24, 2011

Fr. Aldo Trent - This Wednesday!

A reader asked if I could share this with you.


Fr. Aldo Trento, an Italian Missionary Priest, and is coming from Paraguay and will be giving witnesses. The man is truly a saint. His works have grown to include a clinic, a hospice, an orphanage, a school, a homeless shelter, a nursing home, and several organizations to teach poor and marginalized populations the dignity of work and the embrace of love. His mission has been lauded by the Paraguayan government, and is recognized internationally. Come hear him recount the experiences he has been living over the past 20 years in Latin America.

He will be speaking at Georgetown University this Wednesday, Oct. 26th at 6:30pm. See the attached image.

This says so much...

This says so much about how many of those with Down's Syndrome are aborted before they even have a chance to be born. Remember, the Archdiocese's White Mass had a pro-abortionist on their Honorary Committee. This should be a wake up call to them.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Guess the Archdiocese can't handle the truth...

Last Friday, on Facebook, the Archdiocese of Washington reminded everyone about the White Mass (to honor those with disabilities) today.

I decided to inquire about Mark Shriver, who is not only pro-abortion but on the Honorary Committee. Considering the fact that many couples are urged to abort, when they learn they have a child with a disability, I did not think that this was appropriate.

Guess what?

They took my posting down, sometime between Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning.

Guess they must have been embarrassed at the truth.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

True Marriage in Maryland Needs Your Help

Although I am not always a fan of the Maryland Catholic Conference (MCC), sometimes they do the right thing.


Issue: You raised your voices earlier this year and stopped the redefinition of marriage in our state. And the whole country took notice. We need you to stand strong and make your voices heard again. Maryland's General Assembly is meeting this week in special session and it is time to remind legislators that Maryland's Catholics support the long-held definition of marriage as between one man and one woman.

You will receive two CAN alerts from the Maryland Catholic Conference. One will target your delegates, who sent the same-sex marriage bill back to committee without taking a vote. The second alert will target your state senator, who either voted for or against the bill. Please open both alerts and make your voice heard!

Two weeks ago a statewide
poll showed an 8 percentage-point swing against same-sex marriage since January. Before the legislative session began in January and before people realized how close the General Assembly was to redefining marriage, 51% of respondents said that they would favor same-sex marriage with 44% against. Now, the numbers are flipping with 49% opposed to same-sex marriage and 48% in favor.

Marriage, recognized by societies throughout human history, originates in a simple biological fact. This unique union of one man and one woman is the only human relationship capable of creating children and nurturing them together as father and mother.

Treating heterosexual and same-sex relationships differently is not unjust discrimination, and upholding the truth of marriage does not ignore the rights or the equal dignity of all human persons. Instead, stripping marriage of its unique connection to parenthood erases a child's right to a mother and father, and ignores an essential question of why government favors marriage between one man and one woman over all other relationships.

Action: Please click here now. Urge your state senator to support traditional marriage and oppose same-sex marriage.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Pro-Abortion Supporter on White Mass Committee

It seems that the Archdiocese has once again blown it big time!

Our colleague over at Restore DC Catholicism, shows that we have a Pro-Abortion supporter as part of the White Mass Committee. The White Mass is to remember and honor those with disabilities.

Now, we have a supporter of abortion - Mark Shriver -- on the committee. Considering how abortion is used by many to get rid of disabled children, what does the Cardinal and the Archdiocese have to say about this?

Here is part of his interview with Bob Levey in 202:

Takoma Park, Md.: Hello, thank you for taking our questions today.

Connie Morella is, of course, a Republican, despite her forays into more progressive issues/legislation. I will say that I have been very impressed with her work on women's issues, both domestic and international. I have supported her (though I am a democrat) because she has been such a leader on these issues.

So my question is, will women's issues-- family planning, basic education for girls, maternal and child health, trafficking-- be a strong part of your agenda if you are elected?

Mark Shriver: Women's issues are critically important and I will continue to fight for a women's right to choose; family planning funds; maternal and child heath funding and education for girls both here and abroad.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Cooking with our Saints

Come cook with our Saints at St. Veronica Catholic Church in Chantilly. On Saturday, October 22, we are honoring St. Rose of Lima, the Patron Saint of Peru. The guest speaker is Miriam Calvo, a Peruvian Catholic, who will be speaking about Catholic life in Peru and teaching us some of the native dishes of her country, including Papa a la Huancaína and Lomo Saltado.

St. Rose, born in 1586 as Isabel de Herrara, focused her life on God and devotion to the Blessed Mother and Christ. St. Rose joined the Third Order of St. Dominic. Throughout her life, she offered much charity, time and energy to the poorest people in Lima.

The two-and-a-half-hour Saturday afternoon classes include hands-on instruction, kitchen safety tips, a chance to sit down and eat what students cooked, and a take-home folder of the recipes so participants can cook “saintly” meals at home. Price: $15 per session. Class size limited to 12. Time: 1 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. at St. Veronica Catholic Church, 3460 Centreville Rd., Chantilly. For information or to register, please call Sandy Greeley, 703-471-6454 or email at

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Obama Administration Shafts Catholics Once Again

Catholic News Service (CNS) reports the following:

Since 2006, the U.S. Catholic bishops' Migration and Refugee Services has helped more than 2,700 victims of human trafficking obtain food, clothing and access to medical care.

That service has come to a halt because the agency recently learned it did not receive a new grant award for this work from the Department of Health and Human Services' Office of Refugee Resettlement. MRS' prior contract for the trafficking program ended Oct. 10.

Mercy Sister Mary Ann Walsh, director of media relations for the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, told Catholic News Service Oct. 11 that she hoped the Catholic Church's "position against abortion, sterilization and artificial contraception has not entered into this decision" by the HHS refugee office to reject MRS' application for a new grant, "especially since this administration has said it stands fully behind freedom of conscience."

Well, Sr. Walsh, you know as well as I do, that it is exactly because of our pro-life, true marriage stances that this administration has once again put the screws to the Catholic Church. Let us face facts. I know that you are in the PR business but let's just call it for what it is.

This should send the following messages to everyone:

1. The Catholic Church should not get into government contracts. They may be lucrative and allow us to help others, but in the end, we are on the losing end of the stick. Why? Because the radical left (and leftist Catholycs) are willing to shut us out because of our pro-life, true marriage stance. Remember, we stand in their way. Let's do what we can, with our own funds, to assist and not be tied to the government.

2. Catholics who voted for the Most Miserable should take note of this and realized that you have helped to bring this on. Many of us warned that these things would happen, and they have come to pass. So, let me be the first to say: I TOLD YOU SO. (I know some of you are pretty proud of yourselves at this moment.)

3. I wonder how many Catholics/Catholycs who were employed due to this funding, voted for the The Most Merciful, the Lord High Barack Obama? How many of them thought that George Bush was the most terrible president of them all and that Obama would bring hope and change? Well, what do you think now? How much hope do you have now? Because all you will have is the change in your pocket and the hope that you can snag another job. Nice job.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

CCHD Corruption

For the last few years, a number of bloggers have raised the cry over the fact that money collect by Catholics, have been used to support organizations that go against Catholic teaching. This was slowly and silently organized by the radical left Catholics -- who like to call themselves progressives, to hide the fact of their pro-abortion, pro-homosexual support.

Many of us want CCHD completely shut down and reorganized only as a last resort.

This year, the Archdiocese of Washington very quietly combined the communication campaign with the CCHD campaign. The Archdiocese was probably too cowardly to end the collection, so they figured they would collect something, rather than nothing.

I have documented some of the corruption of the CCHD program over the years. However, our colleague over at Restore DC Catholicism, has a number of postings on the corruption of the CCHD. Go over, and take a look at these postings.

Monday, October 10, 2011

The Tiber Has Been Crossed!

The Rev. Mark Lewis awoke early on the last morning of his life as an Anglican priest and dressed in a suit and tie instead of his usual priestly regalia. That’s different, he thought, for the first of many times on a day when so much was different for St. Luke’s, the small Episcopal church in Maryland where Lewis had been rector since 2006.

On Sunday — with Lewis wearing lay clothing and sitting with St. Luke’s parishioners inside the Crypt Church at Washington’s Basilica of the National Shine of the Immaculate Conception — most of the parish from Bladensburg converted to Catholicism.

You may read the rest here.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Kathleen Sebelius raises money for NARAL

It seems that on Wednesday, Oct. 5th, Kathleen Sebelius (the HHS Secretary) attended and spoke at a fundraiser for NARAL in Chicago.

Not only does she do whatever she can in her position to destroy the Church's moral teachings, now she is raising money for those who oppose her.

When will any member of our clergy have the intestinal fortitude to say "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. You can no longer present yourself for Holy Communion."

In fact, when will she be Excommunicated.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Fr. William Norvel to head Josephite Order

Instead of choosing the easy chair, Norvel accepted the promotion.

Now he’s the 13th superior general of the Josephite Priests and Brothers, a Roman Catholic order that was started 140 years ago to minister to freed slaves. Norvel is the first African American in the job.

“I thought I was ready for retirement,” said Norvel, who was officially installed last month during a ceremony at Our Lady. “But it looks like the Lord has asked me to continue to minister to my brothers and sisters.”

For more, go here.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Martin Sheen in DC discusses new movie...

Since this took place in DC, I thought I would report on it...

Actor Martin Sheen spoke in Washington, D.C. on Oct. 1 about his latest movie, which was filmed entirely along The Way of St. James, a European pilgrimage that leads to the city of Santiago de Compostela, Spain.

“If this is the last thing I ever do, I couldn’t be happier,” Sheen told his audience at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C.

The talk was part of a national tour to promote Sheen’s upcoming film, “The Way,” which opens Oct. 7.

Sheen stars in “The Way” alongside his son, Emilio Estevez, who directed the film.

“The Way” tells the story of an American doctor who receives news that his son has been killed in Europe while walking the Way of St. James. He decides to finish the pilgrimage in his son’s place.

For more, go to Catholic News Agency.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Maronite Chapel at the Shrine

Bishop Gregory J. Mansour of the Eparchy of Saint Maron of Brooklyn, N.Y. recently described a new chapel dedicated to Our Lady of Lebanon as a gift “for the Universal Church.”

“The Church encompasses every culture of the world,” Bishop Mansour told CNA on Sept. 30. “The Maronite Church has a certain affinity for the culture of the Middle East, the culture of Jesus himself.”

The newly-consecrated Maronite Chapel of Our Lady of Lebanon is located at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C.

To read more, go to the Catholic News Agency.