Monday, January 30, 2012

Catholic Schools Week at St. Mary's in Rockville

This week, St. Mary's (Rockville) will hold a number of activities in honor of Catholic Schools week. First, there was an open house Sunday morning, after Mass. Then there will be a number of other activities including the Anual 8th Grade vs. Faculty Volleyball Game, Movie and Pajama Day, and a School-wide Rosary Service.

What is happening at your school?


Mr Flapatap said...

Mass with Cardinal McCarrick yesterday, pajama day today and a reception/breakfast for parents. There are a few activities later in the week including a parent appreciation day with means no homework for the kids (so we don't have to worry about checking).

Anonymous said...

Cardinal McCarrick & pajama day - not my kids - not never. Sounds like all that's wrong w/"Catholic" education..."Mr Flapatap"