Saturday, January 21, 2012

HHS Ruling...Some Thoughts

By now, most of us know about Obama's draconian measure regarding birth control, etc. in regards to medical plans.

I predict the following, if Obama wins the election and court cases go against the Catholic Church and others:

1. Our Catholic hospitals will give up their Catholic identity to stay open. I don't see a Holy Cross Hospital closing down.
2. Most of our Catholic Schools and other organizations will not close but will ether (1) drop medical coverage and offer a cash payment to staff or (2) sell the school or organization to another company and get out of the business.
3. The Catholic Church will take a beating each time a hospital or school closes. They will be portrayed as mean spirited and not caring for the sick, elderly and children.
4. Oh, and your taxes will go up considerably, because you will not have the Catholic Church subsidizing hospitals anymore.

I wonder if all of those priests and nuns (and Catholycs) who voted for Obama are happy now? You can't say we did not warn you.

1 comment:

Katherine said...

Most of our Catholic Schools and other organizations will not close but will ...drop medical coverage and offer a cash payment to staff

Since in the conservative campaign against the family mandate for health insurance, they keep claiming that health insurance is just another perk that people might or might not want, I don't see why they would find this a problem.

Oh, and your taxes will go up considerably, because you will not have the Catholic Church subsidizing hospitals anymore.

The Catholic Church doesn't subsidize medical care at any hospital.