Saturday, January 14, 2012

Msgr. Pope posted on the blog of the Archdiocese of Washington a post regarding the dismissing and "dissing" of bishops. I first saw it on Deacon Greg's blog. Here are my comments.


Let me say first, that from all indications, Msgr. Pope is a good and faithful priest. A person who works with me, and is in his parish, has nothing but the highest regard for him. I trust her when she tells me this. So, that may be one person, but I thought it was important to state.

However, I think Msgr. Pope raises a number of issues regarding those who criticize our Cardinals, Bishops and Priests. I will be the first to raise my hand and state that I have been very, very critical of Cardinal Wuerl, the Catholic Standard and even some of our priests. However, I have done it because I was sick and tired of writing and calling and there seemed to be nothing done.

Now, I am not talking about if the vestments should be dark purple or violet or if we should hold hands during the Our Father (which I am not in favor of). I am talking about what many of us sitting the pews consider scandalous.

For example, why were our parishes hosting Voice of the Faithful? An organization that is not looking simply to get rid of pedophile priests but making some really fundamental changes to the priesthood and other items.

Why is the official newspaper of the Archdiocese (and our priests) lauding pro-abortion and pro-homosexual politicians?

Why is the Archidocese telling us that support of the Dream Act in Maryland is basically on the same level of opposition to homosexual marriage?

Why does the Cardinal go to events which honor pro-abortion, and pro-homosexual celebrities, and then these events are either glossed over or never reported by the local Catholic newspaper?

Why are Catholic orgainizations within this Archdiocese, honoring pro-abortion and pro-homosexal supporters, and yet, because they bring in the big bucks, it seems to be okay. I can go on and on.

I think that Msgr. Pope, instead of looking at those who criticise, should be asking the questions of the Cardinal, Catholic organizations within the Archdiocese and of the priests, who do these things.


Restore-DC-Catholicism said...

I posted a "sed contra".

Anonymous said...

He did not have anything to say to your comment.I wonder why?

Anonymous said...

I think he did not respond because the Archdiocese has ordered people under their control not to respond to this blog.


If you go thru the comments on his blog, he only responded to the general ones or ones that did not relate to this Archdiocese. Also, it may be true that they were told not to respond to my comments, as I have used it against them...such as the time Susan Gibbs wrote and said no Catholic schools were closing, and two months later it was announced.