Thursday, July 16, 2009

DC Misses Payment to Charter Schools...

From the Washington comPost:

The District missed a $103 million payment due to its 60 charter schools this morning, triggering serious cash flow problems for many of the publicly funded, independently operated schools and raising new questions about D.C. government's ability to meet its commitments as revenue declines.

The delay means that some schools will not be able to meet their payroll.
Charter school operators, who serve about 25,000 District school children on 90 campuses, were informed by Jeremy Williams, business oversight manager for the D.C. Public Charter School Board, that uncertainty surrounding tax revenue means their payment will be later and smaller than anticipated.

This of course will affect the Charter schools, converted from Catholic Schools. This will also affect the parishes that are leasing the schools to the Charter program.

This was an issue which I wrote about last November.


The most excellent Patrick Pontillo said...

Your personality is such that you should be an ordained deacon, according to the original purpose of a deacon. The original purpose of the deacon, as was established by the original apostles, was that of "stewarding" and appropriating the church's temporal holdings according to church needs. Moreover, the apostles established the office of deacon, so that they could dedicate their efforts to preaching and teaching that which the Holy Spirit revealed to them, all the while administering the sacraments in the process.

Have you ever noticed a direct correlation between the degradation of the church and bishops taking hold of the stewardship powers of the deacon? When money becomes a bishop's first concern, faith and morals get laid waste. Even the bishop's ethical conduct becomes compromised. Your archdiocese, as has been previously stated elsewhere on the Internet, is run by an individual who turned his former segment of the church into a big business enterprise, mostly be means of the social service government contract, the church property sale, and even the corporate donation. Needless to say, you saw this individual betray Christ in the central sacrament of the church, as he cow-towed, at Christ's expense, to the principle holder of congressional purse strings.

Perhaps if there were a principle deacon for each diocese, today's D.C. charters school would still be Catholic schools. Perhaps there would not have been the selling of dozens of pieces of church property in Pittsburgh, especially in light of the fact that there were parishes closed there that were operating in the black. Moreover, the greatest irony of today's church is that during the era when bishops were seeking to turn their dioceses into holding companies, the church would end up loosing mass amounts of wealth and insurance company money through its widespread scandal.

All in all, if financial concerns were placed back into the hands of the deacon, bishops would not be regularly selling out the church in their abridgement of Catholicism, and they wouldn't operate in deliberate indifference toward those moral theological matters encountered by people on a daily basis. And maybe, just maybe, the church would be operating in the black. After all, it is written, "Seek first the Kingdom of God and all these (other) things will come in suit."

This reminds me:

Once, a prelate who was walking with Saint Thomas Aquinas past a coffer of precious coins, said to the philosopher, "Look, Master Thomas! The church can no longer say, as did Peter, ‘gold and silver I have none." Saint Thomas responded by saying, "Nor can the church any long say, 'In the name of Jesus Christ the Nazorean, rise and walk."

Anonymous said...

Atlantic America I like the way you think. It is possible that the charter schools could still be Catholic schools if the pleas of the laity had been heeded. This is not to mention that the Archbishop's charter school conversion plan is blowing up in his face. When you do things in haste and when you act dishonestly,sooner or later the forces of nature catch up with you. In this case, the Archbishop is getting caught up to very quickly.