Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Death of Ted Kennedy and Cardinal McCarrick

I swore that I would not write about the Kennedy funeral but there has been something bothering me since it took place that no one has really commented on. That is: Why the heck did Cardinal McCarrick make public the letters of Senator Ted Kennedy to the general public?

To me there is really only one reason and one reason alone: To mute the criticism that had begun (and still exists to this day) that Kennedy should not have been given a very public Catholic funeral Mass.

What other reason is there?

If you can think of any others, let me know.


UPDATE: Join the protest against The Most Merciful, Lord High Barack Obama and the out of control government spending this Saturday! For more information:

Update 2: Congressman Joe Wilson may have breeched protocol, but he was on the mark: Obama is a LIAR!


Mr Flapatap said...

I think that the worst part about it was that, as far as I know, the "Pope's reply" was nothing more than a standard reply letter written by some bureaucrat at the Vatican and not a personal response as McCarrick made it seem.

Anonymous said...

I also was struck by the fact that the reply from the Holy Father was not a direct reply from him and it was no warmer then it had to be. As far as McCarrick is concerned, he is the closest thing that we have to the late Cardinal Cushing. I guess that's why the Kennedys chose him to conduct the grave side service.