Monday, March 28, 2011

Catholics for Equality -- Not explaining the numbers

Now there are those of you who say I should ignore this group but it is always good to see what the "enemy" is saying. Recently, they put out a press release stating that 63% of all Catholics believe in "same-gender civil marriage." Now on the face it, you would go "wow." But, when you look at the press release, it does not ask if those questioned are "practicing Catholics" (regular Mass goers, etc.), "Christimas/Easter Catholics" or those who are baptised but not practicing Catholics. I would bet that when you get down to it, the numbers are really of those who are mostly the "Christmas/Easter" and "Baptised but not practicing" Catholics.


Anonymous said...

If only homosexuals or homosexual tolerant candidates were ordained since 1960-70s, why would you not expect a majority of Catholics to be pro-homosexual or homosexual "tolerant"?

Convenor said...

Please link to our blog:

We are also trying to employ the means of social communication to announce the good news.

God bless!

St. Conleth's Catholic Heritage Association