The thoughts and musings of a Roman Catholic in the Archdiocese of Washington.
Friday, July 29, 2011
C. S. Lewis’s The Screwtape Letters
The presenter is Robert Royal, Ph. D., the graduate dean at Catholic Distance University. He is a former Fulbright scholar, and holds a B. A. and M. A. from Brown University and a Ph. D. in Comparative Literature from the Catholic University of America. He has taught at both his alma maters as well as at Rhode Island College. A prolific writer and sought-after speaker on ethics, culture, religion, and politics, he has appeared on various radio and television stations nationally and internationally and his books have been translated into several languages. In addition, his articles have appeared in scholarly journals and publications, including First Things, the Wilson Quarterly, the Catholic Historical Review, the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, the Washington Times, and National Review.
This two-part event takes place at 7:30 p.m. at St. Thomas á Becket Catholic Church, 1421 Wiehle Ave., Reston, Va. Admission is free and no reservations are required.
For more information, please visit or call 703-504-8733.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
CVN and Pro-Abort/Pro-Gay Speaker
Well, this year they have seemed to learn some lessons but not all.
First, they are not holding the event at the Franciscan Monastery but at the National Press Club. So,no scandal at a Catholic institution.
Second, they are honoring Comcast. Now, I was a Comcast client but I do seem to remember that Comcast offered Playboy and other porn channels. Now, Comcast is probably a huge supporter of CVN but they make a good amount o revenue off of porn and anti-Catholic shows/channels.
Finally, look who is the featured speaker...Cokie Roberts. Now, we all remember Cokie, as we media person who supports gay marriage, supports abortion and has criticised His Holiness.
My question to CVN is: Why do you have the word "Catholic" in your name? I mean, if you are going to honor a business which makes a living off of porn (although not the total business), and have speakers who are opposed to the Catholic faith, why bother with the word "Catholic." Just call your self something else.
If anyone from CVN is reading this, I would love to hear from you.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Catholic Standard Weekly Upate
Well folks, this week's Standard takes a number of stories from the Catholic News Service, such as he appointment of Archbishop Chaput to Philly, the DREAM (or NIGHTMARE) Act, and Harry Potter.
In the center of the paper, we have a couple of updated stories on Catholic places to visit this summer such as the Franciscan Monistery and St. Mary's. As well as the regular story about the Encounter the Gospel of Life summer camp.
Remember, if you don't get it, at least you can view most of it on-line.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
DOJ goes after elderly pro-lifer
The Department of Justice is demanding that Retta be fined $10,000, that a permanent 20 foot bubble zone be placed around the clinic barring pro-lifers, and that Retta pay an additional fine of $15,000 in equal parts to the three ‘victims’ of his actions, which the DoJ argues were contrary to the Freedom of Access to Clinic Act (FACE).
More from LifeSiteNews.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Birth Control/Abortion Coverage may be mandated...
For more, go to The Washington comPost.
Monday, July 18, 2011
A New School Prayer
Now I sit me down in school
Where praying is against the rule
for this great nation under God
Finds mention of Him very odd.
If scripture now the class recites,
it violates the Bill of Rights.
And anytime my head I bow
becomes a Federal matter now.
Our hair can be purple, orange or green,
that’s no offense; it's a freedom scene.
The law is specific, the law is precise.
Prayers spoken aloud are a serious vice.
For more, go here:!/notes/randy-pokester-nelson/new-school-prayera-must-read15-yr-old-wrote-this-from-arizona/10150258482008457
Friday, July 15, 2011
Reminder: Kingdon of the Cults (July 19th)
Arlington, VA (July 7, 2011)
Deacon Sabatino Carnazzo, M.A. and Subdeacon Sebastian Carnazzo, Ph.D., will present a three-part study on Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mormons, and Seventh Day Adventists, exposing the true history of these organizations and their flawed theology. The sessions occur on Tuesday, July 12, 19, and 26.
Subdeacon Sebastian Carnazzo received his MA in Theology with a concentration in Sacred Scripture from the Notre Dame Graduate School of Christendom College and his PhD in Biblical Studies at Catholic University of America in Washington, DC. Subdeacon Sebastian is a professor of Sacred Scripture and Biblical languages at Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary of the Fraternity of St. Peter in Denton, NE and and a lecturer in Sacred Scripture for Notre Dame Graduate School of Christendom College. He is also the academic director of the Diaconal Formation School of the Diocese of Tulsa, OK, and lecturer in New Testament for the St. Gregory Melkite Greek-Catholic Seminary. Subdeacon Sebastian, his wife, Leila, and their four children reside in Denton, Nebraska.
Deacon Sabatino Carnazzo, founding Director of the Institute of Catholic Culture, graduated from Christendom College in 2004 and completed a Masters degree in Systematic Theology with an Advanced Apostolic Catechetical Diploma in 2008 at Notre Dame Graduate School. On May 8, 2010, he was ordained to the holy deaconate. In addition to offering frequent lectures at the Institute of Catholic Culture, he is a Lecturer in Sacred Scripture and Sacred Liturgy for the Catholic Diocese of Tulsa, Ok, Diaconal Formation School and the Missionaries of Charity North American Novitiate Formation Program. Deacon Sabatino and his wife, Linda, have three children and live in Front Royal, Virginia.
Join the Institute of Catholic Culture at St. Mary Catholic Church, 310 Duke St., Alexandria, Va. Time: 7:30 p.m. All are welcome. No reservation required. Free Admission.
For more information, please visit or call (540) 635-7155.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
O'Malley and Gay Marriage
It has been reported that he will probably sponsor an gay marrage bill in the next General Assembly session.
I look forward to seeing what the Maryland Catholic Conference (MCC) does and especially the actions of Cardinal Wuerl. Will he take a hard stance? Will he deny O'Malley and other politicans a venue at Catholic institutions? Will he deny Holy Communion?
We will be watching closely.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Catholic Standard Weekly Update
I have already talked about the effort by the Archdiocese and their support of illegal immigration.
We have an article on the 60th Anniversary of the ordination of His Holiness, Pope Benedict (Ad Multos Annos!!) and how the Vatican is moving more and more into the world of social media.
We have news on the abortion and gay marriage front. We have two articles on the church in China, as well as, the Church in Romania.
Although I rarely agree with Fr. Daly, he has some interesting thoughts about some of his relatives, as he reflects on 25 years as a priest. We also have some reflection by Ricahrd Szczepanowski on his nephew, who was just commissioned a 2nd Lt. in the USMC. Thank God we have such young men and women.
Finally, as always, we have some wonderful photos of Vietnamese Catholics who honor Mary. The young women all look so beatiful in their traditional dress.
Remember, vote for the Repeal of the MD Dream Act. It is really a nightmare for you and me.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Kingdom of the Cults
Arlington, VA (July 7, 2011)
Deacon Sabatino Carnazzo, M.A. and Subdeacon Sebastian Carnazzo, Ph.D., will present a three-part study on Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mormons, and Seventh Day Adventists, exposing the true history of these organizations and their flawed theology.
The sessions occur on Tuesday, July 12, 19, and 26.
Subdeacon Sebastian Carnazzo received his MA in Theology with a concentration in Sacred Scripture from the Notre Dame Graduate School of Christendom College and his PhD in Biblical Studies at Catholic University of America in Washington, DC. Subdeacon Sebastian is a professor of Sacred Scripture and Biblical languages at Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary of the Fraternity of St. Peter in Denton, NE and and a lecturer in Sacred Scripture for Notre Dame Graduate School of Christendom College. He is also the academic director of the Diaconal Formation School of the Diocese of Tulsa, OK, and lecturer in New Testament for the St. Gregory Melkite Greek-Catholic Seminary. Subdeacon Sebastian, his wife, Leila, and their four children reside in Denton, Nebraska.
Deacon Sabatino Carnazzo, founding Director of the Institute of Catholic Culture, graduated from Christendom College in 2004 and completed a Masters degree in Systematic Theology with an Advanced Apostolic Catechetical Diploma in 2008 at Notre Dame Graduate School. On May 8, 2010, he was ordained to the holy deaconate. In addition to offering frequent lectures at the Institute of Catholic Culture, he is a Lecturer in Sacred Scripture and Sacred Liturgy for the Catholic Diocese of Tulsa, Ok, Diaconal Formation School and the Missionaries of Charity North American Novitiate Formation Program. Deacon Sabatino and his wife, Linda, have three children and live in Front Royal, Virginia.
Join the Institute of Catholic Culture at St. Mary Catholic Church, 310 Duke St., Alexandria, Va. Time: 7:30 p.m. All are welcome. No reservation required. Free Admission.
For more information, please visit or call (540) 635-7155.
Friday, July 8, 2011
Justice for US Citizenship takes a step forward in MD!
The Maryland State Board of Elections validated over 63,000 signatures to place the Repeal of the Maryland Dream Act before the CITIZENS of Maryland. There are another 40,000 to be verified.
All I can say is WOW and THANK YOU!!
This week's Catholic Standard has a full page article, written by the Communications Office, on the Maryland Catholic Conference's Immigration Task Force to fight this repeal. (Thanks Melvin for getting this to me, so that I don't have to get it at Church this weekend.)
Now you can tell it is important to the Archdiocese, because it is on Page 3 -- and that is where you want important stories to be when you open a tabloid -- and written by the Communications Office because it is a "Special to the Standard".
So, let's take a look at the Standard story a bit more in depth...
- There is little mention that these students are illegal aliens (the legal term).
- They do not mention that will cost the taxpayers of Maryland $12,000 per student per year. With a possible cost to the taxpayers of over $60 million per year.
- They state that these students will not take slots away from residents but they will take away slots from other citizens! What the MCC ITF is saying is that who cares if it takes away from other US citizens, as long as it does not take away from Maryland citizens.
- The MCC states that they do not condone people breaking the law, but they they go right back to the argument that we should embrace the law breakers and give them this benefit.
- According to Msgr. Brennan of St. Martin of Tours in Gaithersburg we must allow these students to attend at a discount. Baloney. We don't have to and should not.
- The article states that they will getting on the phones and into parishes. Let's see if we will get sermons on this from the MCC, parish inserts, etc. Let's keep a watchful eye on this one.
It is time we tell the Maryland Catholic Conference (MCC) and the Archdiocese that there are more important things to focus on -- like tax breaks for Catholic school parents and stopping gay marriage.
Stop wasting your time on this nonsense and support JUSTICE for US CITIZENSHIP.
Friday, July 1, 2011
As we celebrate the 4th of July, I am demanding that they support
JUSTICE for US CITIZENSHIP means that the immigration laws of the country are upheld and that those here illegally (no matter what their age) be returned to their homeland, where they can apply to enter legally.
If the MCC can support "economic justice" "justice for janitors" "environmental justice" they can support JUSTICE for US CITIZENSHIP.
That is of course, unless they do not value the concept of US Citizenship. And from their support of the Dream Act, indicates that they do not value what being a US Citizen means.
Now, you can tell that the Maryland Catholic Conference is running SCARED! With the simple fact that there are more than enough signatures to get the MARYLAND DREAM ACT Repeal on the ballot, they have launched a website and Facebook page to urge us to vote against it. Again, filled with half truths and hiding the facts.
This was their only real victory in the Maryland legislative year. They cannot get tax breaks for Catholic parents, nor can they restrict abortion and they barely kept gay marriage from being legal.
I think that it is time we send them a strong message this November.
Have a Happy Fourth of July.
UPDATE (1:30pm): The Archdiocese of Washington and the Maryland Catholic Conference (MCC) support Casa of Maryland. Look at what Casa of Maryland is doing to prevent the petition signing to repeal the Maryland Dream Act.
MCC and the Archdiocese of Washington should be ashamed of themselves in associating with these THUGS.