Thursday, January 26, 2012

The demise of religion in American Society is a good thing...

Shaun Casey, the religious affairs adviser to presidential candidate Barack Obama in 2008, said at a discussion on Tuesday about “God and Politics” that the demise of religious society in the United States is a good thing.

“I, frankly, am glad American civil religion is dying,” said Casey, who is an associate professor of Christian Ethics at Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington, D.C.

Just one more piece of evidence of what many of us have been saying about Barack Obama. Yes, he wants to fundamentally change the US...for the worse.

For more, go to CNS News.


Anonymous said...

Are you aware of the difference between "religon" and "civil religion?" Perhaps if you were you might agree with the professor. "Civil Religion" is a religious system that is distorted to make the values of the government reflected in the religious practices of the Church. Civil Religion is the Orthodoxy of the Czars, the Anglicanism of the Tudors, and, shamefully, the Cathoilicism of Franco. The position of Professor Casey probably reflects Methodist theologian Stanley Hauerwas who would say that Christianity is faithful to the Gospel only when it is independent of prevailing social and governmental norms and in a position to critically evaluate them. I certainly don't have a problem with that

Katherine said...

No orthodox Catholic can support civil religion. Freemasonary and the Civil Constitution of the Church after the French Revolution are examples of civil religion. As is the watered-down indifferentism that passes for public piety.