Thursday, January 22, 2009

Right to Life March Today..and Pro-Lifers in Action

I have not written anything about the Right to Life till now, not because it is not important but because there are so many out there who are on top of it.

I will attempt to get down there today and bring back some photos. But if I cannot, I do want to show all of the pro-abortion supporters that Catholics not only care about those who are not only in the womb but who are "alive and kicking."

Here is a great story about the Knights of Columbus, distributing almost 8,000 winter coats to children, as part of their "Coats for Kids" program.


Well it seems that one of my reader's has pointed out that Laura Bush is pro-abortion or at least not in favor of overturning Roe v Wade. She had to go way back to find this one line about five years ago.

I don't know if Hyattsville knew about this fact but I certainly was unaware and I am usually pretty good about keeping up on this sort of stuff, but this one was hidden deep.

Another one bites the to speak.

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