Wednesday, March 25, 2009

One of the Postings that Started it All...

One of the first responses to the invitation of the Most Merciful, Lord High Barack Obama, was an open letter to Fr. Jenkins written by a lawyer and graduate of ND.
He also has a
follow-up to it.

If you have not done so, I encourage you to
sign the petition adding your name to the over 100,000 others like myself who are disgusted.

Now, that His Excellency John M. D’Arcy, Bishop of Fort Wayne-South Bend has declined the invitation to attend the commencement, now it is time for all members of the Catholic clergy to call upon Fr. Jenkins do what is right and ask the Most Merciful, Lord High Barack Obama not to come.


Unknown said...

Your disrepect of the president comdemns your politics to the dust bin. Please, pray for brains. I'll pray for your soul.

Anonymous said...

I second Doug's comment.



The word is spelled CONDEMNS.

But to be honest, would you care to elaborate on my disrespect of the president.


Anonymous said...

President Obama has attacked the Catholic Church in policies and in actions. To allow him to speak at a Catholic university would be a travisity. Yes, it is awakward to stand up for our Faith, but we have a long history of valiant and brave Catholics who have done just that. Write to the University, write to the student newspaper, The Observer. Pray that they have the courage to show the world that moral outrage still exists!