Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Catholic Education, Abortion and the Archdiocese of Washington

At the National Catholic Education Association (NCEA) Conference this year, the keynote speaker is Garrison Keillor. Most of us know him from Prairie Home Companion and probably think he is one of those quaint humorists.

However, did you know that he supports abortion and same sex marriages?

So, I guess the question that I would ask is: How did he come to be the keynote speaker? Did anyone do a background check? Did they figure they could get a big name at a low cost, since the conference takes place in St. Paul/Minneapolis?

More importantly, how did Archbishop Wuerl, who is listed as the Board Chair of the NCEA let this happen?

Why does this sort of stuff continue to happen on his "watch?"


Anonymous said...

Wuerl the board chair of the National Catholic Education Association? He should be the board chair of the National Charter School Association. He can have a role in that organization for a long time, provided of course he can come up with the cash to pay his dues.

Anonymous said...

Donald Wuerl is an archbishop in the Bernadin-Weakland-Mahoney tradition. It will never get better with him on the cathedra.

Anonymous said...

Garrison is a disgrace. What a disappointment to learn he is provided this vinue,

Anonymous said...

Garrison is a disgrace. What a disappointment to learn he is provided this vinue,

Anonymous said...

"Donald Wuerl is an archbishop in the Bernadin-Weakland-Mahoney tradition."

Why not add McCarrick to that line-up? In the year of the priest, the priest harasser--

The advisor to President Obama

The one Nancy Pelosi calls

The key noter at Notre Dame the year before Obama. (5/30 date)

Where Uncle Ted delivered this line about his nephew (w/a straight face to all those college students):

When my 13-year-old nephew came home an hour later, his little brother told him immediately about the honorary degree. He got it right, although he pronounced it somewhat heroically. The teenager, on hearing the news, turned to his mother in disbelief and said in his high, subtly changing falsetto: “Uncle Ted, a degree from Notre Dame? REALLY!”

The man w/Mahoney who hung around Jenkins at the Notre Dame reception for the Bishops in Baltimore (the day after Bishop D'Arcy resigned):

With Domer-in-Chief Fr John Jenkins working the penthouse suite, two cardinals -- Washington's McCarrick and LA's Mahony -- made a prominent show of support, joined by a wide-ranging cast of 30 bishops and a rotating full house of everyone else.

While the university's departing ordinary, Bishop John D'Arcy, kept up his traditional co-hosting role alongside Jenkins

The man who gets "honored" at the vatican embassy for:

Anonymous said...

God knows I have my problems with Wuerl, but I hope he is not an Archbishop in the Weakland tradition. I guess you know what I'm hinting at.

Anonymous said...

This is response to the anonymous of March 6, 12:39 AM:

Hoping that Wuerl is not in the tradition of Weakland?

You obviously don't come from Pittsburgh.

Anonymous said...

No, I'm not from Pittsburgh. It's just that I hope Wuerl does not have Weaklands personal habits and inclinations.

Anonymous said...

Richard Sipe, expert witness and author, listed Wuerl amongst those bishops who have a less than natural psychosexual orientation.

As was previously stated weeks ago, a lecteur and eucharistic minister who was formally introduced to Wuerl said that Wuerl had the second softest hand shake he ever encountered.

A parish council woman said that, while Wuerl was in her parish's church basement, he was acting "girly."

There are a couple allegations of a very personal nature that can be included. However, without smoking gun evidence, they can only be regarded as hearsay evidence. After all, it is possible that a certain former seminarian lied. Or else, he could have gotten his info from the rumor mill. In addition, the second source could have been that of a liar.

However, as far as circumstantial evidence goes, Wuerl allowed Dignity Masses to go on in Pittsburgh for eight years. Even at that, it was pressure from church authorities over Wuerl's head that were the catalysts in having those pro-sodom masses shut down. Why was a notably effeminate bishop so friendly to overtly sodomite masses?

Wuerl chose a young priest to be his personal secretary who turned out to be a homosexual, and documentation concerning this is online. That case involved a body builder reporting the priest for a very physical form of long-term same sex harassment. A series of retaliations ensued after the priest was reported. Why would a bishop be willing to have on board a newly ordained homosexual whom he ordained himself? Why would that same bishop ratify the retaliations that ensued after his former secretary was reported? Yes, Wuerl ordained that guy.

Let's go one step further. Wuerl was John Cardinal Wright's personal secretary. Look up the alleged personal reputation of Wright. There was even an individual who gave a play by play by account on one of Wright's personal doings, and his quotes are in a book. Thus, why did Wuerl stay on board with a bishop endowed with as disgraceful a reputation as Wright?

Wuerl was heavily affiliated with the Office of Priestly Formation during the years when seminaries were being infested with less than naturally inclined males. Elden Curtiss, former Omaha archbishop and former Helena bishop, stated that the priest shortage was contrived by those who ushered out of the seminary ranks any candidate who was not willing to co-exist with or accommodate homosexuality. Donald Wuerl was there, influential in the Office of Priestly Formation, during the thinning of the herd which gave us a shortage in naturally inclined, "regular guy" priests -- of priests you can trust and feel comfortable to be around.

Malachi Martin concurred with Curtiss in having said, on radio, that seminarian candidates were asked about their views of homosexuality. If a seminary candidate spoke against the idea of it, then he got marked as "pastorally insensitive" and was sent on his way out the door.

Now, no matter what Wuerl is or is not in his private life, our concerns are limited to his actions as bishop, fiduciary, executor, principle archdiocesan teacher, and administrator. The matters involving breach of duty of loyalty, scandalizing the weak, abridging church doctrine, allowing sacrilege at the altar, weakening seminaries, sins of omissions, etc. are what matters. Those are the things that need to be reported to the Vatican and revealed to the public.