A few weeks ago, I wrote that St. Al's was seen as one of the four "gay friendly" parishes in the Diocese by New Way Ministries. I had not realized that I wrote about that same parish almost a year ago, when they too were listed as one of the Washington DC "gay friendly" parishes by the Conference of Catholic Lesbians (April 9, 2009).
In the past, when I have attended Mass, and the group is very small, we are sometimes asked to speak up and offer our own intentions during the Prayers of the Faithful. Usually, someone will ask for prayers for Uncle Bob with cancer, a couple who is going thru a rough time in their marriage, etc. All very, very good things and most pretty non-controversial.
However, when someone prays that the Archdiocese change their their practices of discrimination, or that we should not pay our Federal taxes to support the military and asks the congregation to do so, and the congregation prays for it, what does this say about the pastor and parish. Is this a liturgical abuse? I am not an expert in liturgical practices but I would probably say yes.
You can read about this and a couple of other things at the Capitol Catholic.
It turns out that it was a very good idea to include a link to this Capitol Catholic blog. The remarks in the prayer of the faithful were inappropriate and the Pastor should make sure this sort of thing does not happen again.
Hopefully no one attempted to celebrate a gay "marriage" there today.
To the last Anon:
1. There is not need to shout your comments out (use of all caps). I understand it may be easier to write your thoughts, but it is considered shouting.
2. Fr. McKenna is dead and is not at question here. The current pastor is.
Thank you for reading this blog.
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