The thoughts and musings of a Roman Catholic in the Archdiocese of Washington.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Help Stop Same Sex Marriage Bill in MD (SB116)
Our own "Catholyc" Governor is at the forefront of this. Here are the other Catholyc politicians: State Senator Robert Garagiola and State Delegates Heather Mizeur, Anne Healey, Kathleen Dumais, Pete Hammen, Joseline Pena-Melnyk, Victor Ramirez and Mary Washington.
Heather Mizeur, should be noted is not only a lesbian but a parishioner at St. Al's on I St. I wonder if the pastor has had a chat w/ her on this matter. I wonder if she receives Holy Communion.
Although writing to some of our MD legislators is a waste of time, do it.
To the Archdiocese, it is time to stop cozying up to them.
But more importantly, remember then at election time and vote them out.
UPDATE (8am):
In reviewing the list of politicians, it seems that a couple of them do live in the Archdiocese of Washington: Kathleen Dumais (she also voted against BOAST), Robert Garagiola (voted against BOAST), Anne Healey), Joseline Pena-Melnyk, and Victor Ramirez.
Okay Cardinal Wuerl, will you (or someone you designate) have a chat w/ them? And if they continue to vote against Catholic teachings, will you deny them Holy Communion? Personally, I doubt it.
Friday, January 28, 2011
Catholic Schools Week - Arch. of Washington
For the first time, they sent me one of their press releases, which was a shock. However, since I am a strong supporter of Catholic education, I would be remiss not to publish it.
So here goes, and hopefully, when I write to you (Archdiocese) in the future, I will get more than just a "We don't respond to anon emails."
Also, if your school is not on the list, and you have an event, send it to me and I will post it.
CONTACT: Brie Hall, 301-853-4512,
Week-Long Celebration of Catholic Schools
Events to showcase the quality of a Catholic school education
Dozens of events have been planned by schools throughout the Archdiocese of Washington to celebrate National Catholic Schools Week, January 30-February 5, 2011. This annual celebration highlights the contributions of Catholic schools through faith, service and academics.
Different events will be held every day, including service projects, spirit days, volunteer and teacher appreciation days and more.
Nearly all of the schools will hold Open Houses for prospective students, parents and the community. Open house dates and times are online at .
Washington, DC - School Mass
Sacred Heart School, 1625 Park Road, NW WashingtonThe students will be lectors and the school choir will sing for the 10:00 a.m. and noon Masses.
Montgomery County - Multicultural Mass, 9:00 a.m.
St. Catherine Labouré School, 11811 Claridge Road, Wheaton, MDA multicultural choir will perform at the Mass. Students will sit together, wearing their uniforms. Thank you letters to parishioners from students will be inserted in the bulletins.
Prince George's County - Breakfast and Band, 9:30 a.m.
St. Mary of the Assumption School, 4610 Largo Road, Upper Marlboro, MD The students will be servers, lectors and gift bearers at Mass. Afterwards, the Knights of Columbus will host a breakfast, and the school band will perform.
Calvert County - Student Mass
Our Lady Star of the Sea School, 90 Alexander Lane, Solomons, MDStudents dressed in their school uniforms will be lectors and gift bearers at Mass.
Charles County - Book Fair and Bingo, 10:00 a.m.
St. Mary School, 13735 Notre Dame Place, Bryantown, MDStudent Ambassadors will serve at Mass, a book fair will follow Mass and community and family book bingo will be held from 1:30-3:00 p.m.
St. Mary's County - Community Service Project
Mother Catherine Spalding School, 38833 Chaptico Road, Helen, MDAll grades of students will be making decorations to give to those at the Veterans' Home, at Cedar Lane apartments and St. Mary's Nursing Home.
Washington, DC - Spelling and Math Bee, 8:30 a.m.
St. Augustine School, 1421 V Street, NW WashingtonStudents will test their knowledge in spelling and math bees starting at 8:30 a.m.
Montgomery County- Help for Homeless Mothers
St. Francis International School, 1500 St. Camillus Drive, Silver Spring, MDStudents will be collecting diapers and baby supplies for homeless mothers in the programs of Silver Spring Interfaith Housing Coalition.
Prince George's County - Pennies for Leukemia,
St. Ambrose School, 6310 Jason Street, Cheverly, MDThe students will present their collections for their "Pennies for Leukemia" project.
Calvert County - Proclamation and Souper Bowl
Our Lady Star of the Sea School, 90 Alexander Lane, Solomons, MD
County Commissioner Gerry Clark will read the Catholic Schools Week Proclamation. Afterwards, students will kick off their "Souper Bowl." The collected canned goods will go to local food banks.
Charles County - Stuff the Bus, 9:30 a.m.
St. Mary School, 13735 Notre Dame Place, Bryantown, MD
Students will fill the bug with blankets and coats to be delivered to the needy through the Children's Aid Society in Charles County and other area shelters. The bus will be parked at the school parking lot all week. Also today, students will sew lap blankets for residents of the Veterans' Home.
St. Mary's County - Thank You
St. Michael School, 16560 Three Notch Road, Ridge, MDAs part of their staff appreciation, students will thank the bus drivers.
Washington, DC - It's Academic, 8:30 a.m.
St. Anthony School, 12th and Lawrence Streets, NE Washington
Students will participate in rounds of academic questions.
Montgomery County - Colonial Day
Little Flower School, 5601 Massachusetts Avenue, Bethesda, MD
Students in grades 3-5 will participate in Colonial Day.
Prince George's County - Volunteer Thanks
St. John the Evangelist School, 8912 Old Branch Avenue, Clinton, MD
Students will present a special token of appreciation to all volunteers.
Calvert County - Helping Military Personnel
Our Lady Star of the Sea School, 90 Alexander Lane, Solomons, MD
Red, white and blue day for students and money will be collected to buy phone cards for military service members stationed overseas.
Charles County - Anti Bullying Event
St. Peter School, 3310 St. Peter's Drive, Waldorf, MDAt 9:00 a.m., Representatives from the three Catholic schools of Charles County, (St. Peter School, St. Mary School, and Archbishop Neale School) will be on hand at Charles County Government Building in La Plata in the Commissioners Meeting Room as a proclamation supporting Catholic Schools Week is presented. At 1:30 p.m., middle school students from all three schools will meet at St. Peter School for an assembly given by former NFL star Levar Fisher about character education and anti bullying.
St. Mary's County - Celebrity Readers 9:00-11:30 a.m.
St. Michael School, 16560 Three Notch Road, Ridge, MD
Prominent community figures have accepted invitations to read to classes.
Washington, DC - Faculty vs. Students Basketball Game
St. Augustine School, 1421 V Street, NW WashingtonThe students and faculty face off on the court for bragging rights for the next year. Field Day begins at 1:30 p.m.
Montgomery County- Free Throw Contest, 2:15 p.m.
Mother of God School, 20501 Goshen Road, Gaithersburg, MDThe entire school convenes in the gym for a rally. The Knights of Columbus will hold a free throw contest.
Prince George's County - Career Day
Holy Family School, 2200 Callaway Street, Hillcrest Heights, MD
Students will present their autobiographies, detailing who they want to be when they grow up and how they plan on achieving that. The students will be dressed in the attire of their perspective career.
Calvert County - Math-a-Thon Kickoff
Our Lady Star of the Sea School, 90 Alexander Lane, Solomons, MD
Students test their math skills in the math-a-thon.
Charles County - Volunteer Appreciation Day, 1:30 p.m.
St. Mary School, 13735 Notre Dame Place, Bryantown, MD
Everyone enjoys a make-your-sundae party and a special movie viewing.
St. Mary's County - Service for SoldiersSt. Michael School, 16560 Three Notch Road, Ridge, MDStudents wear red, white and blue and bring in an item for a soldier. Also today, parents are invited to a spaghetti lunch with their children.
Washington, DC - Role Reversal , 9:00 a.m.
St. Anthony School, 12th and Lawrence Street, NE Washington
The students and teachers trade places for a class today.
Montgomery County - Science Fair
Mother of Nazareth School, 14131 Seneca Road, Darnestown, MD
The 7th grade students present their work at the science fair.
Prince George's County - Pastor Appreciation/Book of Essays
St. Pius X Regional School, 14710 Annapolis Road, Bowie, MD
Each class voted on a Saint to study and completed an essay on what lessons can be learned from that Saint. One essay winner per class was chosen and the winning essays were compiled into a book given to the priests on Pastor Appreciation Day.
Calvert County - Student Teachers
Our Lady Star of the Sea School, 90 Alexander Lane, Solomons, MD
The eighth grade students teach the younger grades for the day.
Charles County - No school for staff and students
St. Mary's County - Hollywood in HollywoodSt. John School, 43900
St. John's Road, Hollywood, MD
As part of Student Appreciation Day, students will be allowed to dress up as stars and will watch a movie.
Washington, DC - Youth Revival, 6:00 p.m.
St. Thomas More Catholic Academy, 4265 Fourth Street, SE Washington
Montgomery County- God's Garden of Good Character
Mother of God School, 20501 Goshen Road, Gaithersburg, MD
God's Garden of Good Character is a ongoing project with a different character train each month. During Catholic Schools Week, each teacher and students is assigned the trait that best represents them. They are then recognized during Mass on Friday afternoon.
Prince George's County - Anniversary
St. Mary of the Assumption School, 4610 Largo Road, Upper Marlboro, MD
Students are dismissed early, so families can come to participate in the 85th anniversary celebration of the school.
Calvert County - Talent Show, 1:00 p.m.
Our Lady Star of the Sea School, 90 Alexander Lane, Solomons, MD
Students enjoy a free lunch from Chick Fil-A before participating in a talent show.
Charles County - Walk-a-thon and Rock-a-thon
St. Mary School, 13735 Notre Dame Place, Bryantown, MD
Students, faculty, family, parishioners are invited to celebrate 95 years of Catholic education by participating in a Walk-a-Thon with 95 minutes of walking. Students are asked to donate 95 cents to participate and the money collected will be used for purchase of reading supplies.Middle school students will participate in a "Rock-a-thon" from 7:00-10:00 p.m. to supply food to various church food pantries in Charles County. They will decorate their designated areas with non perishable food items they bring to donate, and one member of each team must keep their rocking chair rocking. The teams will receive prizes for the most creative decorations, the most food used, etc.
St. Mary's County - Dessert Theater
Mother Catherine Spalding School, 38833 Chaptico Road, Helen, MD
Light desserts will be served as students perform their favorite fables in the evening.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Isiah's Promise - A Resource for Parents
This resource is called Isiah's Promise.
To learn more about them, here is their open letter to all (taken from their website):
Dear Friend,
We are a group of parents who knew early in our pregnancies that our babies had severe or fatal birth defects. Each of us, for various reasons, continued the pregnancy. It's a difficult and very personal decision.
We know the devastation, confusion, heartbreak and loneliness. We can't change your circumstances or make decisions for you. But we can offer support, friendship and experience.
Contacting us can be the most difficult thing to do at this time, we know. If you'd like to contact us, please e-mail your phone number to It's not so scary when you realize you're not alone.
Here is story about this organization and the founders in The Washington Times.
NB: It seems that they were recognized this past Sunday by the Archdiocese of Washington for their work, at a get together of pro-life groups.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Boehner Supports DC Opportunity Scholarships
Read about Speaker Boehner hosting Cardinal Cardinal Wuerl, D.C. Scholarship Students, Parents, & Teachers in House Gallery for State of the Union.
An today, Boehner will announce plans to reauthorize the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program and provide funds for traditional and charter public schools.
When you go to the ballot box in November, remember who was fighting for students. (Hint: It wasn't B.O.)
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Archdiocese of Washington...Egg on Face?
At the time, I chided the Archdiocese for this move because it was under his watch, that money went to ACORN and other groups opposed to the teachings of the Catholic Church.
Well, it seems that Mr. McCloud has been a very busy man. Your see our colleagues over at Restore DC Catholcism pointed out that:
Ralph McCloud, while working in his capacity as CCHD director, worked as campaign treasurer for Texan Wendy Davis. The public record is here. Ms Davis was endorsed by Planned Parenthood. Unfortunately, Davis defeated her pro-life opponent.
Therefore we can conclude that Ralph McCloud worked directly against a candidate who would have helped unborn children and worked for someone who would facilitate their murder.
That campaign itself ran afoul of some ethics guidelines. Planned Parenthood of North Texas was fined several thousand dollars for not reporting just how much money they gave to Davis' campaign.
No wonder why money went to anti-Catholic groups. The director was helping out someone who was pro-abortion.
I wonder if the Catholic Standard will report this? Will they ask for their award back? The should but they won't.
Once again, more egg on the face of the Archdiocese of Washington.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Had an Abortion? Feeling shame? Guilt? Sadness?
Project Rachel Ministry; sponsored by the Archdiocese of Washington, is hosting a support group for women who have feelings of shame, guilt, sadness and other difficult emotions, over their abortion experience.
The support group meets weekly.
For additional information, including location, e-mail Julia Shelava
Friday, January 21, 2011
Welcome to the Rise of the Tiger
While Obama praised China, we now see how hard and terrible they are to the Catholic Church. In some ways, it reminds me (on a lesser scale) how our local governments treat the Church and Catholic Church sponsored groups.
Story from Catholic News Service (CNS): Chinese Government Threatens to Close
Catholic Standard Update (Part 2)
Well, it is sad but true, there was no announcement of an error or omission regarding the article the previous week about Mayor Gray. Yep, there was no mention that they forgot to include his pro-same-sex marriage stance or his pro-abortion stance. Nope not one mention. Too bad they don't allow Letters to the Editor anymore, not they would have published a correction by me.
We also have no mention of Cardinal Wuerl on Fox TV. Of course, there is no correction given on the Cardinal's comments that the Church does not have a stance on gays in the military.
We also have an article about the Maryland Catholic Conference (MCC) and the next gathering of the MD General Assembly. You can lobby all you want, but we will not make a change until we get rid of the pro-abortion and pro-gay legislators. It is that simple.
We have an article about Fr. Harvey, the founder of Courage, an organization for celibate Catholic homosexuals.
And finally, the back page article was on the Catholic Business Network of Montgomery County with their annual fundraiser for Catholic Schools.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Catholic Standard Update
Most of last week's edition focused on the recipient's of the new Manifesting the Kingdom Award. These are people who have given extraordinary service to their parish or to select other organizations. Of those who have received the award, I know of two personally and they are deserving of this award. Some others, I know of because of their work such as B. Francis Saul on the Archdiocesan Finance Council (wrote about him in a previous blog).
Many of the profiles highlighted such individuals as Mr.Kurleigh Bayrd, a young man with a illness but serves Mass with faith and devotion almost every week. There is Ms. Maris Moriarty,who works as a volunteer in the Office of Priest Vocations. And a husband and wife team, the Thompson's, who volunteer at their parish. The Catholic Standard highlights many others deserving of this award.
This is one time I can say that if you haven't picked up a copy, do so and read their stories.
More tomorrow...
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Help Stop the Monster Called: OBAMACARE
Call your representative. Write to him or her. Let them know that OBAMACARE must be eliminated.
Still supporting it? Then you must support all of these new taxes. Check out the list here.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Schools Closing due to Weakening of Catholic Identity
Personally, I think he pretty much hits it on the head. What to you think?
In the wake of the Archdiocese of New York recently closing 27 of its schools, conversation on the sharp decline of Catholic school enrollment has once again been ignited. One education expert says a weakening of Catholic identity is a primary factor in the school closures.
Dr. John J. Convey, who holds the title of the St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Professor of Education at the Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C., also explained that a lack of school-aged children and waning pastoral leadership have also significantly contributed to school closures.
To read the entire article, go to the Catholic News Service.
Friday, January 14, 2011
Br. Francis - New Animation Series
According to the website, it features Br. Francis, the basketball-toting, fun and joy filled host who will take your kids through the basics of the Catholic faith.
Looks interesting. It might be better if he was a baseball fan, but I guess you can't have everything in life.
If you are interested in learning more about it, click here.
PS: I have no stake in the company, did not receive a copy of the video, don't know the creator, etc.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Susan Gibbs Steps Down and other interesting notes...
However, what I found most interesting was this line:
Gibbs told us her job will be restructured somewhat after she leaves; a new director of communications will also oversee the archdiocese's publications, unlike Gibbs. Meanwhile, she's lined up a first client - the archdiocese - and hopes to work with other Catholic organizations as well.
Note that the Catholic Standard, which has featured more and more articles from the Communications Office over the last two years, will now be official run by it.
You can read it here.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Mayor Gray, Planned Parenthood and The Pope
That is okay, but when you put a Planned Parenthood award in front of two photos of Pope Benedict, I think that it vindicates all that I have been asking regarding the Cardinal's appearance at the Mayor's inauguration.
You can see the award in front of the photos of the Pope here.
There is only one thing that I can say at this time to His Eminence: "See, I told you so."
Thanks to Tom Peter's blog for sharing this.
The film examines the history of abortion in America. From the inception of Planned Parenthood and the profitability of abortion clinics, to Roe v. Wade, to the denial of when life begins, the fight to save the lives of innocent babies, and the devastating effects it has had on the women that have exercised this "choice".
When: Thursday, January 20, 2011
Time: 7pm
Location: St. Jude Shrine - Blue Room 12701 Viers Mills Road Rockville, MD
Questions: 301-598-1638
Film Website:
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Pro-Abort/Pro-Same-Sex Marriage Politician on Catholic School Board
Del. Barbara Frush (Dist. 21) is currently sitting on the Board of Directors of St. Vincent Pallotti High School. Now, the Pallotti website only lists her as "Mrs. Barbara Frush." (I wonder why?) But you can see that she lists this on her MD State Website.
She has received the endorsement of NARAL for the last couple of years and has voiced support for Same-Sex Marriage.
If she is both pro-abortion and pro-homosexual marriage, why is she on the board of a Catholic High School?
PS: To the reader, can you get me some more info on the other legislator. Am having a bit more difficult time on links to same-sex marriage and abortion.
Monday, January 10, 2011
The Catholic Standard..not the whole story
Page 3 has an article about the inauguration of Mayor Gray. It seems that the Archdiocese is attempting a bit of a "love fest" and "propaganda campaign" with Mayor Gray.
The Standard talks about his work with Covenant House, his attendance at Mass at St. Francis Xaviar in Southeast (his parish) and St. Mary, Mother of God (attends Mass). So, we see an attempt to show everyone his Catholic bonafides.
What they did not tell you was that he voted for Same-Sex Marriage in the District. Nor did they tell you that he supports abortion.
Amazing how they forgot these two pieces of information in the article.
I wonder if Mr. Zimmerman and Ms. Weaver (the author) will issue a correction in the next edition?
I doubt it.
PS: We should be hearing shortly about the next round of school closings and mergers in the Catholic Standard.
Friday, January 7, 2011
The Gospel of Matthew: The Life of the Son of God
Please join Dr. Timothy O’Donnell, the President of Christendom College in Front Royal, Virginia, as he discusses the Gospel of St Matthew and its description of Christ’s life. The first layman to receive both his licentiate and doctoral degrees in Ascetical and Mystical Theology from the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum) in Rome, Dr. O’Donnell has taught at St. John's Seminary in Camarillo, California and at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, California. He is a Knight Grand Cross in the Knights of the Holy Sepulchre and he is a Consultor to the Pontifical Council for the Family. Additionally, he is the author of Heart of the Redeemer and Swords Around the Cross: The Nine Years War. He has filmed many programs for the Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN), including Glory of the Papacy and The Path to Rome: Saint Paul’s Captivity Epistles.
This event takes place at 7:30 p.m. at St. Thomas á Becket Catholic Church, 1421 Wiehle Ave., Reston, VA. Bring your Bible. Admission is free and no reservations are required.
For more information, please visit or call 703-504-8733.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Thoughts on joining Catholic and Non-Catholic Organizations
I read your blog and decided to reply. What are your thoughts/feelings/opinions on other Catholic fraternals, such as The Catholic Order of Foresters, the American Slovenian Catholic Union and or the Polish National Alliance? Also, what are your thoughts on non-Sectarian fraternals such as The Independent Order of Foresters and the Woodmen of the World? Please respond at your earliest opportunity, as your ideas matter greatly to me.
I am humbled that you value my opinion.
So, here are my quick thoughts...
- It is good that men and women join Catholic groups, provided that they are faithful to the teachings of the Church, conduct charitable works, etc. Groups such as The Knights of Columbus, The Holy Name Society, Catholic War Veterans, Sodality, Knights of Peter Claver can all be good. Of course, these groups are made up of men and women -- humans -- who fail and will do so, usually not out of malicious intent. It is important that when we see this, we attempt to bring them back into the fold.
- Non-sectarian groups can also be good provided that they do not go against Catholic teaching. Some may be loosely affiliated with the Catholic Church due to sponsorship, such as Boy Scouts. Others may have no connection such as Toastmasters, the American Red Cross, Hot Rod Racing or various professional associations.
I belong to both types of groups: Catholic and non-sectarian. The non-sectarian because of my profession (a way of meeting others, learning the latest news/trends, etc.) or because I enjoy it. As long as the non-sectarian stays non-sectarian, I remain a member. If they become sectarian and support causes/ideas that are against my belief, I usually drop membership at time of renewal.
I don't know if this helps or not.
Thanks for reading.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Christmas Cards...
However, this year, more than ever, I have noticed the lack of religious cards. I went to a number of different stores: a Hallmark Card Store, American Greetings, Target, a Christmas Store, and a couple of others.
If I could find one religious design in each of these stores, it was a miracle. And what I did find was rather poor.
Now, I found enough for the 2011 Christmas season, but I may have to start ordering on-line for cards.
For many Catholics and Christians, wishing Merry Christmas with a religious card is just a thing of the past.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
The CINO Award Results Are In!
Now, there were some write-ins, including Cardinal Wuerl.
For the full results, go here.
Monday, January 3, 2011
Cardinal Wuerl's Invocation at DC Mayor Gray's Inauguration
Again, I must ask why did Cardinal Wuerl do this?
Personally, I believe that this brings scandal upon the Catholic Church in this Archdiocese.
Do you have any thoughts as to why he did this? I have some but I would love to hear from you.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Cardinal Wuerl on Fox News...
Recently, Cardinal Wuerl appeared on Fox News. (See link below.)
I found it interesting to watch, esp. when it came to the question of Don't Ask, Don't Tell (DADT). Cardinal Wuerl gave an answer that any politician would be proud about -- he beat around the bush for a while and then said, well, it is a political question and not one for the Catholic Church.
Sorry Cardinal Wuerl, but that is the answer I would expect from someone who wants us to leave our religious values at the door and not from the leader of the Catholic Church in Washington DC. Yes, it is a political decision, but it has implications on those priests who serve in the military and on those who are Catholics.
Cardinal Wuerl seems more interested in making certain that no one gets their feelings hurt, as he continues to promote his New Evangelization.
I have said it before, and I will say it again, you have to tell people the truth Cardinal Wuerl -- there are things that people may not want to hear but you must tell them that it is wrong.
How much longer must we continue to suffer from this lack of leadership?
Wishing You a Happy New Year!
Let's have a little fun...