Thursday, December 17, 2015

Cardinal Wuerl: The US Bishop of Bling?

From the

Absent from Lamb's public shaming was any mention of Cdl. Donald Wuerl, progressing media darling, who has publicly sparred with Cdl. Burke on the issue of Holy Communion to pro-abortion politicians as well as the divorced and civilly remarried.  Wuerl, as has confirmed, lives in a Washington, D.C. penthouse as part of a complex valued at nearly $43 million.

You can read the whole story here:

Hat Tip to Restore DC Catholicism on that one.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Knights of Columbus to no longer sponsor Boy Scout Troops & Packs

The following was dated on Nov. 18th and was sent to me by my good friend Melvin.   

There are apx. 1100 BSA Scout Units sponsored by Knights of Columbus Councils.

It is from the Supreme Knight of the Knights of Columbus and is to be carried out asap, but no later than the end of 2016.

He does not believe, and I agree with him, that this really has anything to do with strengthening parish life.  

What it really has to do is that BSA does not see the KofC as a religious institution but one just like the Elks Lodge or Moose Lodge.  In other words, it would be forced to accept homosexual leadership.