Wednesday, April 30, 2008

My thoughts on "Why is the Church Abandoning Them?"

Continued from yesterday...


Second. Many of us in the over the years have contributed to the huge campaign many years ago to set up the Consortium and to the Annual Appeal. To say that we have not been asked is wrong. Many have given, and have given generously.

Third. Yes, there are suburban Catholic Schools, which many will have the opportunity to attend, but they too are facing the same pressures that all Catholic schools are facing. Many of them are not flush with cash, as you may think. Many of them are holding on because of the support by their parish. Many parents spend hundreds of hours conducting fund raisers to help raise thousands of dollars to keep their schools afloat. Many schools have not made any major capital improvements for years and are praying that there is no major structural failures.

Fourth and Last. Separate but Unequal. Again, you are making this a racial issue. Don’t. It is not. When the Archbishop goes after schools in Southern Maryland (which my sources says is being planned right now) and then Montgomery County, will you say the same thing?

The person you should be most upset at is the Archbishop, the Superintendent of Schools and the head of the Consortium.

They knew this was coming, and instead of announcing it way in advance, they waited till the last minute, knowing that there was not much else that could be done. It has become a done deal.

This is the M.O. of the Archbishop in these instances.


Quote of the Month:

"I've got two daughters — 9 years old and 6 years old, I am going to teach them first of all about values and morals. But if they make a mistake, I don't want them punished with a baby. So it doesn't make sense to not give them information." Barack Obama

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Some Thoughts on: Why is the Church Abandoning Them? (Part 2)

Continued from yesterday...

Third, Archbishop Wuerl is a consolidator. If certain segments of the Archdiocese are not in the at least breaking even, he will close them. He did it in Pittsburgh and he will do it here.

Fourth, our own Catholic groups are working against Catholic education. The Maryland Catholic Conference (MCC), USCCB, etc. have stopped fighting for vouchers/tax breaks for parents who send their children to Catholic schools. It is no where on their radar screens. Instead, they fight for reduced tuition rates for illegal aliens and increased taxes for people like you and me.

Archbishop Wuerl was negligent in not coming out with the closures at least one year in advance and not in November/December. This would have given the parishes some time to think about how to raise the necessary funds or come up with some other alternatives. Unfortunately, it was done, so that there would be no alternative.

However, I there are a couple of things about the article which are particularly bothersome to me.

1. “Committee to Save Black Catholic Schools” If Ms. Allen had written “Committee to Save White Catholic Schools” there would have been hell to pay by the author and the schools in question. The issue is not “black” or “white,” the issue is: Catholic schools. Period. End of Story. To inject race in it, will only drive away support. If this was really about race, then Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton would be setting up a couple of news conferences.

to be continued...


Quote of the Month:

"I've got two daughters — 9 years old and 6 years old, I am going to teach them first of all about values and morals. But if they make a mistake, I don't want them punished with a baby. So it doesn't make sense to not give them information." Barack Obama

Monday, April 28, 2008

Some thoughts on: "Why is the Church abandoning them?"

On April 20, 2008 the Washington Post printed an article written by S. Katryn Allen entitled: Why is the Church Abandoning Them? The article discusses her thoughts on the closing of a number of Catholic schools in Washington DC, as the spokesperson for the Committee to Save Black Catholic Schools.

I have not “o-pined” on it, since there were a number of other stories I wanted to get out but I thought that it was important to comment upon it.

First, I want to thank Ms. Allen for attempting to do what she can to save Catholic schools in DC. Catholic schools are a foundation upon which (1) the Church continues to show that it is an important part of the social fabric of the local community and (2) promotes the message of the Risen Christ. (Of course, there are many others.)

Second, she is correct about the fact that there are no political, business and civic leaders behind the move to stop this, even though, financially, this is going to hurt the District big time. This is money that the District simply does not have. (In Maryland, every child that leaves Catholic or private school to attend public school, will cost the state an additional $11,000 per year.)

She asks where the political, business and civic leaders are. I believe that there are no political, business and civic leaders jumping to help since Catholic schools teach kids that such things as abortion and the homosexual lifestyle are wrong. Why help continue to encourage schools that teach this, when it stands for everything that they (and their supporters) are against.

To be continued...


Quote of the Month:

"I've got two daughters — 9 years old and 6 years old, I am going to teach them first of all about values and morals. But if they make a mistake, I don't want them punished with a baby. So it doesn't make sense to not give them information." Barack Obama

Thursday, April 24, 2008

VOTF at St. Rose of Lima in Gaithersburg

You hear much about being faithful to the teachings of the Church, and yet, right here in the Archdiocese of Washington DC, the Voice of the Faithful (VOTF) is given a warm reception at St. Rose of Lima in Gaithersburg.

April 22, 2008 a presentation was held at the St. Joseph Room (talk about adding insult to injury) by VOTF.

(This must be Dissent Week at St. Rose, since this is the second such event there. I guess with the Pope gone, the media shilling for Obama once again, pastors and their ministry leaders are going back to undermining the Church.)

You remember St. Rose from an earlier posting. One of their parishioner's is on the Board of Directors of Rent-a-Priest. Another dissident group.

What is Msgr. Dudzaik (the pastor) thinking? Maybe he isn't.

Here is he allowing a group that supports homosexuality, abortion, contraception, female priests and other dissident principles.

The VOTF deceives faithful Catholics into believing it is a legitimate Catholic organization with slogans such as "support those who have been abused" and "support priests of integrity". However, the group is tied to dissident, radical, anti-Vatican groups, such as Call to Action and We are Church, which strongly reject Catholic moral principles.

Archbishop Wuerl needs to publicly admonish Msgr. Dudzaik and ban VOTF from any Catholic parish.

No wonder why the Church is in the state that it is in. Those whom are placed in authority are doing whatever they can to undermine it.

As I have said before, the is THE ROT FROM WITHIN.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

What is Msgr. Dudzaik thinking?

I guess I missed it.

Yep, I missed the showing at St. Rose of Lima in Gaithersburg of For the Bible Tells Me So on Monday, April 21, 2008.

Yes, this pro-homosexual film, is aimed that showing those who believe that homosexuality is wrong, that it is an acceptable lifestyle and is acceptable to God.

Yes, there is even an interview with the Rev. Gene Robinson. Yes, the one and only Gene Robinson -- the first gay bishop of the Episcopalian Church. The ordination of which is splitting the Episcopalian Church.

Now, can someone tell me why this is being shown in a Catholic Church? If we believe that that particular lifestyle is wrong, then why are they showing a film that says that this is an acceptable lifestyle? If this is a ministry that they is important (and I think that it is), then why are they not have a Courage Chapter?

The Archbishop needs to admonish Msgr. Dudzaik for this sort of stuff. But he won't.

Another parish in which the faithful are being led astray by their priest.

Archbishop Wuerl's Interview with Newsweek

It seems that Archbishop Wuerl was interviewed by Newsweek magazine before the arrival of Pope Benedict. The story was published on April 14, 2008.

Given his responses to the question, I wonder if the Archbishop will "change his tune" (as my father would say) after hearing the words of the Holy Father.

Personally, I think that the Archbishop will not. He will continue to worry more about how he is perceived than doing what it right.

Aufer a Nobis has a nice take on the words of the Archbishop.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Is Archbishop Wuerl Dangerous for the Archdiocese?

With the consolidation of schools in the inner city, the talk that he will consolidate schools in southern Maryland next, his refusal to admonish schools with pro-abortion and pro-homosexual activities, the question that I am posing is: Is Archbishop Wuerl Dangerous for the Archdiocese.

A few days ago, I was sent a link by someone whom I have known for over 16 years.

It paints a very bleak and dangerous picture of Archbishop Wuerl. Even if only half of the things in the article are true, it was a mistake to appoint him.

I wish I had known about this before.

The article is from May 2006 and written by Matt C. Abbott.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Pope Benedict XVI is Amazing

I have been watching the events over the last few days here in DC.

There are many, many blogs and news services covering the events, so I do not really need to "O-pine" (as Bill O'Reilly says) on this.

But I do need to say that "Pope Benedict XVI is amazing!"

The Holy Spirit gives us the right man at the right time in the Church.

Ad Multos Annos!


Quote of the Month:

"I've got two daughters — 9 years old and 6 years old, I am going to teach them first of all about values and morals. But if they make a mistake, I don't want them punished with a baby. So it doesn't make sense to not give them information." Barack Obama

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Enjoying the Pope's Visit...

Although I do not have tickets to attend the Papal Mass, I hope to be able to sneak a few minutes of viewing it at work.

So, go and enjoy all of the events today and tomorrow.

I will post again on Friday.


Quote of the Month:

"I've got two daughters — 9 years old and 6 years old, I am going to teach them first of all about values and morals. But if they make a mistake, I don't want them punished with a baby. So it doesn't make sense to not give them information." Barack Obama

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Welcome Pope Benedict XVI!

On behalf of my family, the members of my parish and all those who are faithful to the Church, we welcome you to Washington DC.

May your visit be one filled with peace and sharing the Good News with all.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Open Letter to the Editor of The (My) Catholic Standard

Dear Mr. Zimmerman:

I received the most recent issue of the Catholic Standard. I was looking forward to the various articles on the Pope and his visit to the Washington DC area.

When I opened the first page of the issue, my attention was immediately caught by the full page advertisement welcoming the Pope by Trinity Collage.

This is the same Trinity College that hosts a Gay, Lesbian, Bi-sexual and Transgender Club. This is the same Trinity College that welcomed and honored Nancy Pelosi with a Mass. This is the same Trinity College that advertises the fact Nancy Pelosi is a graduate.

It is bad enough that you praised a pro-abortion and pro-homosexual politician upon her death a few months ago, but do you need to accept an advertisement from those who seen to thumb their nose at the Catholic faith?

Do you need to accept an advertisement from this institution welcoming His Holiness?

What are your standards for accepting advertisements? Is this the simple fact that they call themselves Catholic and can pay the rate?

Friday, April 11, 2008

Archdiocese of Washington DC Catholic Schools -- Closing?

Today's Washington Times and Washington Post both have stories regarding the closing of Catholic schools across the country.

Last week (or maybe two), Archbishop Wuerl talked about the fact that if Catholic schools don't get vouchers, we may see them closing.

The Maryland Catholic Conference was not able to get BOAST passed, nor has been able to make any headway on vouchers in Maryland.

Is the Archbishop and the Diocese beginning to set the stage for the closing of additional Catholic schools over the next year or two, beyond the Consortium?

This writer believes the answer is YES.

The word on the street is that St. John the Evangelist Parish in Silver Spring, MD may tap into the principle of the Schools Endowment Fund to pay off school bills because the Diocese will not help.

I will keep you posted.

Are you an "Active Catholic?"

Recently, I went to Mass at another parish. As usual, I picked up a copy of the bulletin to see what others are doing.

One of the articles asked: What does it mean to be an “Active Catholic?”

Here is the answer:

Often those seeking to celebrate marriage, baptism, or serve as Confirmation or Baptism sponsors request a letter stating that they are parishioners and active, practicing Catholics. To receive such a letter, one must be registered in the parish, attend Mass regularly, and be committed to a stewardship of time, talent, and treasure. In a parish as large as St. XYZ's, one way of verifying whether someone is “active” is through the use of offertory envelopes. If you don’t use envelopes, your contributions are not posted to your parish account.

If you cannot financially contribute for whatever reason, still remember to note your prayerful support on your envelope and place it in the weekly offertory basket. We will then be aware of your continued participation, and you will continue to be listed as “active” in our parish database.

What do you think?


Quote of the Month:

"I've got two daughters — 9 years old and 6 years old, I am going to teach them first of all about values and morals. But if they make a mistake, I don't want them punished with a baby. So it doesn't make sense to not give them information." Barack Obama

Thursday, April 10, 2008

USCCB, the Papal Blog and Catholic Education

On the USCCB Papal Blog, a blog posting was made regarding Catholic Education. In particular, there was a paragraph on the number of "Catholic" colleges and universities.

Now, being a bit of a wise guy/gal, I left the following comment on the blog:

How many of those who are listed as Catholic colleges and universities are really Catholic? Georgetown and Trinity in the Washington DC area both have homosexual organizations and regularly go against Catholic teaching, such as Trinity's invitation to Nancy Pelosi.

Since it is the USCCB's blog, they decided that it wasn't worth posting.

Now, they have that right -- it is after all their blog -- but I wonder how many other people really believe everything they are saying about Catholic education in the US.

And for those of you who are interested, I made certain to get a screen shot of my posting.


Quote of the Month:

"I've got two daughters — 9 years old and 6 years old, I am going to teach them first of all about values and morals. But if they make a mistake, I don't want them punished with a baby. So it doesn't make sense to not give them information." Barack Obama

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Trinity College - Giving to their Endowment (NOT)

Yesterday, I received a letter from Trinity College asking for a donation for their Endowment Fund. In the past, I had given due to personal appeal from a good friend who worked there. At that time, they reminded everyone that they were a "Catholic" instiutition. However, when he left, I decided to stop giving and I am glad I did.

Over the last few years, the word "Catholic" and the following of the teachings of the Church seem to have been forgotten.

We all know about Nancy Pelosi's visit to Trinity. In fact, we probably know more about it because of what the Archbishop did not do, than what they did.

We also know that Trinity has Gay Pride Club. Now, that is okay for a secular college or university but to have one at a college that claims to be Catholic. Nope, not at all.

So, when I received it, I looked at it, and immediately tossed it in the trash.

If you get one, you should trash it too.


Quote of the Month:

"I've got two daughters — 9 years old and 6 years old, I am going to teach them first of all about values and morals. But if they make a mistake, I don't want them punished with a baby. So it doesn't make sense to not give them information." Barack Obama

Archibishop Wuerl Says: People need religious values to judge right, wrong.

My posting for today was going to be something entirely different but then, I came across an article in the Catholic News Service (CNS) entitled: D.C. archbishop: People need religious values to judge right, wrong.

Although the story centers on inter-religious dialogue and the Pope’s upcoming visit, he is quoted as saying:

"The past 30 years have seen a very sustained effort to marginalize religious faith in an effort to establish an ethical system that would be acceptable to a wider number of people."

There are a couple of things wrong with this statement.

First, the effort to marginalize religious faith goes back many years. There was always a slow growing marginalization but it really came to fruit during the 60s. (Over 40 years ago.)

Second, and more important, the marginalization was also due to our own clergy, especially our own hierarchy.

They remained silent when our Catholic politicians voted for abortion, contraceptives, etc.

They remained silent when our Catholic politicians said: “I am personally opposed to it but…”

They allowed pastors and religious to do whatever they wanted in their parishes, all in the name of Christ.

They allowed the undermining of Catholic doctrine, through priests like Charles Curran, in the name of freedom.

And when they realized that this sort of stuff could not go on, it was too late. No one would listen to them. They were soundly ignored and berated.

No, your Excellency, our hierarchy, our clergy and our religious have allowed this marginalization to occur.

And it continues to this day.

Unfortunately, and I hate to say this, you allow this marginalization to continue.

How? By…

- allowing My (The) Catholic Standard to print the praises of pro-abortion and pro-gay politicians.

- allowing the Maryland Catholic Conference to sing the praises of pro-abortion and pro-gay politicians.

- allowing your own priests to sing the praises of pro-abortion and pro-gay politicians.

- Refusing to even make a statement against Catholic institutions who invite pro-abortion and pro-homosexual politicians.

Your Excellency, you have the opportunity to help reverse this marginalization. It may take 40 or more years to correct but it can be done.

I pray that you will take up the mantle of this fight against marginalization.

But, I deep in my heart, believe that you will not.


Quote of the Month:

"I've got two daughters — 9 years old and 6 years old, I am going to teach them first of all about values and morals. But if they make a mistake, I don't want them punished with a baby. So it doesn't make sense to not give them information." Barack Obama

Monday, April 7, 2008

The MCC, Illegal Aliens and Taxes

According to the Maryland Catholic Conference (MCC), many "undocumented workers" (for those of you in Annapolis, it is the phrase for "illegal aliens") file tax returns through the use of an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN).

According to their source, more than 8 million ITINs have been issued, without checking the immigration status. Further, a "significant number" (but the exact number is unknown) are illegal aliens.

The problem with this statement is that it sets up most people with a false impression. The impression is that there are millions of illegals who pay taxes.

To be honest, we don't know. The term "significant" is used but it could mean that there are 6 million, 1 million or four hundred thousand. We don't know. Heck, anything over half a million, I would consider significant.

However, when we take a look at the tax payments made by illegal alien households, it is only one fourth the amount of all other households.

Once again, the MCC is not quite telling the full story.

Maybe it is time for the Archbishop to fire Richard Dowling.

Source: Center for Immigration Studies.


Quote of the Month:

"I've got two daughters — 9 years old and 6 years old, I am going to teach them first of all about values and morals. But if they make a mistake, I don't want them punished with a baby. So it doesn't make sense to not give them information." Barack Obama

Friday, April 4, 2008

From Hunger to Hope

Although there is a great deal of criticism of the Archdiocese of Washington DC (and rightly so), it is also important to point out something that I think is good.

I received a flier from one of the local Catholic Schools encouraging families to donate various food items, such as cereal, canned meats, canned veggies, etc. Each grade is asked to donate a particular item. For example, Eight Grade students are asked to donate canned fruits.

The items will then be donated to the local food banks.

The canned items will be "a visible sign of our faith as we prepare to welcome Pope Benedict XVI, the Shepherd of the Universal Church."

So, if you think you can spare a couple of non-perishable items, give your local Catholic school a call. They will probably be more than happy to receive the donation.

The deadline is Thursday, April 10, 2008.


Quote of the Month:

"I've got two daughters — 9 years old and 6 years old, I am going to teach them first of all about values and morals. But if they make a mistake, I don't want them punished with a baby. So it doesn't make sense to not give them information." Barack Obama

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Maryland House of Delagates to looking to Erode Marriage

Maryland residents: Ask your delegates to oppose SB 566/HB 733 and SB 597/HB 746

Marriage would be seriously undermined if two bills are given final approval in the House of Delegates as early as tomorrow (Thursday).

The bills, SB 566/HB 733 and SB 597/HB 746, are on their way to the House floor for final votes. They have already been approved by the Senate, so this is the last chance to stop them from becoming law. Sb 566/HB 733 and SB 597/HB 746, while well intentioned, cement the term "domestic partnership" in law and grant such relationships marriage-equivalency status in certain parts of the law.

SB 566/HB 733 gives domestic partners equal status as married couples in the Health statute. The bill undermines the current legal status of marriage, and is not necessary to grant medical decision-making rights to unmarried couples.

In fact, the General Assembly already passed a law in 2006 (Senate Bill 369) that ensures advance directives are readily available to guarantee the ability to appoint medical decision-making and hospital visitation rights.

SB 597/HB 746 exempts current and former domestic partners from recordation and transfer taxes. This legislation is open to abuse because it grants tax benefits for domestic partners, but defines that relationship very broadly. Most importantly, though, SB 597/HB 746 undermines marriage by granting marriage-equivalency status to unmarried couples, both heterosexual and homosexual. This ignores the true nature of marriage and will discourage opposite-sex couples from marrying because they will be able to receive financial benefits without having to make a commitment.

Please ask your delegates to reject SB 566/HB 733 and SB 597/HB 746.

Then, let's remember who voted for this, and vote against them in the next election.

Taken from the Maryland Catholic Conference (MCC) .

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Archbishop Wuerl's Interview with The Washington Times (Part 2)

Continued from yesterday...

On the issue of pro-abortion politicians, the Archbishop continues his insistence that we must:

“explain to people why what they are doing is so bad, why voting for legislation that allows terrible things to happen is itself a bad thing. We have to help them understand that."

And that is correct, but if you say it to a Mario Cuomo, Nancy Pelosi or a Ted Kennedy, year after year after year, and they don’t change their position, then at some point you need to say “enough is enough.”

They need to be denied the Holy Eucharist (which you did not mention), denied any opportunity to publicize themselves in a Catholic institution (which you refused to take a stand on regarding Nancy Pelosi and Trinity College) and then, and only then, should we excommunicate them. That is the last resort.

Archbishop Burke of St. Louis has outlined the case for denying Communion to pro-abortion Catholics very well and yet, you refuse to do so. Why? What are you afraid of?

Maybe this is why you did not mention it as an option during your interview.

Archbishop Wuerl, many of us who sit in the pews each and every week, are tired of the same old “song and dance” routine (and I really don’t know how to say it otherwise).

You need to take action. Inaction is not an option.

By continuing to ignore the issue, you continue to weaken the Church as an instrument of moral teaching.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Archbishop Wuerl's Interview with The Washington Times

How could I have missed this interview in the Washington Times?

So, it is time to take a look at this interview.

The Archbishop predicts that Catholic schools in America will continue to close unless there are government vouchers. He states:

The whole idea of vouchers is that the money that we all pay in taxes for education should follow the child," he said. "The child is being educated at the school the parents decide on. Until that happens, we're just going to gradually see a continual challenge to the ability of the church to sustain all of these schools, particularly in the poorest, urban areas."

I agree but the Maryland Catholic Conference (MCC) continues to waste it’s time begging for money for textbooks (which was cut this year by the way), in-state tuition for illegal aliens and passing hate crimes legislation instead of identifying those who refuse to support vouchers and targeting them for defeat.

Unfortunately, the Archbishop knows what the end result will be but continues to push a failed strategy.

On the issue of illegal aliens, once again, the Archbishop continues to ignore the fact that they have broken the law by entering the country.

He asks if the answer is to round up all 10 to 12 million illegal aliens. The Archbishop knows that is impossible to do and that this is just a ploy to confuse the issue – just like the Archdiocese does via the MCC website.

But you can start by recognizing that they have entered the US illegally, penalize employers for hiring illegal aliens, refuse them any sort of assistance, not promote in-state tuition for the children of illegal aliens, check their immigration status when arrested, etc.

To be continued tomorrow...