The thoughts and musings of a Roman Catholic in the Archdiocese of Washington.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
The Ordination to the Order of Bishop of the Most Rev. Barry C. Knestout

Well, I decided that I would attend the ordination, especially since I had never attended one before. Of course, it is not like they happen every day in the Archdiocese of Washington DC.
On my way up the steps into the Cathedral, I spotted Cardinal Sean O'Malley of Boston, who was at one time, in charge of the Spanish Center here in DC. He was greeted by a number of people on the way in. More about his Eminence later.
When I entered, one of the ushers asked if I had an invitation. Being an honest guy, I said no. Since all of the open seating was taken, I was asked to wait for a while. No problem. But it did make me aware of how small St. Matthew's really is. Finally, they sent me over to the right hand side (facing the altar), where I promptly took a seat and a program. (Two pages are scanned above for you.)
At 2pm, the procession began to enter St. Matthew's. I would estimate that there were over 150 priests and deacons, and apx. 12 Cardinals and Bishops, including Cardinal's Baum and McCarrick. (I may be off a bit on the Cardinal and Bishop count, but who's counting.) Although it was not the crowd that you might get on a Holy Thursday or Good Friday, it was none the less a good sized crowd.
Things moved along very smoothly with a nice homily by Archbishop Wuerl and wonderful music by the choir. The Apostolic Letter was nicely read by Mrs. Jane Golden Belford, Chancellor of the Archdiocese. Although I could not see everything, the program explained what would happen and why it was happening.
One interesting note was that Cardinal O'Malley did not process in or out with the other Cardinals and Bishops but with the priests and deacons.
As Bishop Knestout went through the congregation bestowing his blessing, you could see not only the happiness and joy, but there was this look of the utmost respect for this holy and faithful priest. In fact, one woman was so overcome with happiness and joy for his blessing, she began to cry.
Bishop Knestout gave a very nice thank you to his fellow bishops and priests but you could tell he was nervous. It must have been a real whirlwind of activity over the last few weeks.
From what I have heard in the past and seen today, I have to say that we in the Archdiocese are really blessed to have someone like Bishop Knestout.
Ad Multos Annos!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Have you guessed correctly?
The Catholic school which was converted into a Charter school and has not received the first lease payment...
St. Gabriel.
I am going to take a couple of days off to be with family.
So, I want to wish each of you a very Merry Christmas.
Remember, without Christ, there is no Christmas!
St. Gabriel.
I am going to take a couple of days off to be with family.
So, I want to wish each of you a very Merry Christmas.
Remember, without Christ, there is no Christmas!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Yesterday, we saw how the Archdiocese can take the closing of Catholic schools and turn it into a victory celebration (so to speak). However, not everything is perfect.
From my understanding of the situation, the Center City Consortium schools were not funded out of the original education budget. This means that the DC City Council would have to approve supplemental funding, from the educational funding reserve. Is there a possibility that they may not? Maybe.
As part of the plan to convert these schools, in a presentation made by Mr. Duffy, the Archdiocese would lease the school to the Center City Public Charter School (CCPCS) for a term of 5 years, with three additional 5 year renewal periods.
The CCPCS would get
- 24/7 access to the buildings
- pay 100% of the school maintenance (cleaning, lighting, etc.)
- pay 50% of the landscaping and common lighting area
- remove snow, ice, etc. (at apx. 75% of cost)
- allow for off hours scheduling access by the parish.
The parish would have to maintain the building and base systems, such as electrical, HVAC, etc. In addition, they could use the school for CCD, meetings, etc.
Based on this basic agreement, the parish would get between $85,000 to $100,000 in rent for the first year. In Year 2, between $125,000 and $140,000 and in Year 3, between $135,000 and $150,000.
(My guess is that the difference in rent in a given year, may be due to the number of students in attendance.)
Payment is to be made on a quarterly basis starting Nov. 1, 2008, with additional payments on Feb., 1, May 1 and August 1.
However, there is at least one parish that has not received a minimum payment of $21,500 yet. And the word on the street is that they rent may not come in until sometime in the Spring 2009.
Can you guess which one?
The answer tomorrow!
From my understanding of the situation, the Center City Consortium schools were not funded out of the original education budget. This means that the DC City Council would have to approve supplemental funding, from the educational funding reserve. Is there a possibility that they may not? Maybe.
As part of the plan to convert these schools, in a presentation made by Mr. Duffy, the Archdiocese would lease the school to the Center City Public Charter School (CCPCS) for a term of 5 years, with three additional 5 year renewal periods.
The CCPCS would get
- 24/7 access to the buildings
- pay 100% of the school maintenance (cleaning, lighting, etc.)
- pay 50% of the landscaping and common lighting area
- remove snow, ice, etc. (at apx. 75% of cost)
- allow for off hours scheduling access by the parish.
The parish would have to maintain the building and base systems, such as electrical, HVAC, etc. In addition, they could use the school for CCD, meetings, etc.
Based on this basic agreement, the parish would get between $85,000 to $100,000 in rent for the first year. In Year 2, between $125,000 and $140,000 and in Year 3, between $135,000 and $150,000.
(My guess is that the difference in rent in a given year, may be due to the number of students in attendance.)
Payment is to be made on a quarterly basis starting Nov. 1, 2008, with additional payments on Feb., 1, May 1 and August 1.
However, there is at least one parish that has not received a minimum payment of $21,500 yet. And the word on the street is that they rent may not come in until sometime in the Spring 2009.
Can you guess which one?
The answer tomorrow!
Monday, December 22, 2008
Orwell Lives
In this week’s Catholic Standard (Dec. 18, 2008 page 12), Thom Duffy (CFO Archdiocese of Washington DC) was recognized by the Greater Washington Society of CPAs as one of the city’s top nonprofit CFOs. He was given Honorable Mention for what the Society called “innovative work during the past year” that was “exemplary” and “worthy of recognition.” Congratulations!
Mr. Duffy stated that “I got the award on behalf of the Archdiocese of Washington and what we did last year, particularly for what we did in the conversion (of former Center City Consortium schools) to charter schools.”
Wait, let’s look carefully at that statement. Mr. Duffy received an award for closing Catholic schools and converting them into public charter schools. And, there is no guarantee that these charter schools will remain in existence, even past the first year.
Well, only in the Archdiocese of Washington DC and in the Catholic Standard can the closing of Catholic schools be lauded and praised.
Do the folks over in Hyattsville really believe what he is saying? Do they believe that we will just go "Yes! This is wonderful."
Personally, I don’t see the closing of Catholic schools as something to be really proud of, even though it may mean a larger revenue stream for the parishes which had those schools.
However, from what my sources tell me, not everything is perfect in paradise…
Mr. Duffy stated that “I got the award on behalf of the Archdiocese of Washington and what we did last year, particularly for what we did in the conversion (of former Center City Consortium schools) to charter schools.”
Wait, let’s look carefully at that statement. Mr. Duffy received an award for closing Catholic schools and converting them into public charter schools. And, there is no guarantee that these charter schools will remain in existence, even past the first year.
Well, only in the Archdiocese of Washington DC and in the Catholic Standard can the closing of Catholic schools be lauded and praised.
Do the folks over in Hyattsville really believe what he is saying? Do they believe that we will just go "Yes! This is wonderful."
Personally, I don’t see the closing of Catholic schools as something to be really proud of, even though it may mean a larger revenue stream for the parishes which had those schools.
However, from what my sources tell me, not everything is perfect in paradise…
Friday, December 19, 2008
CHA President Supports Obama's Health Picks
According to LifeNews.Com:
The president of the Catholic Health Association, Sister Carol Keehan, has issued a response to the pro-life advocates who are upset with her statement praising two pro-abortion picks by incoming president Barack Obama.
Instead of backing down from her position, Sister Keehan goes further by offering a defense of Obama as well as his new pro-abortion Health Secretary Tom Daschle and pro-abortion deputy health care director Jeanne Lambrew.
They are committed to getting access to quality health care for all Americans, including pregnant women and their unborn babies," Keehan adds. "It is my belief that we ... will prevent more abortions by ensuring tangible health care for pregnant women and their unborn babies.
Wow. This sounds like it was taken out of the Catholics for Obama playbook.
Maybe it is because they see this as a chance for socialized medicine?
The president of the Catholic Health Association, Sister Carol Keehan, has issued a response to the pro-life advocates who are upset with her statement praising two pro-abortion picks by incoming president Barack Obama.
Instead of backing down from her position, Sister Keehan goes further by offering a defense of Obama as well as his new pro-abortion Health Secretary Tom Daschle and pro-abortion deputy health care director Jeanne Lambrew.
They are committed to getting access to quality health care for all Americans, including pregnant women and their unborn babies," Keehan adds. "It is my belief that we ... will prevent more abortions by ensuring tangible health care for pregnant women and their unborn babies.
Wow. This sounds like it was taken out of the Catholics for Obama playbook.
Maybe it is because they see this as a chance for socialized medicine?
Thursday, December 18, 2008
I Missed It...Did You?
Well folks, it looks like I missed the last meeting of the dissenters at Holy Trinity Church in Georgetown. Darn.
But, what else is new.

Never ceases to amaze me how a supposedly Catholic parish can host dissenters on a regular basis. But then again, it is Holy Trinity and run by the Jesuits. Need I say more?
BTW, VOTF has thrown in their lot with Fr. Bourgeouis. Talk about your dissenters.
The folks over in Hyattsville will turn a blind eye.But, what else is new.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Come Home For Christmas
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Catholic schools save U.S. $19.8 billion annually...
According to CNA, Catholic schools have saved the US over $19 billion annually.
Some of my earlier postings have discussed this. When I look at the elementary school associated with my parish, it saves government (Federal, state and local) over $220,000 per year (based on $11,000 per student per year, at an enrollment of 200).
By politicians allowing Catholic schools to close (and did you see the article in the Catholic Standard this week about southern Maryland -- told you so months ago), it only will cost the taxpayers more and allow more children to be put into failing schools.
Psst...rumor has it that there have been meetings in Montgomery County recently as well.
Some of my earlier postings have discussed this. When I look at the elementary school associated with my parish, it saves government (Federal, state and local) over $220,000 per year (based on $11,000 per student per year, at an enrollment of 200).
By politicians allowing Catholic schools to close (and did you see the article in the Catholic Standard this week about southern Maryland -- told you so months ago), it only will cost the taxpayers more and allow more children to be put into failing schools.
Psst...rumor has it that there have been meetings in Montgomery County recently as well.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
They are not clowing around -- National Migration Week
Well, it looks like the USCCB is at it again with National Migration Week 2009.
Although they are not clowning around this year, there is still lots of funny business.
Looking through some of the materials offered for use by teachers, I came across a song entitled: I AM AN ALIEN by Wilfred Suprena.
I guess the basic idea of the song is that all of us aliens and throughout the years aliens have been abused and taken advantage of.
However, as I reviewed the song, there are some questions (among many) that came to my mind regarding the song and aliens.
1. The song says that aliens have no skin color, but then the writer talks about "dark skin, red skin." What about "white skin"? Are their no aliens who are white? Or are those with "white skin" the "no skin color" ones? Are aliens only those who are "dark or red"? (Hey, don't call me racist, I am just using the songwriter's own words.)
2. She talks about aliens being made slaves in Ancient Rome and in the Middle Ages (probably in Europe). You mean that there were no "aliens" who were slave in other societies at other times? I guess there were no alien slaves in Ancient Egypt, Carthage, Greece, Timbuktu, Babylon, etc.
3. I am not certain what aliens have to do with Austerlitz? I had no idea that there were millions of aliens from the Czech Republic, did you?
4. I did not know that there were aliens from Auschwitz? Or is she saying that the prisoners kept and killed there were aliens? Or, when the war ended, those who were held there were aliens?
5. Nagasaki and Hiroshima? Again, I am not certain. Does she mean that the population in those cities were aliens, which is why it was bombed? Or did the population become aliens after it was bombed? Or, is it a way to throw a bone to the anti-nuclear/revisionist history crowd?
Ah yes, the funny business continues sans clown at the USCCB.
Although they are not clowning around this year, there is still lots of funny business.
Looking through some of the materials offered for use by teachers, I came across a song entitled: I AM AN ALIEN by Wilfred Suprena.
I guess the basic idea of the song is that all of us aliens and throughout the years aliens have been abused and taken advantage of.
However, as I reviewed the song, there are some questions (among many) that came to my mind regarding the song and aliens.
1. The song says that aliens have no skin color, but then the writer talks about "dark skin, red skin." What about "white skin"? Are their no aliens who are white? Or are those with "white skin" the "no skin color" ones? Are aliens only those who are "dark or red"? (Hey, don't call me racist, I am just using the songwriter's own words.)
2. She talks about aliens being made slaves in Ancient Rome and in the Middle Ages (probably in Europe). You mean that there were no "aliens" who were slave in other societies at other times? I guess there were no alien slaves in Ancient Egypt, Carthage, Greece, Timbuktu, Babylon, etc.
3. I am not certain what aliens have to do with Austerlitz? I had no idea that there were millions of aliens from the Czech Republic, did you?
4. I did not know that there were aliens from Auschwitz? Or is she saying that the prisoners kept and killed there were aliens? Or, when the war ended, those who were held there were aliens?
5. Nagasaki and Hiroshima? Again, I am not certain. Does she mean that the population in those cities were aliens, which is why it was bombed? Or did the population become aliens after it was bombed? Or, is it a way to throw a bone to the anti-nuclear/revisionist history crowd?
Ah yes, the funny business continues sans clown at the USCCB.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
No Religous Christmas Stamps at the Local Post Office!
So today, my good friend "A" goes to the local Post Office at Four Corners (Silver Spring, MD).
She walks in to mail some packages, and pick up some religous Christmas stamps for herself and for me. (I told her to pick up about 8 or 9 books for me -- like I said, I use them throughout the year.)
The clerk behind the counter tells her: "We are sold out. We have Hanukkah stamps. We have Kwanzaa stamps. We don't have the religious ones. Would you like one of the others?"
Can you believe that? Out of religous Christmas stamps.
I am going to have to go to one of the larger Post Office stations now.
She walks in to mail some packages, and pick up some religous Christmas stamps for herself and for me. (I told her to pick up about 8 or 9 books for me -- like I said, I use them throughout the year.)
The clerk behind the counter tells her: "We are sold out. We have Hanukkah stamps. We have Kwanzaa stamps. We don't have the religious ones. Would you like one of the others?"
Can you believe that? Out of religous Christmas stamps.
I am going to have to go to one of the larger Post Office stations now.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Ordination of Bishop-Elect Barry Knestout
Just got word from a friend of mine...
The Ordination will take place at 2pm on Monday, Dec. 29, 2008 at the Cathedral of St. Matthew. Located at 1725 Rhode Island Ave., NW Washington, DC, it is near the Dupont Circle and Farragut North stations (Red Line) of METRO.
The Ordination will take place at 2pm on Monday, Dec. 29, 2008 at the Cathedral of St. Matthew. Located at 1725 Rhode Island Ave., NW Washington, DC, it is near the Dupont Circle and Farragut North stations (Red Line) of METRO.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
"Because I created you and I love you..."
From Catholic News Agency:
In November the American Humanist Association (AHA) bought advertisements on Washington D.C. buses reading “Why believe in a god? Just be good for goodness' sake.” The campaign aspired to bring together the non-religious during the holiday season.
The “I Believe Too” campaign, sponsored by the Center for Family Development, called the AHA effort a “campaign against God.” Aiming to “fight back with the same campaign they are running,” the I Believe Too ads are planned for 10 buses with side posters, 10 buses with tail posters, 200 interior bus posters.
I hope to see it soon and take a photo.
In November the American Humanist Association (AHA) bought advertisements on Washington D.C. buses reading “Why believe in a god? Just be good for goodness' sake.” The campaign aspired to bring together the non-religious during the holiday season.
The “I Believe Too” campaign, sponsored by the Center for Family Development, called the AHA effort a “campaign against God.” Aiming to “fight back with the same campaign they are running,” the I Believe Too ads are planned for 10 buses with side posters, 10 buses with tail posters, 200 interior bus posters.
I hope to see it soon and take a photo.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
The Vatican on display at the National Museum of Funeral History
Although not a "Washington DC" story, I thought my readers might find the largest exhibit of Vatican artifacts outside of Rome both unsual and different. From the Washington Post:
The only exhibit of Vatican artifacts outside the papal capital is on display in an unlikely spot _ the National Museum of Funeral History, an exhibit hall that celebrates coffins, hearses and other ceremonial aspects of death.
The exhibit is designed to recreate the experience of attending a papal funeral. There is a re-creation of a pope lying in state at St. Peter's Basilica, flanked by two members of the Swiss Guard. A mannequin representing the pontiff is clothed in the funeral vestments made for John Paul II; the Swiss Guard figures wear blue and yellow uniforms donated by the corps.
The only exhibit of Vatican artifacts outside the papal capital is on display in an unlikely spot _ the National Museum of Funeral History, an exhibit hall that celebrates coffins, hearses and other ceremonial aspects of death.
The exhibit is designed to recreate the experience of attending a papal funeral. There is a re-creation of a pope lying in state at St. Peter's Basilica, flanked by two members of the Swiss Guard. A mannequin representing the pontiff is clothed in the funeral vestments made for John Paul II; the Swiss Guard figures wear blue and yellow uniforms donated by the corps.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
The American Baby Code
Published in 1934 in American Weekly Magazine by Margaret Sanger (the founder of Planned Parenthood), it gives insight into her thinking. Makes me wonder if PP will disavow Margarat Sanger, but I doubt it. Special thanks to our friends over at Les Femmes - The Truth.
Article 1. The purpose of the American Baby Code shall be to provide for a better distribution of babies. To assist couples who wish to prevent overproduction of offspring and thus to reduce the burden of charity and taxation for public relief and to protect society against the propagation and increase of the unfit.
Article 2. Birth control clinics shall be permitted to function as services of government health departments or under the support of charity, or as non-profit, self-sustaining agencies subject to inspection and control by public authorities.
Article 3. A marriage license shall in itself give husband and wife only the right to a common household and not the right to parenthood.
Article 4. No woman shall have the legal right to bear a child, no man shall have the right to become a father, without a permit for parenthood.
Article 5. Permits for parenthood shall be issued by government authorities to married couples upon application, providing the parents are financially able to support the expected child, have the qualifications needed for proper rearing of the child, have no transmissible diseases, and on the woman’s part no indication that maternity is likely to result in death or permanent injury to health.
Article 6. No permit for parenthood shall be valid for more than one birth.Article
7. Every county shall be assisted administratively by the states in the effort to maintain a direct ratio between county birth rate and its index of child welfare. When the county records show an unfavorable variation from this ratio the county shall be taxed by the State…. The revenues thus obtained shall be expended by the State within the given county in giving financial support to birth control…..
Article 8. Feeble-minded persons, habitual congenital criminals, those afflicted with inheritable diseases, and others found biologically unfit should be sterilized or in cases of doubt should be isolated as to prevent the perpetuation of their afflictions by breeding.
Article 1. The purpose of the American Baby Code shall be to provide for a better distribution of babies. To assist couples who wish to prevent overproduction of offspring and thus to reduce the burden of charity and taxation for public relief and to protect society against the propagation and increase of the unfit.
Article 2. Birth control clinics shall be permitted to function as services of government health departments or under the support of charity, or as non-profit, self-sustaining agencies subject to inspection and control by public authorities.
Article 3. A marriage license shall in itself give husband and wife only the right to a common household and not the right to parenthood.
Article 4. No woman shall have the legal right to bear a child, no man shall have the right to become a father, without a permit for parenthood.
Article 5. Permits for parenthood shall be issued by government authorities to married couples upon application, providing the parents are financially able to support the expected child, have the qualifications needed for proper rearing of the child, have no transmissible diseases, and on the woman’s part no indication that maternity is likely to result in death or permanent injury to health.
Article 6. No permit for parenthood shall be valid for more than one birth.Article
7. Every county shall be assisted administratively by the states in the effort to maintain a direct ratio between county birth rate and its index of child welfare. When the county records show an unfavorable variation from this ratio the county shall be taxed by the State…. The revenues thus obtained shall be expended by the State within the given county in giving financial support to birth control…..
Article 8. Feeble-minded persons, habitual congenital criminals, those afflicted with inheritable diseases, and others found biologically unfit should be sterilized or in cases of doubt should be isolated as to prevent the perpetuation of their afflictions by breeding.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Update on Knights for Obama
Periodically, I like to go back and review a couple of stories. A few months ago, many of us were quite upset when a website appeared entitled: Knights (of Columbus) for Obama.
It was a pretty unimpressive site (as far as layout, design, etc., go) but it was enough to get many of us talking about it. It even included one Knight from the Washington DC area, a Mr. John Koback CPA, who is the parish accountant for Our Lady of Grace in Silver Spring, MD.
Well, I had booked marked the site. When I clicked on it, it now is a sub-page of the Catholics for Obama page.
What else should we have expected.
All I can say of these Knights is "For Shame!"
It was a pretty unimpressive site (as far as layout, design, etc., go) but it was enough to get many of us talking about it. It even included one Knight from the Washington DC area, a Mr. John Koback CPA, who is the parish accountant for Our Lady of Grace in Silver Spring, MD.
Well, I had booked marked the site. When I clicked on it, it now is a sub-page of the Catholics for Obama page.
What else should we have expected.
All I can say of these Knights is "For Shame!"
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Voce Italiana, Holy Rosary Church and the Quest for Democracy!
Let me wish each of you a very Happy Thanksgiving. As one who has traveled to a number of countries over the course of my lifetime, the United States is blessed with so many things you cannot even begin to count them.
Take a moment to thank God for what He has given to us.
A few weeks ago, I posted a story on Voce Italiana, a publication of Holy Rosary Catholic Church in DC, which had highlighted Sen. Nancy Pelosi.
He heard nothing from them until last week, when he began to receive phone calls about the letter. It seems that the letter was published. Finally, someone sent him a copy of VOCE. He read the letter, their response and noticed that a couple of key items had been edited out. It was done in such a way as to make the author someone who does not respect the free flow of information, instead of the core issue: that a Catholic publication was lauding a pro-abortion, pro-gay politician.
So, for your reading pleasure, here is the original letter to the editor (highlighting the sections cut out) and their response.
Letter to the Editor of Voce:
Recently, we received the most recent copy of VOCE ITALIANA. When I opened it up to the front cover, we were shocked to see who was being featured on the front page: Senator Nancy Pelosi.
If this article was produced in a publication some secular Italian or Italian-American group, we would not be shocked. Even though the paper advertises that it is “An Italian American Gazette of the Greater Washington DC Area” is it published by Holy Rosary Church – a Roman Catholic Church.
As Catholics, we are appalled that VOCE would highlight a pro-abortion, pro-gay politician. In addition, her recent foray into Catholic theology shows that her Catholicism is something that she is totally ignorant of. She wears it on her sleeve. She is no friend of faithful Roman Catholics.
Our relationship to Holy Rosary goes back many years, which hurts us even more deeply, when we see this “infamia.”
Both of us met in Casa after the 9am Mass one Sunday in August of 1991. We were married at Holy Rosary. Our children were baptized there. We would be parishioners of Holy Rosary, if it were not for the fact that it does not have a Catholic elementary school.
XXX and her parents (XXX) faithfully attended the 9am Mass for many years. XXX and her mom worked for many years at the Italian Festival at Villa Rosa, as well as, a number of various events at Holy Rosary.
XXXX grew up attending school and Mass at St. Joseph’s on Monroe St. in NYC – a Scalabrinian staffed Church. Shortly after he moved to DC, he became a parishioner at Holy Rosary – because of the Scalabrinians. He remembers serving Mass for Fr. Lydio Tomasi and his brother Archbishop Sylvio Tomasi, during their visits to St. Joseph.
It is our hopes that in the future, if VOCE continues to be published by Holy Rosary Church (a Roman Catholic Church), that it will ensure that politicians who do not support us on one of the most fundamental issues of our times are not lauded.
Therefore, it is with the deepest sadness that we must cancel our subscription to VOCE ITALIANA.
The response from Voce (with my comments):
We welcome letters to the editor and thank you for expressing your opinion regarding articles about Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. However we respectfully disagree with your assessment of the article.
We believe that Speaker Pelosi, as one of the top leaders, and as an Italian American, is a legitimate subject for our paper. Refraining from reporting news about her, or from interviewing her regarding her recent book, on the basis of her ideology and political positions may differ from those held by some of our readers, does our larger audience an injustice. (As well and removing the fact that you are published by Holy Rosary Church.)
Voce strives for an objective discourse on all subjects of interest our audience – the Italian-American community in the Washington DC area. We seek to report news in an unbiased manner (and yet, there was no mention of her support for abortion or her foray into Catholic theology, nor hide the fact that you are published by a Roman Catholic parish). After all, the Italian-American community itself is not a monolith. It is a highly diverse group, comprised of Republicans and Democrats a like, as well as members of all religious faiths, including Protestants, Muslims and Jews.
We live in a democracy and a democracy works best when people are well informed. (Then why did you not include the letter as was, and not hide the fact that is it published by a Roman Catholic parish.)
What I also find amazing is that there is no mention of the linkage between Holy Rosary Church and Voce. I mean, the phone number and the address given for inquires are exactly the same. Who are they kidding! What a cop-out.
Take a moment to thank God for what He has given to us.
A few weeks ago, I posted a story on Voce Italiana, a publication of Holy Rosary Catholic Church in DC, which had highlighted Sen. Nancy Pelosi.
He heard nothing from them until last week, when he began to receive phone calls about the letter. It seems that the letter was published. Finally, someone sent him a copy of VOCE. He read the letter, their response and noticed that a couple of key items had been edited out. It was done in such a way as to make the author someone who does not respect the free flow of information, instead of the core issue: that a Catholic publication was lauding a pro-abortion, pro-gay politician.
So, for your reading pleasure, here is the original letter to the editor (highlighting the sections cut out) and their response.
Letter to the Editor of Voce:
Recently, we received the most recent copy of VOCE ITALIANA. When I opened it up to the front cover, we were shocked to see who was being featured on the front page: Senator Nancy Pelosi.
If this article was produced in a publication some secular Italian or Italian-American group, we would not be shocked. Even though the paper advertises that it is “An Italian American Gazette of the Greater Washington DC Area” is it published by Holy Rosary Church – a Roman Catholic Church.
As Catholics, we are appalled that VOCE would highlight a pro-abortion, pro-gay politician. In addition, her recent foray into Catholic theology shows that her Catholicism is something that she is totally ignorant of. She wears it on her sleeve. She is no friend of faithful Roman Catholics.
Our relationship to Holy Rosary goes back many years, which hurts us even more deeply, when we see this “infamia.”
Both of us met in Casa after the 9am Mass one Sunday in August of 1991. We were married at Holy Rosary. Our children were baptized there. We would be parishioners of Holy Rosary, if it were not for the fact that it does not have a Catholic elementary school.
XXX and her parents (XXX) faithfully attended the 9am Mass for many years. XXX and her mom worked for many years at the Italian Festival at Villa Rosa, as well as, a number of various events at Holy Rosary.
XXXX grew up attending school and Mass at St. Joseph’s on Monroe St. in NYC – a Scalabrinian staffed Church. Shortly after he moved to DC, he became a parishioner at Holy Rosary – because of the Scalabrinians. He remembers serving Mass for Fr. Lydio Tomasi and his brother Archbishop Sylvio Tomasi, during their visits to St. Joseph.
It is our hopes that in the future, if VOCE continues to be published by Holy Rosary Church (a Roman Catholic Church), that it will ensure that politicians who do not support us on one of the most fundamental issues of our times are not lauded.
Therefore, it is with the deepest sadness that we must cancel our subscription to VOCE ITALIANA.
The response from Voce (with my comments):
We welcome letters to the editor and thank you for expressing your opinion regarding articles about Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. However we respectfully disagree with your assessment of the article.
We believe that Speaker Pelosi, as one of the top leaders, and as an Italian American, is a legitimate subject for our paper. Refraining from reporting news about her, or from interviewing her regarding her recent book, on the basis of her ideology and political positions may differ from those held by some of our readers, does our larger audience an injustice. (As well and removing the fact that you are published by Holy Rosary Church.)
Voce strives for an objective discourse on all subjects of interest our audience – the Italian-American community in the Washington DC area. We seek to report news in an unbiased manner (and yet, there was no mention of her support for abortion or her foray into Catholic theology, nor hide the fact that you are published by a Roman Catholic parish). After all, the Italian-American community itself is not a monolith. It is a highly diverse group, comprised of Republicans and Democrats a like, as well as members of all religious faiths, including Protestants, Muslims and Jews.
We live in a democracy and a democracy works best when people are well informed. (Then why did you not include the letter as was, and not hide the fact that is it published by a Roman Catholic parish.)
What I also find amazing is that there is no mention of the linkage between Holy Rosary Church and Voce. I mean, the phone number and the address given for inquires are exactly the same. Who are they kidding! What a cop-out.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Did you give to the CCHD?
Our friends over at Les Femmes have asked if your parish had taken up a CCHD collection, did the priest speak about it, etc.
I would like to "borrow" from her on this theme and ask the readers from the Archdiocese of Washington DC (only) three basic questions, which are located on the right of this page:
- Did you give?
- How much did you give?
- If you did not give, did you protest the collection?
Of course, is is unscientific but it would be interesting to see what people say.
I would like to "borrow" from her on this theme and ask the readers from the Archdiocese of Washington DC (only) three basic questions, which are located on the right of this page:
- Did you give?
- How much did you give?
- If you did not give, did you protest the collection?
Of course, is is unscientific but it would be interesting to see what people say.
Monday, November 24, 2008
The St. Joseph House - Pro-Life in Action
This week's paper copy of the Catholic Standard (Nov. 20, 2008 page 17) has a nice story about the walkathon at St. John the Evangelist School (Silver Spring) for the St. Joseph House. (Kudos to the Catholic Standard on this one.)
The St. Joseph House is run by Cubby and Dan LaHood, since 1983. Both are lay Missionaries of Charity and have run the St. Joseph House as a non-profit daycare respite home for youth with multiple disabilities. They not only care for this youth but it also provides their parents with a chance to be able work a full day and also gives them some time to run errands or some respite time.
The principal, St. Kathleen Lannark, stated that this sort of fundraiser teaches the students to "respect all life" and to become sensitive to the fact that children with disabilities are "God's children too."
The students raised over $7,000.
Talk about the pro-life movement in action. (This is the type of story that should be put in the faces of the Planned Parenthoods and NARALs of this world.)
So, if you did not give the CCHD and are looking for a good Catholic charity, this is one. Note that they They do not receive any funding from the Archdiocese of Washington DC or any government funding.
St. Joseph House
1505 Cody Drive
Silver Spring, Maryland 20902
PS: They are on my annual list of Catholic Charities.
The St. Joseph House is run by Cubby and Dan LaHood, since 1983. Both are lay Missionaries of Charity and have run the St. Joseph House as a non-profit daycare respite home for youth with multiple disabilities. They not only care for this youth but it also provides their parents with a chance to be able work a full day and also gives them some time to run errands or some respite time.
The principal, St. Kathleen Lannark, stated that this sort of fundraiser teaches the students to "respect all life" and to become sensitive to the fact that children with disabilities are "God's children too."
The students raised over $7,000.
Talk about the pro-life movement in action. (This is the type of story that should be put in the faces of the Planned Parenthoods and NARALs of this world.)
So, if you did not give the CCHD and are looking for a good Catholic charity, this is one. Note that they They do not receive any funding from the Archdiocese of Washington DC or any government funding.
St. Joseph House
1505 Cody Drive
Silver Spring, Maryland 20902
PS: They are on my annual list of Catholic Charities.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Boycott CCHD - Last and Final Call
Well everyone, this is the last call to boycott the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD).
The Catholic blogs, like mine, have documented how CCHD has supported a number of organizations that have actually advocated things that are against our faith.
Mr. C. Wainwright, the CCHD Director for the Archdiocese of Washington DC, never responded to my email, even though I promised to publish his response. And I would have done it without any edits. (There is still time.)
Now it is time to put your money where your mouth is, so to speak, and not give a dime to CCHD.
Some have advocated putting envelopes full of acorns into the collection basket on Sunday. Others have advocated putting paper ones in. Still others have advocated sending an empty envelope with a note in the collection basket. While others, have advocated writing letters.
All of these are good and if you feel that it will send a message, go for it.
For me, I will send a message by not donating a penny to CCHD.
I will however send in a donation to another organization. May I suggest you send your donation to The Gabriel Network:
The Gabriel Network is a grassroots, faith-based nonprofit support network that provides practical, emotional and spiritual assistance to women and families facing crisis pregnancies, in a spirit of Christian solidarity.
We are a network of churches, individuals, businesses, agencies, donors, organizations, and professional personnel inspired by Christ to realize a culture of life through loving service to the women and families in our communities challenged with an unexpected pregnancy.
We operate in Washington DC and much of Maryland, specifically Montgomery, Prince George’s, Howard, Carroll, Charles, Calvert, Frederick, Harford, Baltimore City and Baltimore Counties.
Yes, it is not strictly Catholic, but many Catholic parishes in the Archdiocese are involved, such as: St. Bartholomew's (Manchester), Sacred Heart (La Plata), St. Joseph (Taneytown), and St. Jude (Rockville)
The Catholic blogs, like mine, have documented how CCHD has supported a number of organizations that have actually advocated things that are against our faith.
Mr. C. Wainwright, the CCHD Director for the Archdiocese of Washington DC, never responded to my email, even though I promised to publish his response. And I would have done it without any edits. (There is still time.)
Now it is time to put your money where your mouth is, so to speak, and not give a dime to CCHD.
Some have advocated putting envelopes full of acorns into the collection basket on Sunday. Others have advocated putting paper ones in. Still others have advocated sending an empty envelope with a note in the collection basket. While others, have advocated writing letters.
All of these are good and if you feel that it will send a message, go for it.
For me, I will send a message by not donating a penny to CCHD.
I will however send in a donation to another organization. May I suggest you send your donation to The Gabriel Network:
The Gabriel Network is a grassroots, faith-based nonprofit support network that provides practical, emotional and spiritual assistance to women and families facing crisis pregnancies, in a spirit of Christian solidarity.
We are a network of churches, individuals, businesses, agencies, donors, organizations, and professional personnel inspired by Christ to realize a culture of life through loving service to the women and families in our communities challenged with an unexpected pregnancy.
We operate in Washington DC and much of Maryland, specifically Montgomery, Prince George’s, Howard, Carroll, Charles, Calvert, Frederick, Harford, Baltimore City and Baltimore Counties.
Yes, it is not strictly Catholic, but many Catholic parishes in the Archdiocese are involved, such as: St. Bartholomew's (Manchester), Sacred Heart (La Plata), St. Joseph (Taneytown), and St. Jude (Rockville)
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
More on Msgr. Knestout
The Catholic Standard (the official newspaper of the Archdiocese of Washington DC) has more information about Msgr. (soon to be Bishop) Knestout.
Once again, congratulations Msgr. Knestout.
Once again, congratulations Msgr. Knestout.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Congratulations to Msgr. Barry Knestout -- Now to be Bishop Knestout!
The parishioners over at St. John the Evangelist (Silver Spring, MD) must be very happy that the former pastor -- Msgr. Barry Knestout -- has been tapped to be the new Auxilary Bishop.
By all accounts (and I have reported this here before), he was well liked by the parishioners and was very dedicated to them and their spiritual well being.
You can read more about it at Whisphers in the Loggia. (H/T to him.)
Congratulations Msgr. Knestout!
By all accounts (and I have reported this here before), he was well liked by the parishioners and was very dedicated to them and their spiritual well being.
You can read more about it at Whisphers in the Loggia. (H/T to him.)
Congratulations Msgr. Knestout!
The Maryland Catholic Conference (MCC) is attempting to fight the Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA) by encouraging Maryland residents to write to the sponsors.
According to the MCC:
A radical bill called the “Freedom of Choice Act,” commonly referred to as FOCA, that would eliminate modest regulations on abortion has been introduced in the U.S. Congress and is co-sponsored by Maryland Sens. Barbara Mikulksi and Ben Cardin and Maryland Reps. Dutch Ruppersberger and Chris Van Hollen. The incoming administration previously said it would sign this legislation into law if it is passed by Congress.
It continues to state:
FOCA violates religious freedom because it would not allow Catholic doctors and hospitals to refuse to perform abortions - a fact which would lead Catholic hospitals across the nation to close.
Now, it is good that they are attempting to stop this but I would like to pose an open question to all of the MCC and Archdiocese of Washington DC employees (priests, religous and lay):
If you answered "YES" to any of these questions, then it is you who have put us in this situation.
Many of us were telling you this but you ignored this fact over an over. You who told us we were "one issue Catholics." You who told us that he ("The Almighty, and Merciful, Lord Barack Obama") would give us hope and bring us the social justice we so despirately needed.
Now, you not only put the employees of Catholic institutions at risk, but the lives of millions of innocent unborn and those who are born who rely on our institutions to assist them at little or no cost.
Nice job.
I hope you are happy.
According to the MCC:
A radical bill called the “Freedom of Choice Act,” commonly referred to as FOCA, that would eliminate modest regulations on abortion has been introduced in the U.S. Congress and is co-sponsored by Maryland Sens. Barbara Mikulksi and Ben Cardin and Maryland Reps. Dutch Ruppersberger and Chris Van Hollen. The incoming administration previously said it would sign this legislation into law if it is passed by Congress.
It continues to state:
FOCA violates religious freedom because it would not allow Catholic doctors and hospitals to refuse to perform abortions - a fact which would lead Catholic hospitals across the nation to close.
Now, it is good that they are attempting to stop this but I would like to pose an open question to all of the MCC and Archdiocese of Washington DC employees (priests, religous and lay):
- How many of you voted for Barack Obama?
- How many of you voted for Sens. Barbara Mikulski and Ben Cardin over the years?
- How many of you vote for Reps. Dutch Ruppersberger and Chris Van Hollen over the years?
If you answered "YES" to any of these questions, then it is you who have put us in this situation.
Many of us were telling you this but you ignored this fact over an over. You who told us we were "one issue Catholics." You who told us that he ("The Almighty, and Merciful, Lord Barack Obama") would give us hope and bring us the social justice we so despirately needed.
Now, you not only put the employees of Catholic institutions at risk, but the lives of millions of innocent unborn and those who are born who rely on our institutions to assist them at little or no cost.
Nice job.
I hope you are happy.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Open Letter to Mr. C. Wainwright, CCHD Director for the Archdiocese of Washington DC
Dear Mr. Wainwright:
It looks like the CCHD is pulling out the stops this year to ensure that it continues to receive adequate funding.
I received the CCHD flier at my parish. As I read through it, you could easily tell that the black eye received from the ACORN scandal has influenced it but not enough to say “we will reform.”
Even as it attempts to show that CCHD funds projects to break the cycle of poverty, some of the organizations that you focus on, raised additional questions for me.
CASA of Maryland. I have written previously about CASA and how it seeks, with the help of local politicians and the Maryland Catholic Conference, to do whatever it can to assist illegal aliens and thwart Federal immigration laws. The recent death of Tai Lam on a commuter bus by an illegal alien and those with ties to MS-13 seems to have done nothing to change the thinking of CCHD and MCC.
Action in Montgomery (AIM). Although this group is made up of a number of churches, and claims to be bi-partisan, it is an affiliate of the Industries Areas Foundation. Have you heard of that group before? Of course you have, it was founded by Saul Alinsky. And who was greatly influenced by Saul Alinksy? Yep, the President-Elect.
Partnership for Renewal in Southern and Central Maryland (PRISCM) also has an indirect link to Alinsky, through the Gamaliel Foundation. Although, you claim that CCHD funds groups which are non-partisan, but the issues it “fights for” do have a political component. According to Wikipedia:
Gamaliel has refocused its efforts from neighborhood organizations to coalitions that can influence wider metropolitan areas and regions. Gamaliel has begun to formulate strategies for impacting national policy on such issues as comprehensive immigration reform, health care for all, jobs and full employment, affordable housing, and public transportation.
Considering the fact that your flier shows CASA and PRISCM working together on “immigration reform,” I have no question on where they stand on this issue and that it is a partisan one.
In fact, the PRISCM entry on Wikipedia references none other than the President-Elect. So much for non-partisanship.
And, as what a friend of mine likes to call "cocktail party information" guess who hired the President-Elect to be a community organizer. Yep, none other than the Gamaliel group. It just seems to get better and better.
Therefore, Mr. Wainwright, I will not be giving to CCHD and urging a boycott of CCHD until the entire program is either disbanded or overhauled. The use of funds from Catholics for non-Catholic groups needs to be ended, especially if they are used to support agendas which are against our faith.
We must only fund organizations which are FAITHFUL to the MAGESTERIUM of the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH.
It looks like the CCHD is pulling out the stops this year to ensure that it continues to receive adequate funding.
I received the CCHD flier at my parish. As I read through it, you could easily tell that the black eye received from the ACORN scandal has influenced it but not enough to say “we will reform.”
Even as it attempts to show that CCHD funds projects to break the cycle of poverty, some of the organizations that you focus on, raised additional questions for me.
CASA of Maryland. I have written previously about CASA and how it seeks, with the help of local politicians and the Maryland Catholic Conference, to do whatever it can to assist illegal aliens and thwart Federal immigration laws. The recent death of Tai Lam on a commuter bus by an illegal alien and those with ties to MS-13 seems to have done nothing to change the thinking of CCHD and MCC.
Action in Montgomery (AIM). Although this group is made up of a number of churches, and claims to be bi-partisan, it is an affiliate of the Industries Areas Foundation. Have you heard of that group before? Of course you have, it was founded by Saul Alinsky. And who was greatly influenced by Saul Alinksy? Yep, the President-Elect.
Partnership for Renewal in Southern and Central Maryland (PRISCM) also has an indirect link to Alinsky, through the Gamaliel Foundation. Although, you claim that CCHD funds groups which are non-partisan, but the issues it “fights for” do have a political component. According to Wikipedia:
Gamaliel has refocused its efforts from neighborhood organizations to coalitions that can influence wider metropolitan areas and regions. Gamaliel has begun to formulate strategies for impacting national policy on such issues as comprehensive immigration reform, health care for all, jobs and full employment, affordable housing, and public transportation.
Considering the fact that your flier shows CASA and PRISCM working together on “immigration reform,” I have no question on where they stand on this issue and that it is a partisan one.
In fact, the PRISCM entry on Wikipedia references none other than the President-Elect. So much for non-partisanship.
And, as what a friend of mine likes to call "cocktail party information" guess who hired the President-Elect to be a community organizer. Yep, none other than the Gamaliel group. It just seems to get better and better.
Therefore, Mr. Wainwright, I will not be giving to CCHD and urging a boycott of CCHD until the entire program is either disbanded or overhauled. The use of funds from Catholics for non-Catholic groups needs to be ended, especially if they are used to support agendas which are against our faith.
We must only fund organizations which are FAITHFUL to the MAGESTERIUM of the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Well, it seems that the Bishops have decided to no longer fund ACORN. However, Bishop Morin did not state: We will never again fund ACORN.
Now, this should not be the end of the boycott of CCHD. It needs to be entirely reformed and donations given to CATHOLIC groups that are FAITHFUL to the Magesterium of the Catholic Church.
It is my hope that we (the blogging community) have had some impact upon this decision.
Now, this should not be the end of the boycott of CCHD. It needs to be entirely reformed and donations given to CATHOLIC groups that are FAITHFUL to the Magesterium of the Catholic Church.
It is my hope that we (the blogging community) have had some impact upon this decision.
In addition, Aufer a Nobis has a posting about another Catholic institution that is partially funded by the Sunday Second Collection: Catholic University of America.
It seems that CUA believes that promoting Terry McAuliffe and Gov. Martin O'Malley is a good thing.
I guess this is another second collection that I will pass on.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Rosaries for Life
The Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) as it currently stands is ineffective and in many instances, supports organizations which do not necessarily support Catholic teaching. It must be shut down and reorganized. Please boycott the CCHD Collection on Sunday, Nov. 23rd. Read more here.
One of my regular readers asked if I would promote Rosaries for Life.
According to the website:
Rosaries for Life was started immediately after the 2008 election. The primary vision is simply to activate an army of prayer in support of our country, that it may return to God and His truth, especially in the area of respect for life. This is done through intercession for our people and our leaders, and through reparation for our past and current sins. Secondarily, the visions are: 1) to provide information about the pro-life cause and how people can become more active in it, and 2) to provide information about Catholicism, especially as it relates to pro-life teachings . Rosaries For Life is fully committed to Pope Benedict XVI and the bishops united with him - we declare our fidelity to the Magisterium of the Church.
Take a look and see if you can participate.
If you are unable to participate, then at least keep those who are participating in your prayers.
One of my regular readers asked if I would promote Rosaries for Life.
According to the website:
Rosaries for Life was started immediately after the 2008 election. The primary vision is simply to activate an army of prayer in support of our country, that it may return to God and His truth, especially in the area of respect for life. This is done through intercession for our people and our leaders, and through reparation for our past and current sins. Secondarily, the visions are: 1) to provide information about the pro-life cause and how people can become more active in it, and 2) to provide information about Catholicism, especially as it relates to pro-life teachings . Rosaries For Life is fully committed to Pope Benedict XVI and the bishops united with him - we declare our fidelity to the Magisterium of the Church.
Take a look and see if you can participate.
If you are unable to participate, then at least keep those who are participating in your prayers.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
St. Rose of Lima. Furniture and Mont. Co. Government
The Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) as it currently stands is ineffective and in many instances, supports organizations which do not necessarily support Catholic teaching. It must be shut down and reorganized. Please boycott the CCHD Collection on Sunday, Nov. 23rd. Read more here.
Now, most of you probably think that I really "hate" the folks over at St. Rose of Lima. Nope. Nothing of the sort. I do have a problem with VOTF and other stuff that goes one. From my perspective, the dissenters begin to slowly influence other groups to the point that what is in direct opposition to the Church becomes the norm.
However, my thoughts today are from an article in last week's Montgomery County Gazette (Nov. 2, 2008 Page A-41) regarding the closing of the Furniture Program at St. Rose. According to the article, it assisted the needy furnish their homes for over 20 years. A very good thing.
However, there was one thing that stuck in my mind over and over. The fact that Montgomery Country social services representatives have long depended on them for assistance.
Now, I think that it is ironic that Montgomery County which has no problem spending millions of dollars to help illegal aliens, spends over a billion dollars on an education system that may not really be working (unless you believe the test scores, which I don't), pushes through (in a dictatorial manner) a transgender bill, and yet, has to rely on others to do something like this.
Yet, when our citizens call upon government to help our Catholic schools even to subsidize secular textbooks, we are told that it is our choice and that there is no money for you.
Maybe, many of our Catholic charities should shut down, even for a few weeks, to remind our local and state officials they need us. And if we do not get some of the things we want, then they are going to have to do so much more, with so much less.
It may seem to be un-Christian but considering how Catholics and other clear thinking Christians have been treated over the years, maybe it is time to start playing a little hardball.
Now, most of you probably think that I really "hate" the folks over at St. Rose of Lima. Nope. Nothing of the sort. I do have a problem with VOTF and other stuff that goes one. From my perspective, the dissenters begin to slowly influence other groups to the point that what is in direct opposition to the Church becomes the norm.
However, my thoughts today are from an article in last week's Montgomery County Gazette (Nov. 2, 2008 Page A-41) regarding the closing of the Furniture Program at St. Rose. According to the article, it assisted the needy furnish their homes for over 20 years. A very good thing.
However, there was one thing that stuck in my mind over and over. The fact that Montgomery Country social services representatives have long depended on them for assistance.
Now, I think that it is ironic that Montgomery County which has no problem spending millions of dollars to help illegal aliens, spends over a billion dollars on an education system that may not really be working (unless you believe the test scores, which I don't), pushes through (in a dictatorial manner) a transgender bill, and yet, has to rely on others to do something like this.
Yet, when our citizens call upon government to help our Catholic schools even to subsidize secular textbooks, we are told that it is our choice and that there is no money for you.
Maybe, many of our Catholic charities should shut down, even for a few weeks, to remind our local and state officials they need us. And if we do not get some of the things we want, then they are going to have to do so much more, with so much less.
It may seem to be un-Christian but considering how Catholics and other clear thinking Christians have been treated over the years, maybe it is time to start playing a little hardball.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Happy (Belated) Anniversary and Thank You!
The Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) as it currently stands is ineffective and in many instances, supports organizations which do not necessarily support Catholic teaching. It must be shut down and reorganized. Please boycott the CCHD Collection on Sunday, Nov. 23rd. Read more here.
Thank you to all of my readers. It has been a little over a year since I started this blog.
I started out with the idea that I would write two or three times a week. It has now become about four times per week -- Monday thru Thursday.
Some of you have enjoyed my postings. Some have not.
Some of the stories which received the most reaction have been on Voice of the Faithful, St. Rose of Lima (some of the stuff that goes on there), and the potential closing of Catholic schools in this Archdiocese.
Whether I have made an impact by highlighting the CFO scandal, VOTF (and other dissenters) in our Archdiocese, or being one of the very first to call for a boycott of CCHD, only time will only tell.
Whatever you may think, thank you for visiting.
May God Bless America!
Thank you to all of my readers. It has been a little over a year since I started this blog.
I started out with the idea that I would write two or three times a week. It has now become about four times per week -- Monday thru Thursday.
Some of you have enjoyed my postings. Some have not.
Some of the stories which received the most reaction have been on Voice of the Faithful, St. Rose of Lima (some of the stuff that goes on there), and the potential closing of Catholic schools in this Archdiocese.
Whether I have made an impact by highlighting the CFO scandal, VOTF (and other dissenters) in our Archdiocese, or being one of the very first to call for a boycott of CCHD, only time will only tell.
Whatever you may think, thank you for visiting.
May God Bless America!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Will You Take Pride in Your Vote?
Well, the election is over and the transition begins. So, I would like to pen a couple of thoughts...
The Deacon's Bench talks about the Catholic vote and includes comments from Fr. Thomas Reese, SJ and Fr. Andrew Greeley. Both explained that most Catholics did not listen to their bishops and voted for Obama. Hispanic Catholics, whom Archbishop Wuerl and many others, pin their hopes of the future of the Church on, voted overwhelmingly for Obama. (I hope that this is a wake-up for him.)
So to those who voted for Obama, especially those who work in Catholic chancelleries, rectories, hospitals, schools, etc., when FOCA is passed, will you claim that you had no idea?
Will you take pride in your vote?
Will you say "so what" it does not apply to me because I do not work in that field?
So, will you be proud of your vote?
When there is no exemption for those who refuse to perform abortions because of their faith, will you say, "That's their choice, she/he shouldn't have gone into that profession."
Will you still be proud of your vote?
When Catholic hospitals and other institutions are forced to either perform abortions or pay for it as part of medical benefits or to shut down, will you advocate the selling out of our faith to keep it open?
Will you still be proud of your vote?
When taxes are increased, and used to pay for larger and ineffective social programs, will our Church leaders (bishops, priests, and religious) call upon us to look at it as good and necessary, and then still call upon us to increase our giving to Church charities, such as the CCHD?
Will you still be proud of your vote?
When our Catholic parents cannot afford to send their children to public schools because of higher taxes, and our Catholic schools are forced to close...
Will you take pride in your vote?
When our children are taught that gay marriage is okay and that any parent who protests to that fact are labeled bigots and homophobes and may even face arrest for interference...
Will you take pride in your vote?
When the money is not there, will you tells us, that we should pay higher taxes because it is "patriotic" and still ask us to tithe? (Remember, taxes will be raised only on those who make $250,000 or more. Or is that $200,000? Or is that $150,000? Or is it $42,000?)
Will you take pride in your vote?
When Catholic politicians continue to promote pro-abortion and anti-true marriage initiatives, will you say, we need to sit and talk with them. And after you have talked and they still continue on their merry way, will you put your foot down and refuse them the sacraments or will you follow the Cardinal McCarrick model?
Will you still take pride in your vote?
When gay marriage laws are passed, and there is nothing that we can do to save "true marriage" what will you say? Will you just shrug your shoulders and say we should give in?
Will you take pride in your vote?
For those Catholic priests and religious who have voted for Obama, what will you say when FOCA is passed, and other assaults on the faith take place? Will you just say that we should become more like the Episcopalians, and water down our faith, till the point that our faith changes based on the latest whim in society?
Will you take pride in your vote?
What will we all say when we face the Lord and he asks what did we choose: Did we choose life or did we choose death?
Will you still be as proud of it as you were on November 4, 2008?
The Deacon's Bench talks about the Catholic vote and includes comments from Fr. Thomas Reese, SJ and Fr. Andrew Greeley. Both explained that most Catholics did not listen to their bishops and voted for Obama. Hispanic Catholics, whom Archbishop Wuerl and many others, pin their hopes of the future of the Church on, voted overwhelmingly for Obama. (I hope that this is a wake-up for him.)
So to those who voted for Obama, especially those who work in Catholic chancelleries, rectories, hospitals, schools, etc., when FOCA is passed, will you claim that you had no idea?
Will you take pride in your vote?
Will you say "so what" it does not apply to me because I do not work in that field?
So, will you be proud of your vote?
When there is no exemption for those who refuse to perform abortions because of their faith, will you say, "That's their choice, she/he shouldn't have gone into that profession."
Will you still be proud of your vote?
When Catholic hospitals and other institutions are forced to either perform abortions or pay for it as part of medical benefits or to shut down, will you advocate the selling out of our faith to keep it open?
Will you still be proud of your vote?
When taxes are increased, and used to pay for larger and ineffective social programs, will our Church leaders (bishops, priests, and religious) call upon us to look at it as good and necessary, and then still call upon us to increase our giving to Church charities, such as the CCHD?
Will you still be proud of your vote?
When our Catholic parents cannot afford to send their children to public schools because of higher taxes, and our Catholic schools are forced to close...
Will you take pride in your vote?
When our children are taught that gay marriage is okay and that any parent who protests to that fact are labeled bigots and homophobes and may even face arrest for interference...
Will you take pride in your vote?
When the money is not there, will you tells us, that we should pay higher taxes because it is "patriotic" and still ask us to tithe? (Remember, taxes will be raised only on those who make $250,000 or more. Or is that $200,000? Or is that $150,000? Or is it $42,000?)
Will you take pride in your vote?
When Catholic politicians continue to promote pro-abortion and anti-true marriage initiatives, will you say, we need to sit and talk with them. And after you have talked and they still continue on their merry way, will you put your foot down and refuse them the sacraments or will you follow the Cardinal McCarrick model?
Will you still take pride in your vote?
When gay marriage laws are passed, and there is nothing that we can do to save "true marriage" what will you say? Will you just shrug your shoulders and say we should give in?
Will you take pride in your vote?
For those Catholic priests and religious who have voted for Obama, what will you say when FOCA is passed, and other assaults on the faith take place? Will you just say that we should become more like the Episcopalians, and water down our faith, till the point that our faith changes based on the latest whim in society?
Will you take pride in your vote?
What will we all say when we face the Lord and he asks what did we choose: Did we choose life or did we choose death?
Will you still be as proud of it as you were on November 4, 2008?
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
The Gratitude Campaign
The Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) as it currently stands is ineffective and in many instances, supports organizations which do not necessarily support Catholic teaching. It must be shut down and reorganized. Please boycott the CCHD Collection on Sunday, Nov. 23rd. Read more here.
I am writing this in advance of the outcome of Tuesday, Nov. 4th, since I will probably be watching the results and either jumping up and down for joy, or crying because the most radical leftist ever (except for Gus Hall) has won.
I learned of this a long time ago, but for some reason have never posted it. As we come to the close of a brutal political campaign, it is my hope that all Americans will be eternally grateful.
I am writing this in advance of the outcome of Tuesday, Nov. 4th, since I will probably be watching the results and either jumping up and down for joy, or crying because the most radical leftist ever (except for Gus Hall) has won.
I learned of this a long time ago, but for some reason have never posted it. As we come to the close of a brutal political campaign, it is my hope that all Americans will be eternally grateful.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
CCHD and ACORN makes it on Drudge!

Well, it finally looks like the CCHD funding of ACORN has made it to the DrudgeReport!
Here is the story in the Washington Times.
When you vote...think about...
The Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) as it currently stands is ineffective and in many instances, supports organizations which do not necessarily support Catholic teaching. It must be shut down and reorganized. Please boycott the CCHD Collection on Sunday, Nov. 23rd. Read more here.
A thought from Fr. Z...
If you...are not sure if you are going to vote tomorrow, or you don’t know form whom to vote, or your are considering … well… you know….,
then think about this on a secular level: Supreme Court Justices.
Then think about this on a spiritual level: Eternal Salvation.
A thought from Fr. Z...
If you...are not sure if you are going to vote tomorrow, or you don’t know form whom to vote, or your are considering … well… you know….,
then think about this on a secular level: Supreme Court Justices.
Then think about this on a spiritual level: Eternal Salvation.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Another Parish Promotes a Pro-Abortion, Pro-Gay Politician
The Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) as it currently stands is ineffective and in many instances, supports organizations which do not necessarily support Catholic teaching. It must be shut down and reorganized. Please boycott the CCHD Collection on Sunday, Nov. 23rd. Read more here.
A good friend of mine alerted me to the fact that a local Catholic parish/publication has seen fit to promote a pro-abortion, pro-gay politician: Senator Nancy Pelosi.
In the October 2008 issue of VOCE ITALIANA, which bills itself as “An Italian American Gazette of the Greater Washington DC Area,” featured two cover stories on Senator Pelosi. The first in Italian dealing with her being presented with an award by the Italian government and the second, an interview by a member of the VOCE ITALIANA editorial board.
My friend points out in his letter to the Editor of VOCE ITALIANA, (which he shared with me), that if this was written by a secular Italian or Italian-American organization, he would not have cared one way or the other.
However, VOCE ITALIANA is published by Holy Rosary Church/Casa Italiana, located in downtown DC. To him, this is an ‘infamia” – an infamy – that a Catholic publication is once again highlighting a politician who is Catholic only in name only.
Now, Holy Rosary is not run by some left of center nuns or Georgetown Jesuits. It is run by the Missionaries of St. Charles, commonly known as the Scalabrinians (named after their founder, Bishop Scalabrini). These are a pretty solid group of priests and brothers, according to my friend, which makes it even more puzzling to him.
He is still waiting for a reply to his letter to Fr. L. Tomasi, C.S. (Pastor of Holy Rosary) and Ms. Gemma Puglisi.
A good friend of mine alerted me to the fact that a local Catholic parish/publication has seen fit to promote a pro-abortion, pro-gay politician: Senator Nancy Pelosi.
In the October 2008 issue of VOCE ITALIANA, which bills itself as “An Italian American Gazette of the Greater Washington DC Area,” featured two cover stories on Senator Pelosi. The first in Italian dealing with her being presented with an award by the Italian government and the second, an interview by a member of the VOCE ITALIANA editorial board.
My friend points out in his letter to the Editor of VOCE ITALIANA, (which he shared with me), that if this was written by a secular Italian or Italian-American organization, he would not have cared one way or the other.
However, VOCE ITALIANA is published by Holy Rosary Church/Casa Italiana, located in downtown DC. To him, this is an ‘infamia” – an infamy – that a Catholic publication is once again highlighting a politician who is Catholic only in name only.
Now, Holy Rosary is not run by some left of center nuns or Georgetown Jesuits. It is run by the Missionaries of St. Charles, commonly known as the Scalabrinians (named after their founder, Bishop Scalabrini). These are a pretty solid group of priests and brothers, according to my friend, which makes it even more puzzling to him.
He is still waiting for a reply to his letter to Fr. L. Tomasi, C.S. (Pastor of Holy Rosary) and Ms. Gemma Puglisi.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
He Postions are Evil! (Yes, it is about about Obama)
The Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) as it currently stands is ineffective and in many instances, supports organizations which do not necessarily support Catholic teaching. It must be shut down and reorganized. Please boycott the CCHD Collection on Sunday, Nov. 23rd. Read more here.
Fr. Philip Neri Powell states:
Many of my friends from my days as a Marxist-feminist-postmodernist ideologue have been asking me lately how I can resist supporting an Obama presidency.
My answer--much to their horror--has been simple: "Because I used to be a Marxist-feminist-postmodernist ideologue, and I understand the party-line of the movement:
-- destroy the notion of objective truth with appeals to diversity, difference, and multi-cultism;
-- eliminate the possibility of rational discourse by elevating the affective above the rational;
-- convert all public political discourse into emotive appeals to race, gender, class, and sexuality;
-- define "freedom" as "freedom from constraint" and never as "freedom to do what is right;"
-- attack all secular opposition as "oppressive, self-centered, and fearful;"
-- attack all religious opposition as "superstitious, fundamentalist, and ignorant;"
-- use "white liberal guilt" to attack economic growth and prosperity;
-- feed over-educated narcissism with the prospect of ruling, finally, and ruling more than the meager resources of an English/women's studies department at a state university."
Go over here to read the rest of it. He has lots of "good stuff to ponder" on his site.
Fr. Philip Neri Powell states:
Many of my friends from my days as a Marxist-feminist-postmodernist ideologue have been asking me lately how I can resist supporting an Obama presidency.
My answer--much to their horror--has been simple: "Because I used to be a Marxist-feminist-postmodernist ideologue, and I understand the party-line of the movement:
-- destroy the notion of objective truth with appeals to diversity, difference, and multi-cultism;
-- eliminate the possibility of rational discourse by elevating the affective above the rational;
-- convert all public political discourse into emotive appeals to race, gender, class, and sexuality;
-- define "freedom" as "freedom from constraint" and never as "freedom to do what is right;"
-- attack all secular opposition as "oppressive, self-centered, and fearful;"
-- attack all religious opposition as "superstitious, fundamentalist, and ignorant;"
-- use "white liberal guilt" to attack economic growth and prosperity;
-- feed over-educated narcissism with the prospect of ruling, finally, and ruling more than the meager resources of an English/women's studies department at a state university."
Go over here to read the rest of it. He has lots of "good stuff to ponder" on his site.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Footsteps of American Saints Activity Program - Boy Scouts of America
The Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) as it currently stands is ineffective and in many instances, supports organizations which do not necessarily support Catholic teaching. It must be shut down and reorganized. Please boycott the CCHD Collection on Sunday, Nov. 23rd. Read more here.
A friend of mine shared with me the National Catholic Committee on Scouting (NCCS) Newsletter.
This issue announced a new patch activity for Cub and Boy Scouts entitled: Footsteps of American Saints." According to the article, it is a program which encourages your to learn about several individuals who have shaped the landscape of Catholicism in America. The are:
St. Issac Jogues
St. Peter Claver
St. John Newmann
St. Elizabeth Ann Seaton
Blessed Kateri Tekakwirtha
If you are a Scout leader or the parent of a Scout, this may be an activity you wish to particpate in.
For more information, go here:
A friend of mine shared with me the National Catholic Committee on Scouting (NCCS) Newsletter.
This issue announced a new patch activity for Cub and Boy Scouts entitled: Footsteps of American Saints." According to the article, it is a program which encourages your to learn about several individuals who have shaped the landscape of Catholicism in America. The are:
St. Issac Jogues
St. Peter Claver
St. John Newmann
St. Elizabeth Ann Seaton
Blessed Kateri Tekakwirtha
If you are a Scout leader or the parent of a Scout, this may be an activity you wish to particpate in.
For more information, go here:
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
The Crisis in Faith Based Schools - A Report from the US Dept. of Education
The Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) as it currently stands is ineffective and in many instances, supports organizations which do not necessarily support Catholic teaching. It must be shut down and reorganized. Please boycott the CCHD Collection on Sunday, Nov. 23rd. Read more here.
Here is the Introduction:
On April 24, 2008, President George W. Bush convened in Washington, D.C., a broad array of education and community stakeholders to address a deeply troubling but vastly under-reported phenomenon limiting the education options available to low-income urban families: the rapid disappearance of faith-based schools in America’s cities.
According to the National Center for Education Statistics, between the 1999–2000 and 2005–06 school years, the K–12 faith-based education sector lost nearly 1,200 schools and nearly 425,000 students. This is a cause for national concern for a number of important reasons. First, for generations, these schools have played an invaluable role in America’s cities. They are part of our Nation’s proud story of religious freedom and tolerance, community development, immigration and assimilation, academic achievement, upward mobility, and more. To lose these schools is to lose a positive, central character in the narrative of urban America.
More importantly, the disappearance of these schools is having a tragic impact on many of our most disadvantaged families. For many urban parents, the moral grounding, community ethic, safe and structured environment, and academic rigor of faith-based schools are invaluable to their children. These qualities are especially prized because of the unfortunate alternatives many of these children and families face.
The struggles of urban public schools are well known and long-standing. The underserved children of America’s cities deserve access to high-performing educational options. The disappearance of urban faith-based schools— with their strong record of serving the disadvantaged—frustrates the crucial national effort to make educational excellence available to every child.
Experience indicates that the contributions of these schools extend far beyond the classroom. A strong education institution can stabilize a community. It can attract new families and jobs. It can provide safety and hope in areas where both are in short supply. Regrettably, the inverse is also true. In addition to hurting students, the loss of a strong school in an underserved community can destabilize fragile social networks, depress job creation and economic development, and exacerbate the collective sense of despair resulting from scarce community resources and opportunities.
As serious and worrisome as this problem is, there is no villain in the story. No one purposely set about to cause an education crisis. The root causes are several and diffuse—including barriers to government aid, demographic shifts, and staffing changes—and they only begin to corrode urban faith-based schools when combined. However, these factors have, in the end, chipped away at a pillar of American K–12 education. To leave this grave and mounting challenge unaddressed would be irresponsible. The futures of too many young lives and distressed communities are at stake.
Fortunately, this problem is solvable. America’s institutions—from the Federal, State, and local governments to businesses and non-profits to universities and community-based organizations—have it in their power to turn the tide. This Administration has taken the lead, raising the public awareness of this crisis through the White House Summit on Inner-City Children and Faith-Based Schools and developing and supporting promising initiatives, including Promise Scholarships, Opportunity Scholarships, Pell Grants for Kids, and the Washington, D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program.
However, if we are to succeed in protecting these valuable education options, more must be done. A sustained collaborative effort by educators, elected officials, philanthropists, neighborhood leaders, and many others will be required. America’s faith-based urban schools—so prized by so many families—are well worth this effort. Their preservation will greatly benefit countless disadvantaged students, numerous underserved communities, and as a result, our Nation at large.
For the complete report, click here.
The Catholic News Service (CNS) reported that the The White House Development Policy Council released a report entitled: Preserving a Critical National Asset: America's Disadvantaged Students and the Crisis in Faith-Based Urban Schools.Here is the Introduction:
On April 24, 2008, President George W. Bush convened in Washington, D.C., a broad array of education and community stakeholders to address a deeply troubling but vastly under-reported phenomenon limiting the education options available to low-income urban families: the rapid disappearance of faith-based schools in America’s cities.
According to the National Center for Education Statistics, between the 1999–2000 and 2005–06 school years, the K–12 faith-based education sector lost nearly 1,200 schools and nearly 425,000 students. This is a cause for national concern for a number of important reasons. First, for generations, these schools have played an invaluable role in America’s cities. They are part of our Nation’s proud story of religious freedom and tolerance, community development, immigration and assimilation, academic achievement, upward mobility, and more. To lose these schools is to lose a positive, central character in the narrative of urban America.
More importantly, the disappearance of these schools is having a tragic impact on many of our most disadvantaged families. For many urban parents, the moral grounding, community ethic, safe and structured environment, and academic rigor of faith-based schools are invaluable to their children. These qualities are especially prized because of the unfortunate alternatives many of these children and families face.
The struggles of urban public schools are well known and long-standing. The underserved children of America’s cities deserve access to high-performing educational options. The disappearance of urban faith-based schools— with their strong record of serving the disadvantaged—frustrates the crucial national effort to make educational excellence available to every child.
Experience indicates that the contributions of these schools extend far beyond the classroom. A strong education institution can stabilize a community. It can attract new families and jobs. It can provide safety and hope in areas where both are in short supply. Regrettably, the inverse is also true. In addition to hurting students, the loss of a strong school in an underserved community can destabilize fragile social networks, depress job creation and economic development, and exacerbate the collective sense of despair resulting from scarce community resources and opportunities.
As serious and worrisome as this problem is, there is no villain in the story. No one purposely set about to cause an education crisis. The root causes are several and diffuse—including barriers to government aid, demographic shifts, and staffing changes—and they only begin to corrode urban faith-based schools when combined. However, these factors have, in the end, chipped away at a pillar of American K–12 education. To leave this grave and mounting challenge unaddressed would be irresponsible. The futures of too many young lives and distressed communities are at stake.
Fortunately, this problem is solvable. America’s institutions—from the Federal, State, and local governments to businesses and non-profits to universities and community-based organizations—have it in their power to turn the tide. This Administration has taken the lead, raising the public awareness of this crisis through the White House Summit on Inner-City Children and Faith-Based Schools and developing and supporting promising initiatives, including Promise Scholarships, Opportunity Scholarships, Pell Grants for Kids, and the Washington, D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program.
However, if we are to succeed in protecting these valuable education options, more must be done. A sustained collaborative effort by educators, elected officials, philanthropists, neighborhood leaders, and many others will be required. America’s faith-based urban schools—so prized by so many families—are well worth this effort. Their preservation will greatly benefit countless disadvantaged students, numerous underserved communities, and as a result, our Nation at large.
For the complete report, click here.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Archbishop Chaput Booksigning - Wed., Oct. 29th
The Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) as it currently stands is ineffective and in many instances, supports organizations which do not necessarily support Catholic teaching. It must be shut down and reorganized. Please boycott the CCHD Collection on Sunday, Nov. 23rd. Read more here.
Wednesday, Oct. 29th at 6pm
The Catholic Information Center
1501 K St., NW
Washington DC
Archbishop Chaput, the Archbishop of Denver, is one of America’s most publicly engaged religious leaders, urges Catholics to live their faith more honestly and vigorously in public life in his new book, Render Unto Caesar: Serving the Nation by Living Our Catholic Beliefs in Political Life.
If you can go, go. If you do, please let me know about the event. I am hoping to be there but I may have another appointment that night.
Wednesday, Oct. 29th at 6pm
The Catholic Information Center
1501 K St., NW
Washington DC
Archbishop Chaput, the Archbishop of Denver, is one of America’s most publicly engaged religious leaders, urges Catholics to live their faith more honestly and vigorously in public life in his new book, Render Unto Caesar: Serving the Nation by Living Our Catholic Beliefs in Political Life.
If you can go, go. If you do, please let me know about the event. I am hoping to be there but I may have another appointment that night.
Friday, October 24, 2008
St. Rose of Lima & the former Rent-a-Priest Board Member
The Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) as it currently stands is ineffective and in many instances, supports organizations which do not necessarily support Catholic teaching. It must be shut down and reorganized. Please boycott the CCHD Collection on Sunday, Nov. 23rd. Read more here.
As some of you may remember, I have written a couple of times about St. Rose of Lima and the issue of dissidents in that parish. There is an active VOTF group that regulary meets there and one of the Board Members of Rent-a-Priest, was active at there too.
A few weeks ago, I went over to the Rent-a-Priest Bard of Director page and lo-and-behold, the name of Sally Dowling (who had been there for ages) was gone. However, the date of the Board has not change. It still shows as if it is from 2002. (This was before I started to keep images of websites.)
Recently, I went on the St. Rose of Lima site and what did you think I saw: Sally Dowling. She is giving a talk at the parish, as part of their Women's Spirituality Series, and is identified as a Pastoral Counselor and Spiritual Director.
Now, I find it very co-incidental that her name was suddenly removed from the Rent-a-Priest Board and she is now giving a talk on spirituality? Is she still a member of Rent-a-Priest? Does she continue to espouse the views of Rent-a-Priest?
I don't know the answer to those questions but to me, given he past history of St. Rose of Lima, it makes me really wonder what is going on over there.
Is there anyone in Hyattsville paying attention?
As some of you may remember, I have written a couple of times about St. Rose of Lima and the issue of dissidents in that parish. There is an active VOTF group that regulary meets there and one of the Board Members of Rent-a-Priest, was active at there too.
A few weeks ago, I went over to the Rent-a-Priest Bard of Director page and lo-and-behold, the name of Sally Dowling (who had been there for ages) was gone. However, the date of the Board has not change. It still shows as if it is from 2002. (This was before I started to keep images of websites.)
Recently, I went on the St. Rose of Lima site and what did you think I saw: Sally Dowling. She is giving a talk at the parish, as part of their Women's Spirituality Series, and is identified as a Pastoral Counselor and Spiritual Director.
Now, I find it very co-incidental that her name was suddenly removed from the Rent-a-Priest Board and she is now giving a talk on spirituality? Is she still a member of Rent-a-Priest? Does she continue to espouse the views of Rent-a-Priest?
I don't know the answer to those questions but to me, given he past history of St. Rose of Lima, it makes me really wonder what is going on over there.
Is there anyone in Hyattsville paying attention?
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Well, it seems that the theme of boycotting the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) has been picked up by a number of Catholic bloggers.
Our friends over at Restore DC Catholicism and the Catholic Media Coalition, have really taken this on. It is especially interesting to read the four articles on how the CCHD is funding groups that are in some ways (if not many) opposed to Church teaching (some of which I have already pointed out):
Dissing the Organizer: Obama, ACORN, and Catholic Action
The Chickens Have Come Home to Roost:Obama, ACORN, and the Catholic Campaign for Human Development
How to Shoot Yourself: One of the Most Potent Weapons Serving the Culture of Death
Credible Signs of Christ Alive: Case Studies from the Catholic Campaign for Human Development
As I have said before, do not give on Nov. 23, 2008.
However, I do want you to take the money that you would have given to CCHD and give it to a good local Catholic charity, one that upholds the teaching of the Church and does not fund abortions, gay marriage, etc.
Our friends over at Restore DC Catholicism and the Catholic Media Coalition, have really taken this on. It is especially interesting to read the four articles on how the CCHD is funding groups that are in some ways (if not many) opposed to Church teaching (some of which I have already pointed out):
Dissing the Organizer: Obama, ACORN, and Catholic Action
The Chickens Have Come Home to Roost:Obama, ACORN, and the Catholic Campaign for Human Development
How to Shoot Yourself: One of the Most Potent Weapons Serving the Culture of Death
Credible Signs of Christ Alive: Case Studies from the Catholic Campaign for Human Development
As I have said before, do not give on Nov. 23, 2008.
However, I do want you to take the money that you would have given to CCHD and give it to a good local Catholic charity, one that upholds the teaching of the Church and does not fund abortions, gay marriage, etc.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Bishop Herman: "I thought you should know." or "Save the Children."
The Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) as it currently stands is ineffective and in many instances, supports organizations which do not necessarily support Catholic teaching. It must be shut down and reorganized. Please boycott the CCHD Collection on Sunday, Nov. 23rd. Read more here.
When I first read this, tears began to well up in my eyes thinking about what many of my fellow Catholics will do on Nov. 4th.
HT to the Curt Jester on this.
Save our children! More than anything else, this election is about saving our children or killing our children. This life issue is the overriding issue facing each of us in this coming election. All other issues, including the economy, have to take second place to the issue of life.
Save our children! Many people in Germany supported Hitler for economic reasons even though, as his programs advanced, he put to death millions of Jewish people. He ended up wrecking the economy together with the country of Germany.
How are we different if we vote for proabortion candidates for office? How can we help change our political and legal situation to protect innocent children and support a culture of life?
Save our children! When I speak to some socalled good Catholics, I am shocked that they are quite ready to vote for a pro-abortion candidate under almost any circumstance. I find this hard to understand. We have heard the word "abortion" so often that perhaps we no longer associate procured abortion with the killing of children, yet that is what it is. The term itself can be misleading. The dictionary tells us that it comes from a Latin word that means "to disappear or to miscarry." Sometimes abortions simply happen because of natural causes. That is why this word abortion, for many people, apparently does not really connote the destruction of children. When a human agent induces an abortion, that human agent is taking the life of one of our children.
Save our children! How can a so-called good Catholic vote for a candidate that supports laws that take the life of innocent children, when there is an alternative? If there were two candidates who supported abortion, but not equally, we would have the obligation to mitigate the evil by voting for the less-permissive candidate.
Save our children! How can a so-called good Catholic vote for a candidate that supports laws that justify the killing of a child that survived a botched abortion? How can such a so-called good Catholic receive the Holy Eucharist?
In Chapter 10 of St. Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians, he states: "The cup of blessing that we bless, is it not a participation in the Blood of Christ? The bread that we break, is it not a participation in the body of Christ? ... You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and also the cup of demons. You cannot partake of the table of the Lord and of the table of demons."
Save our children! Have some of our so-called good Catholics become so hardened against the Gospel of Life that they believe that other issues outweigh the Gospel of Life? Have some of our so-called good Catholics put politics ahead of the Fifth Commandment, in which God states: "Thou shalt not kill"? Do some of our so-called good Catholics, who may go to Mass every Sunday and receive the Holy Eucharist, really believe that voting for a pro-abortion candidate, when there is a clear alternative and therefore no justifiable reason for so doing, is really not voting to have children killed? This election is all about saving our children!
Save our children! I have no doubt that there may be some so-called good Catholics who are reading this column and who may be really angry about now. I ask the question "Why would such a person be angry?" If we do good deeds, then our conscience is at peace. If we do evil deeds, then our conscience bothers us. It is my hope that this column will lead some of our so-called good Catholics to study the Catholic Catechism.
Save our children! Some of our so-called good Catholics may have hardened their hearts against the real understanding of induced abortions, that they can no longer see that this involves the destruction of our children. "If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts!"
Save our children! Supporting induced abortions is not the greatest sin in the world. A greater sin is the refusal to repent of such a serious crime or the denial that this involves the killing of innocent children.
Save our children! I have used this terminology again and again penetrate the defenses of anyone who in the past may have put personal, economic or political interests above the issue of saving our children. The right to life is our most fundamental right, and to defend this right on behalf of the most vulnerable is a great privilege and is worth giving one’s life for. Policemen and firemen always risk their lives to save human life. Why should we not risk our own reputation to save our children?
Save our children! You can see by now that I do not believe that this column by itself will change hearts. The issue of abortion involves serious sin, and to overcome serious patterns of sin requires grace. If you are still with me, may I suggest that you join me and many others in praying the daily Rosary from now until election day for the sake of life. Why not pray the family Rosary every night between now and the general election. The Rosary brought down the Iron Curtain. It can also help us turn around the culture of death to a culture of life.
Save our so-called good Catholics who ignore Catholic moral principles when applied to our political life. Pray the family Rosary daily. Pray the family Rosary for our so-called good Catholics who could use your love and your charity. Pray for our so-called good Catholics who ignore serious Catholic moral teachings and still receive Holy Communion. Love them by praying the family Rosary for them. Don’t debate with them. Intercede for them. Praying for them is more fun than fighting with them.
Save our children and save our so-called good Catholics who have abandoned Church teachings in favor of personal gain. Pray the Rosary. Pray it every day. Get the whole family to pray the Rosary daily. Prayer is more powerful than contentious arguments. Spread the word to other families. In praying the Rosary, children’s votes count as much as adult votes. Sometimes they pray with purer hearts than we do. If you are disgusted with the TV news, then turn it off and turn on the prayer Internet. What we hear in prayer leaves us in peace. When we pray for our country and for our fellow citizens, we are filled with peace. St. Paul tells us that our warfare is not against flesh and blood, but against the principalities and powers and the spirits of darkness.
Prayer is our protection. Let it also be a protection for our country. If you want to make Satan angry, pray the Rosary for the sake of Life. Pray that as a nation we will choose leaders that will say ‘no’ to the culture of death and say ‘yes’ to the culture of life. Save our children! Pray the Rosary!
When I first read this, tears began to well up in my eyes thinking about what many of my fellow Catholics will do on Nov. 4th.
HT to the Curt Jester on this.
Save our children! More than anything else, this election is about saving our children or killing our children. This life issue is the overriding issue facing each of us in this coming election. All other issues, including the economy, have to take second place to the issue of life.
Save our children! Many people in Germany supported Hitler for economic reasons even though, as his programs advanced, he put to death millions of Jewish people. He ended up wrecking the economy together with the country of Germany.
How are we different if we vote for proabortion candidates for office? How can we help change our political and legal situation to protect innocent children and support a culture of life?
Save our children! When I speak to some socalled good Catholics, I am shocked that they are quite ready to vote for a pro-abortion candidate under almost any circumstance. I find this hard to understand. We have heard the word "abortion" so often that perhaps we no longer associate procured abortion with the killing of children, yet that is what it is. The term itself can be misleading. The dictionary tells us that it comes from a Latin word that means "to disappear or to miscarry." Sometimes abortions simply happen because of natural causes. That is why this word abortion, for many people, apparently does not really connote the destruction of children. When a human agent induces an abortion, that human agent is taking the life of one of our children.
Save our children! How can a so-called good Catholic vote for a candidate that supports laws that take the life of innocent children, when there is an alternative? If there were two candidates who supported abortion, but not equally, we would have the obligation to mitigate the evil by voting for the less-permissive candidate.
Save our children! How can a so-called good Catholic vote for a candidate that supports laws that justify the killing of a child that survived a botched abortion? How can such a so-called good Catholic receive the Holy Eucharist?
In Chapter 10 of St. Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians, he states: "The cup of blessing that we bless, is it not a participation in the Blood of Christ? The bread that we break, is it not a participation in the body of Christ? ... You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and also the cup of demons. You cannot partake of the table of the Lord and of the table of demons."
Save our children! Have some of our so-called good Catholics become so hardened against the Gospel of Life that they believe that other issues outweigh the Gospel of Life? Have some of our so-called good Catholics put politics ahead of the Fifth Commandment, in which God states: "Thou shalt not kill"? Do some of our so-called good Catholics, who may go to Mass every Sunday and receive the Holy Eucharist, really believe that voting for a pro-abortion candidate, when there is a clear alternative and therefore no justifiable reason for so doing, is really not voting to have children killed? This election is all about saving our children!
Save our children! I have no doubt that there may be some so-called good Catholics who are reading this column and who may be really angry about now. I ask the question "Why would such a person be angry?" If we do good deeds, then our conscience is at peace. If we do evil deeds, then our conscience bothers us. It is my hope that this column will lead some of our so-called good Catholics to study the Catholic Catechism.
Save our children! Some of our so-called good Catholics may have hardened their hearts against the real understanding of induced abortions, that they can no longer see that this involves the destruction of our children. "If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts!"
Save our children! Supporting induced abortions is not the greatest sin in the world. A greater sin is the refusal to repent of such a serious crime or the denial that this involves the killing of innocent children.
Save our children! I have used this terminology again and again penetrate the defenses of anyone who in the past may have put personal, economic or political interests above the issue of saving our children. The right to life is our most fundamental right, and to defend this right on behalf of the most vulnerable is a great privilege and is worth giving one’s life for. Policemen and firemen always risk their lives to save human life. Why should we not risk our own reputation to save our children?
Save our children! You can see by now that I do not believe that this column by itself will change hearts. The issue of abortion involves serious sin, and to overcome serious patterns of sin requires grace. If you are still with me, may I suggest that you join me and many others in praying the daily Rosary from now until election day for the sake of life. Why not pray the family Rosary every night between now and the general election. The Rosary brought down the Iron Curtain. It can also help us turn around the culture of death to a culture of life.
Save our so-called good Catholics who ignore Catholic moral principles when applied to our political life. Pray the family Rosary daily. Pray the family Rosary for our so-called good Catholics who could use your love and your charity. Pray for our so-called good Catholics who ignore serious Catholic moral teachings and still receive Holy Communion. Love them by praying the family Rosary for them. Don’t debate with them. Intercede for them. Praying for them is more fun than fighting with them.
Save our children and save our so-called good Catholics who have abandoned Church teachings in favor of personal gain. Pray the Rosary. Pray it every day. Get the whole family to pray the Rosary daily. Prayer is more powerful than contentious arguments. Spread the word to other families. In praying the Rosary, children’s votes count as much as adult votes. Sometimes they pray with purer hearts than we do. If you are disgusted with the TV news, then turn it off and turn on the prayer Internet. What we hear in prayer leaves us in peace. When we pray for our country and for our fellow citizens, we are filled with peace. St. Paul tells us that our warfare is not against flesh and blood, but against the principalities and powers and the spirits of darkness.
Prayer is our protection. Let it also be a protection for our country. If you want to make Satan angry, pray the Rosary for the sake of Life. Pray that as a nation we will choose leaders that will say ‘no’ to the culture of death and say ‘yes’ to the culture of life. Save our children! Pray the Rosary!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Daughters of St. Paul
The Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) as it currently stands is ineffective and in many instances, supports organizations which do not necessarily support Catholic teaching. It must be shut down and reorganized. Please boycott the CCHD. Read more here.
The Catholic Standard has a nice article (print only) about St. Luisa Yvonne Ielonimo, a Daughter of St. Paul. Sr. Luisa staffs their bookstore in Alexandria, VA. If you have not been there, you should go. They have a nice selection of materials.
However, when I think of the Daughters of St. Paul, I think back to when I was a child (yes, I was one once). I must have been about three or four when there was a knock at the door. My mother opened it and there were two sisters (not the ones I remember seeing in my Church), each carrying a large black case, similar to the one lawyers carry when they go to court. They talked to my mom and opened the bags to show her some books. Unfortunately, I don’t remember much more of the visit.
However, it seems that my mother did buy two books, one of which I still have to this day. I won’t throw it out.

The Catholic Standard has a nice article (print only) about St. Luisa Yvonne Ielonimo, a Daughter of St. Paul. Sr. Luisa staffs their bookstore in Alexandria, VA. If you have not been there, you should go. They have a nice selection of materials.
However, when I think of the Daughters of St. Paul, I think back to when I was a child (yes, I was one once). I must have been about three or four when there was a knock at the door. My mother opened it and there were two sisters (not the ones I remember seeing in my Church), each carrying a large black case, similar to the one lawyers carry when they go to court. They talked to my mom and opened the bags to show her some books. Unfortunately, I don’t remember much more of the visit.
However, it seems that my mother did buy two books, one of which I still have to this day. I won’t throw it out.
Here are a couple of scanned pages. Enjoy.

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