Sunday, November 24, 2019

Msgr. Pope and the Pachamama

Msgr. Pope once again hits it on the head in regards to +Francis and the Pachamama.  

I worry about him because at some point +Gregory will probably come down hard on him.  

Watch it here and thank you LIFESITE NEWS.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Guess What is Still Missing from the Catholic Standard?

Yes, you guessed it, there is still no mention of the investigation of Msgr. Rossi, assigned to the National Shrine.

We have stories on:
  • the Kidane-Mehret Ethiopian Catholic Church
  • a Midway battle veteran (thank you for your service!)
  • the priest convocation
  • DACA (which BTW was an illegal action, but tell that to CLINIC)
  • Carmelite Cloister at Port Tobacco

And yet, there is no room for a story on the investigation of Msgr. Rossi.

You think that they are covering it up????

BTW, Archbishop Gregory will be at Christ the King Church on East-West Highway in Silver Spring this weekend.  

Wonder if I should set-up a large sign, asking about the investigation.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Happy (Belated) Anniversary to Myself!

Yes folks, it has been just over 12 years ago that I began this blog.  The years have passed faster than I would have ever thought. 

I had hoped that the corruption in this Archdiocese would be no more, and that I would be able to shut this down.   But, it is not to be.   

Today, with social media, the corruption of our prelates can no longer be hidden.  It eventually gets out.  

The problem is that even when they are confronted by it, they ignore it (and us) and just continue on, like there is nothing wrong.

I will continue to fight, as long as I am able to.


I call upon +Francis to vacate the Chair of St. Peter, for the sake of the Church and the Faithful.   

I call upon each of you to take up this call.  

Another Scandal at the Shrine!

According to the Standards of Conduct in the employee handbook for the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception given by a direct shrine inside source, 

You can go to Facebook for the full story.

Once again,  Msgr. Rossi must go.

Thanks to TradCatholic!

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Guess What's Missing from this Week's Catholic Standard?

Well, the Catholic Standard came out this week and I was unable to get it on Friday's like normal (bad, Melvin, bad).

And after looking through it there was not one, but two things missing:

Yep, you guessed it, there was still no story on the investigation of Msgr. Rossi at the Basilica.  

Not a peep, not a word. Silence.  

It has been over 2.5 months since the investigation was announced by the Diocese of Scranton.  However, not a word from the Archdiocese of Washington.

Wonder if they have interviewed George Neumayr.  Probably not!

It will be a whitewash and at most, just a slap on the wrist.

Now, there is something else missing from the Catholic Standard:  No mention of Fr. James Martin, SJ, speaking at Holy Trinity in DC on Oct. 20th.   There was no mention of it in the story (Oct. 17th edition) on the 225th anniversary of Holy Trinity.   Nor is there any mention of it in this week's edition.  (Got a screen shot of the bulletin, just in case.)

I mean, I though everyone loved Fr. James!  +Gregory has welcomed him when he was in Atlanta.  +Francis has a one-on-one convo with him.  

But, this is typical of the Catholic Standard.  Do I think that the editor, Mark Zimmerman, is behind this.  Nope, this comes from the top.