Thursday, August 29, 2013

Update on Teacher's Aide from St. John the Evangelist School

Over the last few weeks, I have searched the Washington Post and the Montgomery County Gazette for any reference to the arrest of Allyson Gulley, the teacher's aide at St. John the Evangelist School (Silver Spring, MD).

Now, I do not expect to see it in the Catholic Standard but not one word in either one of the other papers.  The family and/or the Archdiocese must have some pretty strong pull with the Fourth Estate to keep this out of the papers.

In addition, one of my contacts was at the meeting held by the pastor and the "team" handling this matter at the school.  He reports that it was a total waste of time.  They had no answers (think the Sgt Schultz line -- "I know nothing!") and simply went over the Child Protection program. 


Case #:123340C
Sub Type: Indictment
Scheduling Hearing: Sept. 6th at 8:30am in Courtroom #1  
Location: 50 Maryland Ave.  3rd Fl.


The third count is as follows:

did as a person in a position of authority, engage in [a sexual act /sexual contact] with ____(name), a minor, who at the time of the [sexual act/sexual contact], was a student enrolled at the school where said person of authority was employed.

Note: See CR 3-308(a) for definition of "Person in a position of authority".
Note: See CR 3-307(a)(4) and CR 3-308(b)(2) for exceptions

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Eight Outrageous Things Planned Parenthood Was Caught Doing

Read it.

8.  Taking Money To Abort African-American Babies
7.  Offering Sex-Selective Abortion
6.  Misinforming Women About Scientific Facts of Pregnancy
5. Lying About Abortion-Related Deaths
4.  Lying About Offering Mammograms
3.  Covering Up Child Sex Trafficking
2. Illegally Not Reporting Child Rape
1.  Lobbying Against Protections For Babies Born Alive After Failed Abortions

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Another Reason why CCHD should not be funded this Sunday!

In March of 2013, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) announced that the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD), which is the domestic anti-poverty agency of the U.S. bishops, approved special grants totaling nearly $1 million “to mobilize Catholics on behalf of comprehensive immigration reform and to prepare Catholic institutions for the prospects of reform legislation.”

According to the USCCB website, Bishop Jaime Soto of Sacramento, the chairman of the CCHD subcommittee, announced the grants after the bishops determined that “swift action by the Catholic community was essential in advancing the recently emerging prospects for immigration reform. CCHD has taken significant steps to contribute in a swift and meaningful way to this most important national conversation.”

Read more:

REMEMBER:  When the ushers come around on Sunday, GIVE NOTHING! 

Monday, August 5, 2013

What will the pro-abortion Catholycs and simply pro-abortioinists say...

One of the things the pro-abortionist like to say is that Catholics do not care about the person after they are born.  There are hundreds of actions such as this, although not as large, in which the Church provides for those who cannot help themselves, with no questions asked.


About 300 other adults were turned away over two days because of the overwhelming demand for dental care at the Mid-Maryland Mission of Mercy clinic. The clinic, at St. Vincent Pallotti High School, was sponsored by Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Washington and the Maryland Office of Oral Health.

Many of those who waited in long lines at the clinic said they couldn’t afford the high price of dental care. Even those who had insurance said rising out-of-pocket costs made it unaffordable for them to have their teeth cleaned, cavities filled or root canals performed.

More than 400 volunteers — about half of them dentists, hygienists, oral surgeons and others in the field — provided more than $750,000 worth of care over the two days, according to Deacon Jim Nalls of Catholic Charities. The work ranged from basic cleanings to root canals and wisdom teeth extractions, Nalls said.

For the entire story, go here:


For me, there are questions that I don't have an answer for:

1.  Will any of those who received treatment, donate anything for future clinics.  I am not saying that they need to pay $2500 for the $2500 worth of treatment they received but can they afford to kick-in $200 or $300 to help defray the costs?

2.  How many of these people will attack the church over homosexuality, abortion, etc.

3.  If they are anti-Catholic, will this change their minds about the Church.  (Yes, I know we do this not because we are out to change hearts and minds, but simply because it is the right thing to do.)

4.  This story should be used as a reminder of how the Church is pro-life over and over again.