Monday, October 27, 2014

Death of Msgr. Lorenzo Albacete (Communion and Liberation)

.- The Church is mourning the death of Monsignor Lorenzo Albacete, who died early Friday following a lengthy illness; he was deeply involved in the ecclesial movement Communion and Liberation, and was a good friend of Cardinal Sean O'Malley of Boston.

He served as the responsible for Communion and Liberation in the U.S. and Canada, and was chairman of board of advisors for Crossroads Cultural Center, a project which hosts events exploring the relationship between religion and culture.

The priest was a co-founder of the John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family in Washington, D.C., and taught at St. Joseph Seminary in New York. He was rector of the Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico from 1996-1997. He was also for a time an advisor to the U.S. bishops' conference on Hispanic affairs.

For the complete article, click here:


I have included this for two reasons:

  • He was the co-founder of the JPII Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family.
  • There are a number of people in this Archdiocese who are affiliated with Communion and Liberation (CL).

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Celebrating the First Feast Day of John Paul II

.- Hundreds of pilgrims and faithful from all states of life flocked to Washington, D.C.'s St. John Paul II Shrine on Wednesday to celebrate the late Pope and recently canonized saint’s first universal feast day.

“To be able to celebrate in the presence of a saint on their first feast day, I think is just a point of great grace for the local Church and all the pilgrims that come here,” said Fr. Jonathan Kalisch, O.P, chaplain of the Saint John Paul II National Shrine, to CNA Oct. 22.

For the complete story, go here:

Sunday, October 19, 2014


The loss of a child before or at birth causes immense heartache. Mothers and fathers often silently suffer from this pain. But you do not have to suffer alone. 

Join us this Wednesday, October 22, at 7:00 PM, here at the church to heal and to pray for our children who left this world far too soon.

LOCATION: Sacred Heart Catholic Church

201 St. Mary’s Avenue La Plata, Maryland


Send by a reader.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Fr. Daly Speaks on the Four Easy Steps on Hoow to Become A Bishop...

So I wonder if he is pointing to any of our current bishops in the Archdiocese with his article.  Seems he does not have much resepect for them. 


The problem as I see it: the way bishops are groomed and chosen. Our bishops are chosen more for their connections than for their simplicity. They are often much more ecclesiastical careerists than they are pastors. In fact, very few of them have much (if any) actual parish experience.

Most of our bishops have been chancery office officials, seminary rectors, diplomats, professors, superiors of religious orders, and agency directors. They have worked in Vatican offices or in embassies, but they have not often been in parishes before they have been appointed bishop.

I have had three bishops in my time as a priest. Together, they had more than 150 years of service to the church following their ordinations. But together, they had only about three years combined of actual service in ordinary parish ministry. In other words, they had very little of the "smell of the sheep." They had been seminary rectors, priest secretaries to bishops and cardinals, fundraisers, and auxiliary bishops. Just no parish priests.

This does not mean that they were not pastoral men or didn't understand pastoral problems, at least in the abstract. After all, Pope Francis, as Fr. Jorge Bergoglio, did not have much pastoral experience. He was the rector of the Jesuits in Argentina. It was only when he became auxiliary bishop that he began to get immersed in ordinary parish life.

The problem is that our bishops do not know firsthand much of the ordinary things of parish life: baptizing babies; burying the dead; anointing the sick; teaching catechism; instructing converts; talking to troubled people; dealing with addicts, alcoholics, abusive spouses and failing marriages. They have not had to do the humdrum of parish life. I always say that everyone on our parish staff "cleans toilets," including me. They have not celebrated Mass every day in a community that knows your faults very well and is unimpressed with your office.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Stupid Biden Quote of the Day

Actually, this one is more than just stupid, it is the type which damages to our relationships with other countries.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Eyewitness Account of a Miracle by Jesus?

Archivist and Historian Ignacio Perrucci, sorting through over 6,000 documents came across an unbelievable document.   

For more, go here:

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Stupid Biden Quote of the Day

Speaking today in Joplin, Missouri, VIce President Joe Biden overstated the deaths there in the 2011 tornado by 160,839. There were oly 161.