Wednesday, February 3, 2021

+Gregory's Silence on Biden's Abortion Actions


As you may or may not know, the Cardinal Archbishop of Washington Wilton Gregory came out a few weeks ago and stated that he wants to dialog with Biden.  Here is part of the interview with Religious News Service.


The incoming president will be the second Catholic president in American history. What kind of relationship do you hope to forge with him? Also, you’ve received pushback from some in the church for saying you won’t deny Joe Biden Communion because of his stance on abortion. What do you say to your critics?

I want to begin a relationship with him that allows us to have a serious conversation, knowing full well that there are issues that he and I will be diametrically opposed to, but hopefully also being able to capitalize on issues that we can advance together.

I don’t want to go to the table with a gun on the table first.


However, there were two major actions taken by Biden, since his inauguration:

1. His statement on his recommitting to “codifying Roe v. Wade” on the 48th anniversary of the Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion nationwide as pro-life advocates vowed to fight the administration’s pro-choice agenda.

2. Cancellation of US backing of the Mexico City Policy.  

On both of these, +Gregory has been silent.  

One one level, I would say that this is shameful. 

However, I am wondering if he actually believes that abortion is murder and supports the Catholic position.  

What do you think?


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