Friday, May 20, 2022

A HUGE Ordination Class for 2022

This year, for the first time in many, many years, the ordination class will be HUGE.  I cannot remember the last time it was this large.

A total of ten (10) will be ordained on June 18th.  They are:

Deacon Gerald Andrews

Deacon Ryan Braam

Deacon Mattia Cortigiani

Deacon Carlos Rodrigo de Gutiérrez

Deacon Peter Mlynarczyk

Deacon James Morgan

Deacon Grzegorz Okulewicz

Deacon Thomas Robertson

Deacon Kyle Vance

Deacon Alexander Wyvill


Wonders if my parish will be assigned one of these young men?

In any event, congratulations to all.  Ad Multos Annos!

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