Thursday, February 27, 2025

St. Teresa of Avila (DC) - What is Going On?

 A reader informed me that we have another bit of a rogue parish in the Archdiocese of Washington but not that the Cardinal cares, as he is a short timer -- less than two weeks from full retirement.

The parish in question: St. Teresa of Avila located in SE DC.

Now they do a number of things that most parishes do, and should be commended for.  They pray the Rosary, they have a St. Vincent DePaul Society, a prison ministry, etc.

However, there are some issues, as a reader points out. 

1. At apx. 1:33 we being to have the liturgical dance group perform in the middle of the Mass.  If my parish can't say the St. Michael Prayer during Mass (and it should not), then time to eliminate the interpretive dance stuff.   And it lasts for almost ten minutes.

2.   At the end of Mass, the Pastor makes a political accusation regarding the fact that the head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff was fired because of their race and that the Chief of Naval Operations was fired because she was a women.  Does he have some sort of inside information or is he just speculating?  Seems to me that he is simply race and gender baiting.  

3.  And finally, he invites the parish to do some sort of Native American prayer circle around the altar. 

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