Friday, May 1, 2009

Policy for 2009 Meetings

One of my sources gave me the run down of what happened at one of the recent meetings. (There are to be a total of eight or nine of these.)

The report was part of a 1.5 hour presentation given by Jane Belford, the Chancellor of the Archdiocese, Tom Burnfor (Secretary of Education) and a couple of others from the Diocese.

During this session, a very brief, hurried and confusing slide presentation was given with a focus on finances. At the end of the presentation, the stakeholders were given 10 to 15 minutes to discuss and answer a series of questions, apx. seven in total. Each group of 5 or 6 individuals was then given one or two minutes to report on the discussion.

The basic feeling was that we will not have parish schools, except for the wealthier ones but schools supported by multiple parishes.

So, what can you do?

Demand a copy of this Policy 2009 paper from the Archdiocese. Ask you pastor for a copy of it. Share it with your friends, esp. those with children in Catholic Schools.

Over the next few days, I will focus on Policy Options 2009.


Anonymous said...

I went to one of these meetings at a parish in Landover Maryland. The presentation focused on four areas:
Catholic Identity

I think what the Archdiocese is doing is more or less a good idea. They are trying to find ways to keep schools open despite the fact that each year less Catholics send their kids to the schools.

I went to Catholic School as did my husband. We decided that the best place for four our children was in the Montgomery County Public School System. While we don't like what they do with sex education I can honestly say my kids are no less catholic than their friends who go to Catholic High School. In fact, they are more Catholic.

One of the biggest reasons we decided to not send out kids to Catholic Schools is so they would not be exposed to the types of values and people that write on this blog. From time to time I look at this blog and am glad that it does not represent the Catholic Church and is the likely cry of an angry Catholic, who has no relationship with Christ and his kids are probably on the same path. He or she does not how to change this course of action for their kids and has decided simply to blame someone else for for their own shortcomings.

This blog reminds me of why and confirms my decision to use the public schools.

God bless the Archdiocese for what they are trying to do. With Catholic Schools parents like they have - they have a hard job.

The only thing I disagreed with at the meeting is that the Archdiocese will raise the taxes on parishes to help fund Catholic Schools. This is a mistake since it only brings about more people who write blogs like this. This blog is a case-study on why people accuse Catholics of not knowing Jesus or being real Christians.


Thank you for reading my blog and for your comments.

I think your comment points out one of the problems I have with this process: people who may not have a stake in the Catholic schools, are having more of a say in the process than those who do.

Why was this not open up to everyone who is Catholic? Then everyone who is interested can join in and have their say, instead of a select group.

The decision not to send your children to Catholic school is your own but your comments really lead me to believe that you do not want your children to learn about what it really to be a Catholic. I think that your reason not to send your children to Catholic school is much deeper than the fact that they may run into Catholics like myself, and that it is just an excuse.

Maybe you like to be a cafeteria Catholic and feel that it is best for your children in that manner. Maybe you are part of one of those parishes which encourages dissent and confusion among Catholic? Maybe you are of the belief that if it does not affect me, then who cares what people do and say?

Come back any time.