Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Archibishop Wuerl to Speak at U. of St. Thomas (Houston) -- And Mayor Fenty...

Archbishop Donald Wuerl of Washington, D.C. is slated to lecture on the topic of religious faith in shaping American society at the University of St. Thomas in Houston next month.

The speech, titled “Religious Faith’s Role in Building a Good and Just Society,” will mark the first lecture for the Center for Faith and Culture's Master of Arts in Faith and Culture program. The talk will be held on Oct. 20, in the Chapel of St. Basil on campus.

For the complete story, go to Catholic News Agency.


It seems that Washington DC Mayor Fenty has lost the Democratic primary. I wonder if Holy Rosary Church will continue, after he is no longer mayor, to have Mayor Fenty's mother as the guest of honor for this event or that event. (PS: I don't know the Mayor's mother, never met her. This is about Holy Rosary Church and not about her.)


Dymphna said...

Isn't Holy Rosary her parish?


It may now be but in talking to a couple of the old time Italian & Italian-Americans who went there, they don't remember her at all.

Anonymous said...

Vincent Gray is a Catholic, so one wonders what tensions will arise between the Archbishop and Mr. Gray.

Viator Catholicus said...

What is this an update from?

I don't know why she was honored by the parish, but just because her son is reprehensible on certain issues, doesn't implicate her (unless she encourages and agrees with him.)

Anonymous said...

Can someone tell me what the vetting process is to appoint a Cardinal? It appears that Apb Wuerl is not in accord with the teachings of the Church in the Catechism regarding KNOWN pro-abortion and pro gay-marriage politicians in respect to SCANDAL, REPARATION, and SACRILEGE.