Friday, January 21, 2011

Catholic Standard Update (Part 2)

This is the second post on the update for the January 13th edition.

Well, it is sad but true, there was no announcement of an error or omission regarding the article the previous week about Mayor Gray. Yep, there was no mention that they forgot to include his pro-same-sex marriage stance or his pro-abortion stance. Nope not one mention. Too bad they don't allow Letters to the Editor anymore, not they would have published a correction by me.

We also have no mention of Cardinal Wuerl on Fox TV. Of course, there is no correction given on the Cardinal's comments that the Church does not have a stance on gays in the military.

We also have an article about the Maryland Catholic Conference (MCC) and the next gathering of the MD General Assembly. You can lobby all you want, but we will not make a change until we get rid of the pro-abortion and pro-gay legislators. It is that simple.

We have an article about Fr. Harvey, the founder of Courage, an organization for celibate Catholic homosexuals.

And finally, the back page article was on the Catholic Business Network of Montgomery County with their annual fundraiser for Catholic Schools.

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