Friday, June 5, 2020

Why is the Catholic Church Pushing Anti-Racism? (Updated 6/7/2020)

So, let's be up front about this.  

The killing of Mr. Floyd was a horrible thing and should not have happened.  The police officers involved should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.  


End of story.

Over the last few days, the Catholic Church has picked up the mantle of anti-Racism in a big way.  
Now, it is not that they should not speak out about it, as we are all brothers & sisters in Christ, but that this has become the overall focus over all else.  For example, you no longer hear about the pandemic.  The importance of social distancing, wearing masks, not holding Masses, has disappeared.


Why is this issue - racism - the biggest problem our country faces, among all of the others?

Over the last few weeks, I have spent a great deal of time reading Twitter, which I swore I never would. But it has been a learning experience.

And one of the things that I noticed, were marketing/communication themes pushed by the Church, via their various communications channels -- social media representatives, main stream Catholic media, etc.    They all seem to push the same set of stories and push the same ideas.

Here were the some of themes that I noticed being pushed:   
  • Forming Consciences.  People were laughing at the USCCB.  It died.  
  • DACA and Illegal Aliens.  Things were not going their way on this.  Worried about the lost of $$, which means a shrinkage of the SJW agencies.   
  • The pandemic.  We need to keep everyone safe and we all obeyed the government officials.  The economy was dying but make certain that you donate.  Parish donations were drying up.  That too got lots of blow-back.
  • Environmentalism & the Fifth Anniversary of LaudatoSi. Again, it did not gain any real traction, and push-back, no matter how many stories, quotes from +Francis, etc.  
Then came the death of Mr. Floyd.  Suddenly, this is the biggest problem that has ever been seen.


Why This?

So here are my thoughts...

  1. Too Many Lost Members.  Like many organized religions, the Church has lost too many members over the last 30 years.  Some to other faiths, and many just simply are no longer interested.  They are using this to show the relevance of the Church again. 
  2. Sexual Abuse Scandal.  Due to the Sexual Abuse Scandal, the Church has not only lost members but has lost a huge amount of influence and $$$.  Just when you think it is over, something else appears.
  3. Donations Down.  Loss of members, means loss of $$$.  No $$$, means fewer parishes, schools, cut backs on SJW agencies, etc.  If the liberals win again, they will go to them and say: "See, see what we did!  Now, it is payback." 
  4. Hatred for President Trump.  They hate him, in part, because (1) he is not as refined as they are; yes, he can say the wrong things at times, but see him as a low life; (2) they were hoping to get Hillary, even though she stands against our moral codes, so they can use it to excuse their failures; (3) the economy was doing good for most, not all, but most;  if that is the case, how do you fund your anti-poverty programs; and (4) finally, he does not like illegal aliens and the money that supports them, is a cash cow for the Church.
Then the death of Mr. Floyd happens (again, a terrible crime).  

They see how the main stream media picks up on this, how their are huge protests and BINGO, they see how they can become relevant again!  

This is what they need.  The need to show relevance to the world.

Suddenly, they (our prelates) are all over the issue, like "a cheap suit."   Every Catholic media person, every social media person, every radical leftist catholyc is on this.  Almost every story and every tweet is about the Church and their efforts.  

And, just as important, they ignore the rioters, anarchists and looters.  They ignore the destruction of neighborhoods, businesses, and the loss of jobs.  Why?  For two reasons.  

  • First, because if they condemn it, they will be attacked.  So, they remain silent to keep in the graces of the leftists.  
  • Second, and even more important, they are silent because it is a way of getting back at the President. Either the looting & rioting makes him look weak, and if he takes control, then he is a dictator.  Either way, they win.  And yes, the destroyed business, lost jobs, etc., they are just collateral damage.  Like they say, things happen in war.

This is how they get back into the good graces of the media and others,  and hide the sexual abuse scandals. 

This is how they redeem themselves to the mainstream media, the swamp, etc. 

Anti-Racism is their path to taking back the moral high ground, having everyone forget about the sexual abuse scandals, and electing a liberal, who will give them lots of contracts to take care of illegal aliens, homeless, etc.  

But they will not remember, that the "mob" loves you one minute.  Then, when you of no more use to them, they will simply abandon and ignore you.   If you make some perceived mistake, they will turn on you and destroy you.

Many may call me a racist, disgusting to think this way, etc.  (I don't care what you call me, as long as you don't call me late to dinner)

But I have seen this over and over.   It will come back to haunt them.  Not today, or tomorrow.  But down the road.  

As my father would say:  "Mark My Words."

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