Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Catholics in the News...

So, when I got home from work the other day, I found a copy of the local newspaper, the Gazette.

As I read through it, there were I found out that Don Bosco Cristo Rey High School (People's Republic of Takoma Park) was honored by the Bethesda-Chevy Chase Chamber of Commerce for outstanding contributions to the youth of the community.

In addition, Christina M. Byrne, MSW (Director of Professional Standards) Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Washington DC was honored as part of the Leadership Montgomery Class of '09. Although I am not certain of what one does to be recognized as part of this, I offer her my congratulations.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Catholic Standard - Weekly Update

Once again, due to personal issues, I was not able to get this out to you earlier. So, mea culpa.

In This Week at a Glance, we once again see how the USCCB is really a do nothing group. They support Bishop D'Arcy on Notre Dame but do they do much else. Nope. They are also working on ensuring that there is "comprehensive immigration reform." What does that mean? Absolutely nothing. Here in MoCo illegal immigration is fueling our crime rate. Almost every week, we see another story of how an illegal immigrant (not just any immigrant but illegal ones) has committed a crime of one sort of another. And yes, gay marriage was moving at a very quick pace, but the bishops seem to move rather slowly on this one. Case in point: Washington DC.

The Archbishop participated in the prayer service at Metro Headquarters for those who died and those who were injured in the train accident last Monday. Thank you.

Another story on how the DC Opportunity Scholarship Program has shown that it makes good economic and academic sense.

Our newly ordained priests have been given their assignments. One may be coming to your parish. If so, welcome him with open arms. They are a blessing to all.

A more complete story about the Sunday TV Mass appeared in this issue. If PBS was for the public good, then they should be funded by the public, not the government.

The very sad story of the death of Fr. Vakoc, who was wounded in Iraq in 1992, is covered. Pray for him and all of our military chaplains.

As always, if you don't get the Catholic Standard, pick one up in your parish. Remember, they are required to take a certain number of copies -- whether they like it or not.


On another note, there have been a number of comments posted recently to this blog regarding Archbishop Wuerl. While I am no fan of his, and believe that he has done more harm than good, the tone of a number of these comments has gotten out of control. Therefore, the last couple of comments sent in will not be posted.

Once again, I welcome everyone to post a comment but ask you to mindful of what you are posting.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Do you know a great priest?

From Deacon's Bench:

To celebrate the Year for Priests, the folks at the Catholic Company are sponsoring a contest, inviting savvy Catholic videographers to submit short videos on YouTube about their favorite priests.

There are prizes (woo hoo!) and inspiration aplenty. There's also a panel of "celebrity judges," including Your Humble Blogger, (Why do I suddenly feel like Simon Cowell?)

Anywho: visit this website to find out all the rules and how you can honor your incredible priest and maybe win a shopping spree from the Catholic Company and, for one lucky priest, a trip to Rome. Good luck!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Catholic Standard - Weekly Update

Sorry for the delay in getting this out to you before the weekend, but lots of personal things to deal.

Well, here is the weekly update.

The Page 3 story focuses on the Social Ministry Conference held on June 13th. No mention of PICO - the Saul Alinsky type organization and sister organization of ACORN. Makes you wonder why that was not mentioned. Could it be that the Archdiocese is a bit embarrassed?

There was a small box story on the DC Catholic Conference and the loss of voting rights when it can to DC marriage.

There is story about a couple married 70 years. Again, WOW. So much can be learned from couple like that.

There were another round of transfers.

However, most of the issue was dedicated to the seven men who were ordained this past Saturday. Their stories are varied. From the former World Bank staff member, to a CFO, to a former Episcopalian. Take a moment to read about them. It is fascinating. Who knows, one of them may be coming to your parish soon.

As always, if you don't get the Catholic Standard, pick one up in your parish. Remember, they are required to take a certain number of copies -- whether they like it or not.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Three Accusations of Child Abuse by DC Area Priest

According to The Examiner, three men have alleged in lawsuits that they were sexually abused by Msgr. Joseph Dooley. George Thompson, has accused Msgr. Dooley of molesting him, while stationed at St. John the Baptist Church in Silver Spring, from 1963 to 1967. The other two men were parishioners in Our Lady of Lourdes (Bethesda) and Annunciation (NW DC) in the late 1950's to mid-1960's.

Msgr. Dooley is a defendant in the lawsuits, even though he is dead. The three parishes and the Archdiocese are part of the lawsuit too.

According to the article, Mr. Thompson went to the Archdiocese in 2005 with the allegation and the Diocese reported it to the proper authorities.

Let us take a moment to pray:

1. For those who alleged the abuse, they they may be healed of their hurt;
2. For Msgr. Dooley (yes, if he did do the things he has been accused of, we have all been told to pray for the sinner);
3. For all of our priests, that the Lord gives them the strength to avoid the near occasion of sin and to give them strength in their everyday lives. We need them, and they need us.

Here is the story in the Examiner and here in the Post.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

A little humor to start off the day..

A little humor...floating around the 'net. Enjoy.


Smith climbs to the top of Mt. Sinai to get close enough to talk to God.

Looking up, he asks the Lord... 'God, what does a million years mean to you?'

The Lord replies, 'A minute.'

Smith asks, 'And what does a million dollars mean to you?'

The Lord replies, 'A penny.'

'Smith asks, 'Can I have a penny?'

'The Lord replies, 'In a minute.'


Joseph McCarthy goes to see Fr. O'Brien. "Father, something terrible is happening and I have to talk to you about it.'

The Fr. O'Brien asked, 'What's wrong?'

McCarthy replied, 'My wife is poisoning me.'

Fr. O'Brien, very surprised by this, asks, 'How can that be?'

He pleads, 'I'm telling you, I'm certain she's poisoning me, what should I do?'

Fr. O'Brien, the wise priest that he is, says, 'Tell you what. Let me talk to her, I'll see what I can find out and I'll let you know.'

A week later the Fr. O'Brien calls McCarthy and says, 'Well, I spoke to your wife. I spoke to her on the phone for three hours. You want my advice?'

McCarthy said yes and the good Father replied, 'Take the poison.'

A Very Interesting Comment

Over the last few months, we have talked extensively about the process by which the Archdiocese will shut down schools. I was going through a copy of the Catholic Standard and came across an interesting comment -- something that I have been saying all along.

So, for those of you from the Archdiocese who read this (and I know you do), this is for you as you prepare to shut down more schools:

Msgr. Kane told a reporter on the day when St. Patrick's opened: "(Catholic) schools are the best instrument we've had in building the Church in this country."

Taken from the Catholic Standard, May 28, 2009, page 17.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

A Tale of Two Houses...

Since the Archdiocese of Washington DC has an Enviromental Outreach Department (do we really need one?), which sponsored a Faith, Environment and Stewardship Conference, I thought I would share with all of you something that they probably did not mention at the conference.

A Tale of Two Houses...

House #1
A 20 room mansion (not including 8 bathrooms) heated by natural gas. Add on a pool (and a pool house) and a separate guest house, all heated by gas. In one month this residence consumes more energy than the average American household does in a year. The average bill for electricity and natural gas runs over $2400 per month. In natural gas alone, this property consumes more than 20 times the national average for an American home.. This house is not situated in a Northern or Midwestern 'snow belt' area. It's in the South.

House #2
Designed by an architecture professor at a leading national university. This house incorporates every 'green' feature current home construction can provide. The house is 4,000 square feet (4 bedrooms) and is nestled on a high prairie in the American southwest. A central closet in the house holds geothermal heat-pumps drawin g ground water through pipes sunk 300 feet into the ground.
The water (usually 67 degrees F) heats the house in the winter and cools it in the summer. The system uses no fossil fuels such as oil or natural gas and it consumes one-quarter electricity required for a conventional heating/cooling system. Rainwater from the roof is collected and funneled into a 25,000 gallon underground cistern. Wastewater from showers, sinks and toilets goes into underground purifying tanks and then into the cistern. The collected water then irrigates the land surrounding the house. Surrounding flowers and shrubs native to the area enable the property to blend into the surrounding rural landscape.

Scroll down to see who is the owner of each house...

HOUSE #1 is outside of Nashville, Tennessee; it is the abode of the 'environmentalist' Al Gore.

HOUSE #2 is on a ranch near Crawford, Texas;it is the residence of the former President of the United States, George W. Bush.

An 'inconvenient truth.'

I sure hope this gets passed to everyone!

You can verify it at :

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Making abortion rare. Liar!

To all Catholics in the Archdiocese of Washington DC, especially those priests, religious' and employees, is this what you mean when you voted for Obama, who promised to make abortion rare:

Sotomayor supports unlimited abortion rights.

Office for Global Women's Issues is really a veiled attempt to promote abortions.

DC Abortion Ban is about to be side-stepped.

I guess that this is the change you wanted, just like 9.5% unemployment, a budget deficit that is out of control, de-funding of the DC Opportunity Scholarships, ending of the conscience clause, and I can go on and on.

Nice work guys. Hope you are proud of yourselves.

Monday, June 15, 2009

DC Graduation Rates

It was recently reported that DC High School graduation rates had fallen to 49%.

Of the number of DC Opportunity Scholarship participants, I wonder what is the percentage of students who graduate high school. I would bet that it is more than 50%.

Another reason why DC Opportunity Scholarships are needed.

The next time you go to the voting booth, remember who is supporting DC Opportunity Scholarships (Republican Party) and who is opposed (Democratic Party).

Friday, June 12, 2009

Catholic Standard - Weekly Update

Well, it is that time of the week...the Catholic Standard Weekly Update!!!

First, congratulations to those who celebrated their 25th to 70th wedding anniversaries! Wow, married 70 years! That is truly amazing. What an inspiration for all those who are married, about to get married or even looking to get married.

The Sunday TV Mass is moving to WDCW on July 5th at 10:30am. Although the Standard did not tell you this, the folks over at Public Television decided to enforce a 20+ year old law banning religious programming. MMMM...isn't it odd that it happens when the Most Merciful, Lord High Barack Obama is president. I guess this is what he meant by change -- removal of anything religious. Maybe people should think carefully about donating to public television or voting for him again.

Stories continue to show the value of the DC Opportunity Scholarship program.

Although the story attempts to be upbeat, there is nothing upbeat about the closing of a Catholic school -- Holy Angels Sacred Heart School in Avenue.

Remember, June 13th is St. Anthony of Padua Feast Day. Go to St. Anthony of Padua Church at 12th and Monroe St., NE for Mass (8am & 12noon), Novena prayers, and a blessing w/ a St. Anthony relic. Blessed St. Anthony bread will be distributed.

Finally, did I not call it or did I not call it yesterday -- the centerfold of the Standard is that flier I discussed yesterday on Catholic Education.

As always, if you don't get the Catholic Standard, pick one up in your parish. Remember, they are required to take a certain number of copies -- whether they like it or not.

Have a safe and enjoyable weekend.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Looking to the Future With Confidence -- Winning the Heart and Minds of Catholic School Parents

Well folks, the public relations battle continues over the closing of Catholic schools.

The Archiocese of Washington DC, having been "outed" (so to speak) on their Policy in 2009 paper, has now begun to put together these one sheet of paper newsletters on the paper. It will probably be in your Sunday bulletin within the next few weeks (and even the Catholic Standard -- one of those "Specials to the Standard"), if not this weekend.

The first one just came out entitled: Looking to the Future with Confidence: New Policis for Catholic Schools. It is a synopsis of the the Archbishop's Letter on Education, the process on this new Policy and a synopsis of the policy.

Most Catholics in the Archdiocese will look at it and (1) ignore it; (2) will not register with them what is about to be done; or (3) be be taken with it.

You can take a look at it here.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Alinsky and The 2009 Social Ministry Conference

Well folks, it is that time of year when the Social Ministry Conference to take place. It is a low cost event and has a number speakers on a variety of topics.
Now, most of this is pretty typical stuff, except I noticed workshop #20: Improving Access to Quality Health Care for All.

According to the description:

This workshop will look at current challenges to making it easier for children, working families and the elderly to obtain the health insurance, medical services and prescription drugs they need to stay healthy. The workshop is presented by an expert in the field and will include time for questions and answers. Gordan Whitman, People Improving Communities through Organizing (PICO), Washington

And who or what is PICO? It is a Saul Alinsky community organization. Wait, isn't that that that what ACORN is a part of? Oh yes. In fact...

Included among this group are: the Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF), Gamaliel, Pacific Institute for Community Organizing (PICO), and Direct Action and Research Training Center (DART). The Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) which is also patterned on Alinsky's organizational recommendations.

Isn't that what the Most Merciful, Lord High Barack Obama subscribes to? Yes. Oh yes, we all remember his stellar career as a Community Organizer.

I thought that after the ACORN fiasco, they would do everything to stay away from these groups. Guess I was wrong. Who's bright idea was that anyway? Maybe a pink slip is in order.

Want to learn more about PICO, click here.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Some thoughts...

Yesterday, a comment was placed on the Catholic Standard update. Normally, I don't answer most postings, but I thought a bit about it and thought it would be good to answer some questions. So here goes.

Reader: Can you give us a scorecard on which schools were closed and which ones are on the chopping block? A mini chart?

Me: There are at least 8 schools closed if memory serves me correct. (Someone will let me know if I got the number wrong.) Six in DC and two in southern Maryland. I don't have a "list" of those on the chopping block but if you read the Catholic Standard on a regular basis (among other sources), you can pretty much figure out which ones in Montgomery and PG Counties are possibilities. The Archdiocese is keeping a list (of sorts) of those that are in good shape, those which need to be watched and those which should be closed. Look, they have been setting the stage for the last 12+ months, so, it is just a matter of time.

Reader: Plus, can you let us know if whether or not any parishes are targeted for closure? Remember, Wuerl performed a vanishing act with 118 parishes in the Pittsburgh area. Do he do encores?

Me: I do not know of any at this time. My sources have not indicated any. It is possible that after the schools go, he may do so. But there have been no indications as such. Remember, Pittsburg and Washington DC are very different in areas such as the formation of ethnic neighborhoods, etc.

Reader: Furthermore, do you know if any church property in the miscellaneous department is up for sale? While in Pittsburgh, Wuerl even sold a sizable patch of Catholic cemetary property to the masons (North Side Catholic Cemetery.) The masons bought the cemetery property for the sole purpose of building their new headquarters there.

Me: No, I do not but if schools begin to close, there is always that possibility.

Reader: This brings us to the next question: Being that it is an excommunicable sin to join the masons, is it or is it not a sin to do business with them and sell Catholic property to them? Could a bishop morally sell church property to wealthy Satanic worshippers? What about cults that do bizarre rituals? What about abortion groups? Isn't it an act of scandalizing the weak when you sell church property to a group under excommunication?

Me: Yes, Catholics are not allowed to join the Freemasons. http://forums.catholic.com/showthread.php?p=4328145

On the issue of selling property, the question that I would first ask is: Is it illegal? Now, I am not an attorney but I as long selling property is not illegal (although with the Most Merciful, Lord High Barack Obama, anything is possible), and the title is in the hands of the Archdiocese, then there is nothing illegal about it. Also, I am not a Canon Lawyer, and don't know if Canon Law goes into this.

However, the scandal will be on who the property is sold to. It could turn into a public relations issue but if the Archdiocese was able to deflect the case of Fr. Lee, then it could do so here too.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Catholic Standard - Weekly Update

First, apologies to all those who read this blog on a regular basis. I have been quite busy with work and a number of personal matters. This may continue for the next few weeks, but hopefully not.

Well, this week's Catholic Standard has a number of articles. In taking a quick glance through, nothing which gives me indigestion.

The key one is he large number of retirements and transfers of priests in the Archdiocese. I am always fascinated to read about many of our younger priests who come from a different occupation before hearing God's call.

In addition, we have a story on the ordination of Fr. Andrew Daly and his father Deacon Michael Daly. Reminds me of Bishop Knestout. Ad Multos Annos!

Congratulations to Fr. Patrick McCaffrey who celebrates his 50th Anniversary as a priest.

We have the articles on Miguel Diaz's nomination as the US Ambassador to the Vatican, another story on abortionist Tillman, and one on Judge Sotomayor.

Although the article on Sotomayor states:

Although critics of Obama were quick to decry Sotomayor as "a liberal activist," her judicaial record does not reflect that approach on issues including religious liberty and restrictions on federal funding being use for abortions.

Do you really think that the Most Merciful, Lord High Barack Obama would choose someone who is not pro-abortion for the court. It is a litmus test for him and the Democratic Party. Give me a break. Rush Limbaugh pegged her as a stealth judge, years ago for this. I trust his judgement before that of the Catholic News Service.

We say good bye to St. Mary, Star of the Sea School in Indian Head. It is closing as part of closing of Catholic schools in Charles County. I am waiting for the shoe to drop here in Montgomery and PG Country later this year and early next.

Oh, and since every parish is required to have a number of copies (whether they like it or not), pick up your copy on Sunday, if you don't subscribe.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

D-Day Anniversary

Today is the Anniversary of D-Day.

Most Americans don't remember that day, nor do they take a moment to remember those who died.

Take a moment. Say a prayer.

Never forget.

Friday, June 5, 2009

An Advertisement -

Received an email from a vendor about Catholic titles in digital format. If interested, take a look:


Thursday, June 4, 2009

Once again, a slap in the face...

Personally, I believe that once again the Most Merciful, Lord High Barack Obama has slapped the face of Roman Catholics (not Cafeteria Roman Catholics) and all those who believe that homosexual behavior is immoral by declaring June to be LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL, AND TRANSGENDER PRIDE MONTH.

Some of you will say, that I am bigoted, a Neanderthal (some will even say that it is an insult to Neanderthals), etc. Go ahead, if it makes you happy.

While he is at it, why not declare Brother/Sister, Mother/Son, Father/Daughter Sex Partner Pride month. Heck, as long as they are over the age of consent, who cares. Right?

Live and let live.

Be all you can be.


Wednesday, June 3, 2009


First, I would like to thank everyone who reads this blog on a regular basis.

Second, things are a bit busy for me these days, so my postings will be a bit limited this week but hopefully will pick up again next week.

Finally, there are a number of comments regarding Archbishop Wuerl and his days in Pittsburgh, PA. I don't know if all of these allegations are true or false, nor all of the details, but have decided to publish them at this time. I will keep close tabs on them to see what is being said and make a decision on whether or not to eventually delete or keep them.

That decision will be mine and mine alone.

Once again, thank you for reading and all of your support.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Catholic Schools - Priests Consultation

Well, folks, as I mentioned to you last Friday, there was a convocation of priests (apx. 120) who met to discuss Catholic Schools.

Here are some highlights from the article:

- parish assessments also may change to reflect a consensus that Catholic schools should be the responsibility of the entire archdiocese and not just parishes with schools. Parishes would likely see an assessment increase starting in July 2010 to more evenly distribute support for families seeking a Catholic school education. (Note: This was discussed in the Policy in 2009 Paper.)

- the priests discussed the proposed policies...they recognize that changes to the way Catholic schools are funded are essential to sustaining them into the future.

- Msgr. Bill Parent, pastor of St. Peter Parish in Waldorf, Maryland. "My parish contributed $277,000 last year to our school. We can't continue to do that so I am very much in favor of trying to share the load (among all parishes)."

- A survey about different priorities then was sent to more than 12,000 Catholic school educators, parents, parishioners and priests and was followed by focus groups of pastors, principals, teachers, parents and parishioners. (Note: About 1000 responded, which by survey standards is good.)

- A final round of consultations was held last month with eight regional meetings in parishes across the archdiocese. More than 1,000 pastors, principals, teachers and parish representatives were invited to provide feedback and input on draft policy options. (Note: About invitees attended the meetings. No open meetings were held. )

This is sad, because once a Catholic school closes, there is really no chance that it will open again. As we reduce the number of schools, we will also see a reduction in parishioners, as well as, those who adhere to the faith. Schools really help make the parish a vibrant place.

I have been in both -- parishes w/ and w/o schools -- and the ones w/ schools have so much more to offer and are so much more vibrant.

However, you have noticed that there is no talk of any cuts in any social programs, from the Spanish Center to the McCarrick Center, to any of the other special programs. Schools seem to be expendable, yet they (schools) are just as important as any other social program we offer.

It is my opinion, that the Archdiocese of Washington DC is slowly turning into a social services agency, that happens to be Roman Catholic, instead of the Roman Catholic Church, which has a social services component.

For the full article, go here.