Wednesday, June 27, 2012

True Marriage Opponents Running Scared?

It seems that the opponents (gay marriage supporters) of True Marriage seem to be running scared.  Those of us who support True Marriage, have submitted over 160,000 signatures...almost three times those required for a vote to be put on the ballot.

Over the last few days, I have noticed a flurry of emails from the supporters of gay marriage on this matter. 

  • There is the sympathy one (Anna and I have a loving relationship and our children...). 
  • There is the one which charges that the opponents of gay marriage are using racism.
  • There is the one from the LBGT Maryland Legislators.
  • There is the one about making phone calls from the SEIU HQ in Washington DC.
  • The Catholics for Equality no longer describe one of their members as a priest, who lives at Georgetown.

Let's make certain not only to GOTV (get out the vote) to repeal gay marriage in MD but to send a clear messge to those who support this lifestyle--it is unacceptable.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Maryland Abortion Clinics Now to Be Regulated

New regulations issued by the Department of Health and Mental Hygene (DHMH) announced that they will insitute regulations on abortion clinics.  Clinic inspections will take place (hopefully).

Abortion clinics will be given a 120-day grace period to apply for licenses under the new regulations, which officially go into effect July 23. The licenses cost $1,500 for three years.

The new regulations are modeled after those followed by outpatient surgical facilities and require abortion clinics to meet guidelines related to anesthesia, emergency services, lab work and other areas.

Of course, the Planned Parenthood/NARAL cabal fought it tooth and nail (cuts into those profits, you know) even though they were supposedly all for safe abortions.  (Remember the clinic in Elkton, MD?) 

Although this may not reduce the number of abortions, it will ensure that murder clinics abortion clinics have to meet the same guidelines as other outpatient medical facilities.

Read more here:,0,1297078.story

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Friday, June 15, 2012

Obama, the MCC and Illegal Aliens

UPDATE - Sunday, June 17th:  Well it seems that the United States Catholic Conference of Bishops (USCCB) has just come out with a statement thanking the President for his action on the deportation of young (up to age 30 -- not so young) illegal immigrants.  

Once again, the USCCB has stepped in it and it gives ammo to those who support the Most Merciful.

Here is an editorial from National Review that one of my readers shared with me.  (Thanks EB.)


Obama just announced that he will grant immunity (or no longer deport) young illegal aliens.  

Now, if the Archdiocese of Washington, Maryland Catholic Conference (MCC) and their surrogate - Justice for Illegal Immigrants, all come out to applaud this, then...


I mean, both are accomplished thru a "dictatorship" move, so if they can support one, they can support the other?  Right?

BTW, I am NOT in support of the HHS mandate, nor am in support of Obamacare.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

LCWR Update

Rocco over at Whispher in the Loggia has an update on the LCWR Meeting in Rome, as well as, the response form LCWR. 

Although LCWR leadership will not do any interviews, you can bet that their associates (like NETWORK, VOTF, Call to Action) will be banging the drums and getting publicity regarding this "War Against Poor, Helpless, Defenseless Nuns." 

Monday, June 11, 2012

LCWR: A Reality Check

The way the Washington Post and others are describing it, the Vatican is going after every elderly nun who taught, worked in a school or even changed bedpans. 

That is not the case.

Let's here from Bishop Blair, who conducted the Doctrinal Assessment.

What the CDF is concerned about, as I indicated, is the particular organization known as the LCWR. Its function, responsibilities and statutes were all originally approved by the Holy See, to which it remains accountable. While it is true that the member communities of the LCWR represent most of the religious sisters in the United States, that does not mean that criticism of the LCWR is aimed at all the member religious communities, much less all sisters.

The word “investigation” is often used to describe the work that I carried out on behalf of the CDF. “Investigation” suggests an attempt to uncover things that might not be known. In reality, what the CDF commissioned was a doctrinal “assessment,” an appraisal of materials which are readily available to anyone who cares to read them on the LCWR website and in other LCWR published resources. The assessment was carried out in dialogue with the LCWR leadership, both in writing and face-to-face, over several months.

The fundamental question posed to the LCWR leadership as part of the assessment was simply this: What are the Church’s pastors to make of the fact that the LCWR constantly provides a one-sided platform—without challenge or any opposing view—to speakers who take a negative and critical position vis-a-vis Church doctrine and discipline and the Church’s teaching office?

To read his reasons, please go here:

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Military Chaplains in Afghanistan: Photo Journalism

I saw this on The Deacon's Bench and wanted to share this with each of you. 

As yesterday was the Anniversary of D-Day, I thought that this would be a great reminder of those Chaplains who serve those who serve.

Please keep them in your prayers, that no harm comes to them and to those whom they serve.

From the Denver Post:

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Stand Up for Religious Freedom Rally - June 8th

The Pro-Life Action League and Citizens for a Pro-Life Society are pleased to announce that the next Stand Up for Religious Freedom Rally will take place on Friday, June 8, in cities and towns across the United States.

The June 8 Stand Up Rally builds on the tremendous momentum created by the first Stand Up Rally on March 23.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Seminar: Religion in the Public Square: Why Americans Must Defend the 1st Amendment

U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops called on April 12 for "all the energies the Catholic communitycan muster" for  a campaign in defense of religious liberty betweenJune 21 (Vigil of Feast of Saints Thomas More and John Fisher) and 4th of July(founding of the United States) -- a Fortnight for Freedom. The USCCB asked forparticipation by all men of good will.  We, the laity, are responding.

Where: Nash Auditorium, Founder'sHall, Patrick Henry College, Purcellville, VA, 20132

When: June 30, 2012, 1 p.m. - 5 p.m.

Who: Father Marcel Guarnizo,founder, Aid to the Church in Russia; Criton Zoakos, president, Leto Research,Inc.,  Vivian Freyre, vice-president,Leto Research, Inc.