It seems that the opponents (gay marriage supporters) of True Marriage seem to be running scared. Those of us who support True Marriage, have submitted over 160,000 signatures...almost three times those required for a vote to be put on the ballot.
Over the last few days, I have noticed a flurry of emails from the supporters of gay marriage on this matter.
Let's make certain not only to GOTV (get out the vote) to repeal gay marriage in MD but to send a clear messge to those who support this lifestyle--it is unacceptable.
Over the last few days, I have noticed a flurry of emails from the supporters of gay marriage on this matter.
- There is the sympathy one (Anna and I have a loving relationship and our children...).
- There is the one which charges that the opponents of gay marriage are using racism.
- There is the one from the LBGT Maryland Legislators.
- There is the one about making phone calls from the SEIU HQ in Washington DC.
- The Catholics for Equality no longer describe one of their members as a priest, who lives at Georgetown.
Let's make certain not only to GOTV (get out the vote) to repeal gay marriage in MD but to send a clear messge to those who support this lifestyle--it is unacceptable.