Friday, November 30, 2012

Letting sick infants/babies die...

Depending upon who you listen to, this is not only taking place now in the US (although on a much smaller scale), but how long before it takes hold in the US under ObamaCare.
Sick children are being discharged from NHS hospitals to die at home or in hospices on controversial ‘death pathways’.
Until now, end of life regime the Liverpool Care Pathway was thought to have involved only elderly and terminally-ill adults.
But the Mail can reveal the practice of withdrawing food and fluid by tube is being used on young patients as well as severely disabled newborn babies.

Monday, November 26, 2012

This is what we are up against, under the guise of "BULLYING"

Folks, with the election (with a certain amount of faud) of Obama and the passing of Gay Marriage in Maryland, we will see attacks on the Church multiply.  If you think it is bad now, it will only get worse, something which I have stated for the last few years but have been told that I am wrong.


Nov. 23, 2012 ( – A leading pro-family group has released a telling exposé charging that Dan Savage, the founder of the massively popular ‘It Gets Better’ homosexual anti-bullying campaign, is himself the country’s “bully-in-chief.”

Savage writes the syndicated sex column Savage Love, where, in his own words, he “traffics the skeeziest sex practices known to man.”

He is famous for his campaign defaming Republican presidential candidate Sen. Rick Santorum by using a technique known as “Google-bombing” to associate his name on the search engine with a grotesque aspect of sodomy.

In the ‘It Gets Better’ campaign, Savage encouraged people to produce their own short video message to homosexual teens, and won support from celebrities and politicians, including President Obama.

By endorsing the campaign, said Savage, Obama was telling “queer kids” that “there’s something wrong with your parents, there’s something wrong with your preachers, … and f—- those people.”

The short video, by the Family Research Council, compiles examples of Savage’s vicious and obscene attacks on Christians and conservatives, including teens.

In case the links do not work:

Friday, November 23, 2012

The Magdala Apostolate: Educating the Women Disciples of the Lord

McLean, VA (November 20, 2012): Recognizing the dramatic decline of women religious teachers in Catholic schools over the past few decades, the Institute of Catholic Culture is launching the Magdala Apostolate, an outreach project dedicated to providing sound doctrinal formation—both initial and ongoing—for women religious and novices. This is in response to the Church’s call for a new evangelization. It is also inherent in the mission of the Institute of Catholic Culture: to offer educational programs structured upon classical liberal arts.
Over a generation ago, faithful religious sisters were dedicated to teaching the orthodox faith to the next generation. However, the presence of teaching nuns has declined by more than 90 percent since 1965. This has resulted in a catechetical crisis in the Catholic classrooms.
While theologians may debate why this decline has occurred, one fact does emerge: the direct correlation between the decline in quality of the education that these women received in formation and their rapid decline in numbers. According to a recent release from the Vatican: “The formation programs among several communities…did not have significant doctrinal content…..”
In response to the Church’s directives to use new media techniques to communicate the saving truths of the Catholic Faith, the Magdala Apostolate will employ the latest in web conferencing tools to create a virtual classroom setting where students (the sisters) and professors can communicate in a live educational setting.
Note that Magdala is the Galilean hometown of Mary Magdalen, one of the women who faithfully followed Christ and ministered to him. Today, the historic reputation of Saint Mary of Magdala, like the reputation of our devoted sisters, is under attack. What we do know, however, about Saint Mary Magdalene from Sacred Scripture reveals that she was healed by our Lord, and that she, along with other women, faithfully followed him and the Apostles and “provided for them out of their own means.”

For more information about this important apostolate and to make contributions to its continuance, please contact the Institute of Catholic Culture at its website:

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Sign the Petition..if you wish...

One of my readers put together a petition on asking the USCCB to excommunicate politicians who are unfaithful to the teachings of the Church.

Altough many automatically excommunicate themselves by their actions, I think that if we get enough signatures, we can maybe really raise the issue because THIS WILL COME FROM THE FAITHFUL and not simply a couple of bloggers. 

Maybe this will give some bishops the courage to speak out even more.

Sign it! Share it!  Let's start a trend!

Monday, November 19, 2012

When will we ever learn...

When will we ever learn.  Instead of hiring those who are true to the faith, we keep subverting ourselves.  We go rid of the guy responsible for the Social Justice mess in the USCCB and now we get this.


An organization of Catholic donors has chosen Alexia K. Kelley, an Obama policy advisor with connections to abortion-supporting politicians and a controversial advocacy group, as its new president and CEO.  She is now the President of the Foundations and Donors Interested in Catholic Activities (FADICA

Kelley, who holds a master’s degree in theological studies from Harvard Divinity School, had previously worked for several years at the Catholic Campaign for Human Development, an anti-poverty initiative of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.

She later co-founded and served as the executive director of Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good, a social justice advocacy organization.

The group - which has since closed its office and shifted its presence to the internet - was criticized by numerous bishops for causing confusion about the priority of moral issues by downplaying the importance of fundamental concerns like abortion, while giving heavy weight to issues such as the environment.
Kelly was a religious advisor for the 2004 presidential campaign of Catholic senator John Kerry, whose support for abortion raised controversy.
She also advocated heavily for the confirmation of pro-abortion Catholic Kathleen Sebelius as Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services.

To read the entire story, go to Catholic News Agency.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

I am still alive...

Sorry I have not posted for a while.  Things have been busy at work and at home.  Home also includes helping some relatives who were affected by Sandy.  (I guess that makes me pro-life.)

So, I am hoping to post more soon.

God Bless.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Don't Redefine Marriage

The institution of marriage is under attack by many different forces in our culture today. But it is the basic foundation of our society. To further damage it will cause increased cultural erosion. Redefining marriage is not the answer during these hard times. Rededication to marriage and family is.

And keep in mind that we don't need to redefine marriage to give same-sex couples legal rights and benefits. Indeed, in the state of Maryland, same-sex couples already receive benefits, such as hospital visitation, medical and end-of-life decision making, state health benefits, tax breaks and many more.

Advocates of same-sex marriage have attempted to take ownership of some of the key language in this debate. I have heard that this about "love" — but you can love and commit to whomever you want until death do you part; the government is not involved in issues of love. Or, it's about "equality" — but right now, everyone has the same rights under the law, and it says everyone can marry one person from the opposite sex. Or it's been called a "civil rights" issue — but this would be laughable if it wasn't so offensive to the struggles that African-Americans endured in this country. And lastly, "discrimination" — but the government does not discriminate against same-sex couples when promoting the natural definition of marriage; it differentiates certain behaviors. There is a huge difference.

For the full article, click here:,0,848696,print.story

And remember, VOTE NO on QUESTION 4!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Dissent Again At Holy Trinity! Is Hyattsville paying attention?

"Bishops may be unhappy about the contraception mandate, but they have only 200 votes in this election," was the view expressed by Father Reese.

After an article in the parish bulletin praising President Obama for Obamacare, and which made no mention of the mandates which go against our faith, Fr. Reese speaks about how the Bishops are just looking for an excuse to oppose Obamacare.  He even suggest that they should be very happy with the mandate and exceptions.

Hyattsville, maybe it is time to strip Fr. Reese of his faculties in the Archdiocese! Maybe it is time to put their foot down about Holy Trinity. 

This sort of stuff has really got to stop. I mean you guys had no problem w/ Fr. Marcel, why are you not doing it with Fr. Reese.

For the complete story, please go to Catholic Online: