Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Tell Angie's List that They Should Not Discriminate Against People of Faith...

Send a Note to Angie's List President re Indiana's Religious Freedom Restoration Act



Dear Mr. Oesterle:

I am extremely disappointed to learn that Angie's List has chosen to practice religious discrimination. Shouldn't every American be free to work and live according to their faith without fear of punishment by the government?

Indiana's Religious Freedom Restoration Act is exactly the same law that is already in place and working just fine in 19 other states.

And, its language is identical in all fundamental respects to the 1993 federal RFRA signed into law by President Bill Clinton after it passed the House unanimously and the Senate 97-3.

Because your company opposes laws that protect religious liberty, I will not be using Angie's List in the future.

Killing in Style...

Today's Washington comPost highlights a new abortion clinic -- one in which you can kill your child in style..or at least feel better about yourself after it.

It seems that the CaraFem, located in Friendship Heights, will greet you and offer you some tea and comfortable robes.  All the while offering you an abortion pill.  And they are proud of it.  

Can't kill a seal, a whale or even a darter snail but a human life.  No problemo.  

Isn't that special.


Monday, March 23, 2015

Affirming Children's Rights To Their Mothers And Fathers

Our colleague over at RESTORE DC CATHOLICISM posted an interesting talk taking place at Our Lady of Lourdes in Bethesda, MD. 

The talk, entitled "Affirming Children's Rights to Their Mothers and Fathers" deals with true marriage (a term which I have used, instead of traditional marriage for a while) and that all children need a mother and a father.  

For more, go here: http://restore-dc-catholicism.blogspot.com/2015/03/affirming-childrens-rights-to-their.html

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Stupid Biden Quote of the Week.

Looks like the highest elected catholyic official in the US, has once again put foot in mouth with his comment about anyone wearing Orange is not welcome, as well as, a couple of other items.

Geez, who elected this guy?  I know I did not. 


Sunday, March 8, 2015

Lesbianism is a Religion?

Normally, I do not comment on other faiths.  That is not what this blog is about.  However, something caught my attention in The Washington Post Magazine, this week.

Each week, the comPost Magazine has a one pager entitled: Just Asking.  For those of you who do not know it, it is a question and answer with someone they believe is notable.  The first paragraph is a short intro on the person and then it goes into the Q & A.  (That is "Questions and Answers" for those of you in the People's Republic of Takoma Park.)

In this case, the first sentence reads:  "(Name) is a lesbian minister.."

Now, normally, you would say "(Name) is a Baptist,"  "(Name) is a Unitarian," or "(Name) is interdenominational."   You do not say "(Name) is straight" or "(Name) is LBQTUVWXYZ."

Really, once again, the comPost is pushing a radical agenda and trying to normalize something that is not.  

Friday, March 6, 2015

Dog Tag Bakery

I will have to check this out when I get down there...

Readjusting to the American workforce after active military service - particularly when dealing with injuries - can be notoriously challenging, which is why two enterprising philanthropists have put their heads together to form an unlikely solution.

Dog Tag Bakery - which trains and employs wounded veterans, not just in baking but in actually running the business - was launched last year in Georgetown, Washington D.C., by Father Richard Curry, a professor of Catholic Studies at Georgetown University, and entrepreneur Connie Milstein.

It's a two-floor operation; upstairs a study center where ex-members of the U.S. ex-military (and their spouses or caregivers) are taught classes in business, finance and marketing, and downstairs a storefront bakery, where these skills are put into practice running the operation for local customers.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2981876/A-recipe-success-New-Dog-Tag-Bakery-teaches-wounded-U-S-veterans-business-skills-need-enter-civilian-workforce.html#ixzz3TcA2W6IO

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Becoming a Better Confessor:

The Thomistic Institute will hold its fourth annual Conference for Priests.  Becoming a Better Confessor: Using the Virtues and Vices in the Confessional.

It will be held at Baltimore's Basilica of the Assumption from July 7 thru 9, 2015.  It features Fr. Romanus Cessario, Fr. Basil Cole, Fr. Fred Miller, and (Washington's own) Msgr. Charles Pope, among others.

The conference website is www.thomisticinstitute.org/priest