Therefore, if you wish to post words of encouragement and support for him, this is your opportunity.
If you are going to post something negative, against him, Cardinal Wuerl, Bishop Knestout or even Barbara Johnson, it will be rejected. Even if it is perceived as negative by me, it will be deleted.
So, here is mine...
Fr. Marcel:
I do not know you nor have I ever met you. But as a Catholic in the Archdiocese of Washington, I want you to know, from the bottom of my heart and soul, how grateful we are to have a priest such as you.
You were put in a difficult position, and made a decision to keep the Body of our Lord sacred and not defame the sacrament or the Church. I thank you.
There are those who have no understanding about what you did and why you did it, but yet, they call you all sorts of vile names and insults. There are those out there, who will split hairs about Canon Law, and condemn you. But many of us out there, some just down the road from you, who believe you did the right thing.
Although you cannot defend yourself or your faith, as per the orders of the Cardinal, there are many out there who are happy to defend you, thank you and pray for you.
Feel no shame.
Feel no guilt.
My Mass intention this weekend will be for you. That God gives you the strength to make it through this ordeal of fire and to give you the resolve to continue what you are doing.
Blessed are you when men hate you, and ostracize you, and insult you, and scorn your name as evil, for the sake of the Son of Man.
I pray that the Blessed Mother continues to watch over you.