Wednesday, August 7, 2019

August Theology on Tap -- Controlling the Dialog

The August Theology on Tap (targeting those ages 21 to late 30s) will have Archbishop Gregory as the speaker, on August 13th. 



However, they are asking that all questions be submitted in advance for him to answer.

Here are some questions I would like to see asked by some of the young people, who attend:

  • Former Cardinal McCarrick had a fund, which he used for his personal use.  The fund was managed by the Archdiocese but he was able to write checks in any amount, for any cause.  Will the Archdiocese explain: (1) how much was in this fund; (2) who were the recipients of these funds and the amounts; (3) what does the audit show, and can you make the audit report available; and (4) how much is currently left in the fund and what has happened with the monies.
  • Msgr. Rossi has been accused of sexual assault at CUA.  Why has he not been removed from ministry, pending a full review?
  • Msgr. Rossi has been accused of not living up to his vow of celibacy? Is this true and if yes, why has he not been removed from the priesthood?  
  • Why did the security team at the Shrine lie to George Neumayr about his ability to access the shrine?
  • Why is there a convicted criminal on the Security Staff of the Shrine?

If you control the questions, then you control the conversation.  How convenient!


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